Chapter 85 Fire Fist Ace! Furious Smogg! Inexplicable Lu Shen!!

“You, who are you?”

As if he was still a little frightened, the young man pressed his hand to his heart. The feeling he had just now, he had only once when he challenged his father.

It was a sense of horror that death was approaching.

It was as if the butcher’s knife of death had hung over his neck, and it was only a matter of cutting it to separate his head.

“What, it turns out that this person is not dead.”

“Get up suddenly and scare me!”

“Really, it’s not interesting, it’s scattered.”

The surrounding onlookers shook their heads in dissatisfaction and dispersed in all directions ~

“People from the Whitebeard Pirates, what are you doing in ‘Paradise’?”

Lu Shen walked slowly, sat next to the young man in the cowboy hat, and looked into his eyes: “Portcas · D. Ace. ”

“Or rather, ‘Fire Fist’, Ace, Luffy’s brother?”

Ace’s pupils contracted sharply, staring at the black-clothed young man in front of him: “Who are you?” ”

The muscles in his body were already quietly tensing. As if ready to shoot at will.


Lu Shen did not hide it, took a glass of water from the dining table, drank it and said leisurely: “I’m just an ordinary pirate who has not been at sea for a long time.” ”

“You can rest assured that it is neither the Navy nor the Eagle Dog of the World Government.”

Ace’s brows furrowed deeply, and his eyes seemed to almost say that you were lying to me: “Ordinary pirates? ”

“That’s right.”

Lu Shen waved to the chef boss with interest: “Boss, give me a meal, it’s just as good as him.” ”


The chef nodded without hesitation.

The cowboy hat guest fell down just now, and he thought he had died suddenly.

Now that I wake up, I can be regarded as relieved, so my mood has become extremely happy.

“That’s right.”

Lu Shen turned his head to look at Ace: “My captain’s name, you should be quite familiar.” ”


Ace seemed to think of something: “Who is it?” ”

“Monchi S. D. Luffy. ”

After that, Lu Shen took the steak rice handed by the chef boss and began to eat.

These days, he also eats very little.

After all, the ingredients that can be cooked on the ship have long been cleaned by Luffy’s few gluttons.

No matter how good Yamaji’s cooking skills are, it is also difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

On the side, after Ace heard this name, his expression first shocked, and then became complicated: “It’s really that guy…”

He had actually been looking for a while after hearing that Luffy went to sea. For example, in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, Ace has also followed Blackbeard’s trajectory there.

Even, he asked the people there to help inform Luffy and his gang who might come later.

However, it wasn’t until Luffy and his gang left the Magnetic Drum Kingdom that the people there remembered about it, so they missed it again.

“Where is Luffy now?”

Ace asked aloud.


Lu Shen wiped the corners of his mouth: “It should be almost here, inside.” ”


Ace raised his eyebrows: “Then, I have another question, why would a man like you follow Luffy that kid, what is the purpose?” ”

Judging by the breath of the moment just now, he already knew that this person was probably exaggerated.

The sense of terror and threat as if facing his father made Ace’s scalp tingle.

The specific strength is difficult to judge, but I am afraid that it is also a ‘monster’.

Such an existence would actually follow Luffy, a newcomer pirate who had just gone to sea?

Even if Ace was Luffy’s brother, he didn’t think the kid was qualified to recruit a crew of this level.

Under Ace’s gaze, Lu Shen just shook his head: “I just chose him, to be precise, I think he has that qualification.” ”


Ace frowned: “What qualification?” ”

What qualifies to become One Piece?

Just as he was about to continue asking.

A voice came from behind him: “Heh, captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, ‘Fire Fist’ Ace, you are actually here.” ”

A man with gray hair and two cigars walked into the restaurant. On his back, he also carries that iconic weapon, Ten Hands’.

It was the Captain of the Navy who was supposed to guard the town of Rogue, Smogg!

Ace’s head hung slightly, the cowboy hat covered his face, and the corners of his mouth raised a smile: “Well, it seems that he ran into a troublesome guy.” ”

Smogg looked at him coldly: “Then, you, the long-famous sea thief, come back here”

“What is paradise for?”

Ace patted the wanted warrant on the dining table, which had Luffy’s smiling face printed on it: “I’m just looking for someone.” ”


Smog slowly exhaled a mouthful of smoke: “I’m looking for another group of pirates right now, to be honest, I’m not interested in your head.” ”

Ace spread his hands and said with a smile: “In that case, then you might as well let me go.” ”

Although he said that, his tone was extremely casual, without the slightest intention of asking for mercy.

“That’s not okay, I’m the navy…”

Smogg’s words suddenly froze.

His gaze was fixed on the black-clad figure beside Ace who was dining with his back to him.

