Chapter 98 Robin’s Power Choice, The Gate of Heaven Arrives! Kill kill with your head full!!

When Robin returned, Sanji was the first to greet him: “Hehe, Miss Robin, you are so strong.” ”

Robin smiled politely and ruffled the long hair of his sideburns: “No, I’m just an archaeologist.” ”

“You are modest.”

Yamaji smiled and ushered her into the invincible zone watching the battle. Not far away, Lu Shen also spoke: “Your ability does have very strong combat potential. ”

The single arm that grows from the flower fruit may not be strong, and the strength is not great.

But there is one point, but it is extremely powerful.

That is, it can grow arms on anyone without reason! It even grows on any object, such as stones, trees, the ground, etc. This ability without limits is simply bug-level.

Robin spread his hands: “Perhaps, I really don’t have any combat talent.” ”

At least, her development of fruit abilities is really not profound.

Lu Shen waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, when they finish the challenge of the dojo, I will take you to choose the power template.” ”

“Picking……… Power template? ”

Robin frowned, unable to understand.

“Lu Shen is the trainer on our ship.”

Yamaji on the side quickly explained: “As long as we complete his customized training plan, we can become stronger…”

After explaining, Yamaji concluded: “So, Miss Robin will see several battles of powerhouses from another world in a while, and after reading it, just choose the power template that suits you.” ”

Robin pondered for a moment and nodded, “I see.” ”

Her gaze flickered slightly, a strong man from another world, which made her very interested.

Or rather, she is more interested in the situation of other worlds, history, etc.


The follow-up Nami, Usopp, Choiba and others also carried out a challenge.

Usopp, in particular, his performance is even more stunning.

Those ammunition, which have been greatly improved, have shown amazing power. There were several ammunition that made Lu Shendu raise his eyebrows slightly, surprised.

It can be said that today’s Usopp is much stronger than when he first boarded the ship.

Such a long period of effort was not in vain.

“Hey, hey.”

Usopp smiled against the bruises on his face, and couldn’t help but raise his long nose: “How about it, the great Captain Usopp has long said, I am very strong!” ”

Although he was chased by the enemy and ran around the field.

But in the end the enemy fell under his ammunition! Sanji shook the soot: “Yes yes yes, you are the strongest.” ”

However, the perfunctory tone is clear.

“Okay, when you want to carry out trial challenges in the future, I will open this illusion for you.”

As Lu Shen spoke, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers: “As for now, let’s solve Robin’s problem first.” ”


With snapping fingers, the dojo space in front of him shattered like a mirror.

It was like changing a wallpaper, and in the next second, everyone was already in that familiar arena.

In the audience, everyone skillfully found a seat.

“This is…”


Robin turned his head and looked around.

“It’s also an illusion that I constructed.”

Lu Shen’s voice sounded not far away: “However, unlike the dojo, the arena here is used to watch others fight. ”

“To be precise, it is to watch the battle of the strong people in another world.”

He added, “I’ve picked four sets of templates for you, and when I’m done, tell me your choice.” ”

Robin was silent for a moment before nodding, “Got it.” ”

This man seemed to be even more mysterious than she thought.

Over there, Luffy and the others couldn’t wait: “Let’s get started!” ”

“I can’t wait!”

“Hurry up, I’m ready!”

Looking at them is like waiting for the start of a blockbuster movie. Even holding a bucket of popcorn in your hand doesn’t feel contradictory………

“So, let’s get started.”

Lu Shen snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, in the arena, a figure descended out of thin air.

It was a young man in a white suit, with short green hair, but the top layer of short hair was dyed dark and tilted to the left.

He also holds a pen in his hand.

No matter how you look at it, this is a unique ‘artist’, or in other words, a literary youth.


Usopp wiped his nose and commented, “Again”

It’s an unremarkable’ strong man.

The others on the side also nodded in agreement.

It can be said that they have seen too many ‘ordinary’ monsters from Lu Shen.

Especially in the dojo just now, the two level ten players that Luffy challenged were even more ‘ordinary’ one by one.

As soon as the result was shot, good guys, all of them are immortal-level figures! So now they say they won’t be fooled anymore.

“His name is Shore Lubo, and as you can see, he’s a cartoonist.”

Lu Shen smiled and said, “Of course, just looking at his own words, he is indeed an ordinary person.” ”


Sensing the element, Usopp and the others’ eyes lit up at once: “Is it finally possible that a character who looks ordinary and is actually very ordinary has appeared?!” ”

This rare appearance of consistency instantly aroused their interest.