For a while, Smog even ignored Ace directly: “It’s you…”

This man, he can’t forget!

Under the execution table in Rogue Town, the hand that directly grabbed his head through the smoke is still reappearing in a nightmare!

It was also the first time that Smogg had experienced such a profound sense of powerlessness called despair.

“Long time no see.”

Lu Shen didn’t look back, but his voice came leisurely: “Smogg.” ”

“Ah, that’s right.”

Smogg’s eyes gradually sank, and his hand also touched the ‘ten hands’ behind his back.

These days, he has been working hard to exercise and strengthen the development and use of fruit abilities.

It was so that I no longer experienced the powerlessness at that time.

Now facing this black-clothed figure again, his heartbeat couldn’t help but start to speed up, and his hands began to tremble slightly.

It’s not fear, it’s a sense of excitement.

Face the excitement of a once-invincible and powerful opponent, and the adrenaline is pumping!

Ace on the side glanced at him inexplicably: “Is there a feud between you?” ”

“Why do you say that?”

Lu Shen wiped his mouth and said puzzled, “I just met him once.” ”

He turned his head to glance at Smogg’s appearance and raised his eyebrows slightly: “You are……… What expression? ”

The expression on Smogg’s face at this time was extremely complicated.

It was a mixture of excitement, hatred, confusion, and a hint of disbelief.

The whole face became a little distorted.

Normal people definitely can’t make such expressions.

It made Lu Shen a little doubtful that he had done something harmful to heaven and reason.

Otherwise, it is not enough to talk about hatred just because of the hostility of positions.

“You guy……”

Smogg’s teeth snapped, and the ‘ten hands’ behind his back slowly unsheathed.

At this moment, a loud whimper suddenly came from outside the restaurant.


Then, before everyone could react, a figure crashed in at a high speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.


“Boom! Boom! ”

Luffy crashed into Smogg’s back, and then the two of them crashed forward into Ace, and finally, directly smashed through the wall of the restaurant.

Ace and Smog disappeared outside the wall, smashing through an unknown number of walls. Only Luffy was left sitting on the ground dumbfounded.

This kid directly turned himself into a rubber bullet in.

There is no doubt that Smog and Ace have served as a cushion for Luffy. Otherwise, he already does not know where to fly.


Luffy’s sharp eyes immediately saw the black-clothed figure in front of the dining table, and his expression became excited: “Woohoo! ”


Lu Shen stroked his forehead helplessly, and turned his head to look at the man in the chef’s suit who was frozen in place: “Boss, let’s make him a meal too, by the way, the amount should be as much as the person before.” ”

“I… I know. ”

The owner is also a person who has seen strong winds and waves, forced himself to calm down and began to cook.

When normal people encounter these things, I am afraid that they have already begun to run. After the meal is served.

The boss hesitated and spoke, “Little brother, are you really not running away?” ”

“Escape? Why? ”

Lu Shen looked at him strangely.

“Those two people just now are members of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy.”

The boss smiled bitterly and said, “This friend of yours has already offended them.” ”

“It’s okay.”

Lu Shen waved his hand, pointed to Luffy who was eating Haisei on the side, and said, “Someone will help this kid solve it.” ”

“Tread, tread, tread—”

Outside the hole in the wall, footsteps sounded.

Ace walked back with an unhappy look, rubbing his shoulders as he walked: “Which guy hit me just now?!” ”


At a glance, he saw the figure of the straw hat sitting in front of the dining table: “Lu…”


Smogg’s hand rested on the back of his head and directly shook him to the ground: “Straw hat kid, and, Lu Shen!” ”

In his eyes, there seemed to be anger burning: “Today, I must arrest you!” ”


The ‘Ten Hands’ suddenly came out of its sheath, and there was a cold glow in the air.


Luffy was still stuffing the food into his mouth with both hands, without even lifting his head.

Lu Shen on the side was also calmly tasting a bowl of fresh soup. The meals in this restaurant are indeed very delicious.

“You guys!”

Smogg’s forehead had tic-tac-shaped bruises bursting out.

Apparently, he was ignored!


The sound of breaking the air resounded, and the ‘ten hands’ cut through the air and smashed in the direction of the dining table.

Luffy raised his hand in amazement, only to realize that he had been attacked. Lu Shen, on the other hand, glanced at it and continued to drink the soup.


A flame suddenly burst out of thin air in midair, blocking Smogg’s way.

“Don’t be nosy!”

Smogg’s eyes were gloomy, and he chewed on two cigars: “Portcas · D. As! ”

“That’s not going to work.”

Ace’s figure appeared in the flames, with a smile on his face: “I must take care of this matter.” ”

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