Solon covered his forehead helplessly: “Move your toes to think about it, you should also know that ordinary people will not appear here.” ”

“That’s right.”

Yamaji said, “You can’t let Miss Robin learn a template for an ordinary person.” ”

Lu Shen shook his head and said, “He is indeed just an ordinary person, and his special feature is that his ‘stand-in’. ”

“The so-called stand-in is a special power in his world.”

“To be precise, it is an image condensed by spiritual energy, which can cast various special abilities.”

This thing, not so much a stand-in, is actually easier to understand than the name.

Each person’s avatar has different abilities.

Some can even pause time, eliminate physical cause and effect, and so on.

And the shore dew companion in front of him is obviously unusual.

Saying that, Lu Shen waved his hand: “In this way, you can see clearly.” ”

Everyone looked up, and saw that next to the literary and artistic young man, a new figure suddenly appeared.

It was a very short figure, dressed in white and with a transparent hat, floating next to the shoulders of the dewy companion on the shore.

This is the stand-in for Shore Dew.

“Then, it’s time to get started.”

Lu Shen snapped his fingers again.


Suddenly, the picture that had been stagnant in the arena suddenly came to life. Meanwhile.

A huge shadow was cast from above the arena. It was a giant blood beast that was as big as a whale.

It has a single horn on the top of its head, strong limbs, three melons on its legs, and a tail that is not very long behind it.

A sharp fang, people can’t help but feel a chill.


As soon as it landed, the blood beast opened its hideous mouth, and its roar shook the sky!

Wisps of fluttering blood qi pulled blood-colored silk threads in the air, floating in the wind like flots.

An incomparably brutal aura spread.

It seems that its arrival will definitely be accompanied by rivers of blood and life!

“Hmm… What a strong smell of blood! ”

The shore partner covered his nose, with a look of disgust, and there was no trace of panic in his eyes: “You guy, can you gargle your mouth again?” ”

The blood beast obviously couldn’t understand what he was saying, and a pair of scarlet eyes locked on the other party.

To be precise, it was the small white stand-in locked. That ant-like human, it didn’t feel threatened.

But this small white stand-in made its ferocious beast instinctively alert.

Of course, this vigilance does not prevent it from attacking.

After all, it is a complete killing weapon, and everything is made to fight.


After a roar full of deterrent power was issued.

The blood beast had already lowered its body, and the beast claws of its limbs pressed deeply into the ground, its eyes locked on its prey.

This action is very similar to the preparation stage of lions in nature before fighting their prey. Sure enough, the next moment.


The ground cracked and rubble flew up.

The blood beast flew away at an incredible speed, turning into a blood-colored light in the air.

The vicious wind was blowing, and the shore dew couldn’t help but raise his hand and block it in front of his face: “Hmm…”

Such a behemoth pounced.

Not to mention the sharp teeth and claws, the weight alone could crush him to death.


Suddenly, the huge body of the blood beast froze in midair.

The short white double had already crouched on its head, one hand pressed on the top of its head.

A bright white light emerged.

The next moment, under the incredible gazes of everyone in the audience, this huge blood beast suddenly contracted.

Then it became……… A book?!

“How so?!”

Nami’s eyes widened

Usopp also looked stunned: “What about a blood beast that I was just so big?” ”

Solon’s brows frowned slightly: “What kind of ability is this…”

In the blink of an eye, a blood beast suddenly turned into a book without warning. What a ridiculous scene.

Lu Shen explained: “This is the stand-in of the shore dew, the Gate of Heaven. ”

“It can turn the subject’s body into the pages of a book and read their personal information and memories from the book.”

“This ability can even take effect on ghosts.”

Everyone on the side took a deep breath. What a weird ability!

In the arena.

The shore reached out and caught the falling books.

This is an ancient book with a blood-colored cover, and a picture of a hideous blood beast is engraved on it.

“Let me see what you really are.”

The shore dew opened the blood book with great interest and read the words in it: “Kill, destroy, blood…”

Reading it, he couldn’t read it himself.

“Can’t you decorate something else in your head?!”

This is probably the shortest ‘book’ he has ever seen in his life. Or rather, the simplest brain he had ever seen in his life.

No experience, no thoughts, only a head full of killing and killing…

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