Chapter 100 Jade Mo Arrives! A real Shinsuke magician! Suffocating exaggerated values!!

This battle is one of the weirdest battles that everyone has seen recently. It can be said that there is no normal combat appearance.

Not a drop of blood was shed from beginning to end, what weapons slashed, gunshot, fist and foot attacks, nothing!

Even that literary and artistic young man named Shore Lu Ban has not moved much from head to ~ position!

It wasn’t until the picture came to a standstill that everyone reacted.

Usopp rubbed his nose and breathed out: “If this guy is put in the dojo, how many levels of opponents will he be?” ”

Solon was also silent for a moment: “Perhaps, you can’t get in at all…”

Although this stand-in ability called ‘Heaven’s Gate’ seems incomprehensible. But the user himself is just an ordinary person.

Such a presence, it is difficult to specifically position it at a certain level.


Lu Shen on the side nodded and said, “These ‘substitute messengers’, I did not list them as challengeable targets for the dojo trial. ”

Because to fight them, the uncertainty is too high.

Some stand-ins, if they do not understand their abilities, may suffer a big loss to anyone.

But if you understand, maybe even ordinary people can kill its users. Nami also spoke up: “I think this ability should be very suitable for Robin!” ”

Yamaji nodded in agreement, “I think so too.” ”

Because Robin’s identity is an archaeologist.

Personnel who are not full-time combatants themselves.


Nami suddenly turned her head to look at Luffy not far away: “Why is this guy’s pirate group of yours so strangely structured.” ”


Luffy scratched his head, looking confused.

Nami snapped her fingers and said, “Look, trainers, navigators, archaeologists, cooks, and even pets!” ”

At the end, she also pointed to Qioba.

“In this way, aren’t there only two or three combatants?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

If you think about it, it seems to be true?

That leaves Luffy as a captain, Solon as a combatant, and Usopp as a sniper.

Serious combatants……… It’s actually Solon one! In fact, the main thing is that there are too few personnel.

You know, other pirate groups are hundreds of people.

Leaving aside a few navigators and the like, the rest are combatants.

Only Choiba reacted violently, waving his hands in protest: “Hey! I’m a ship doctor! Ship doctor! It’s not a pet! ”

Luffy scratched his head and smiled, “Actually, I also want to recruit some shipwrights, helmsmen, musicians and the like.” ”

Nami covered her forehead, it was obvious that their captain had not thought about this at all………

At this time, Lu Shen turned his head to look at Robin on the side: “It seems that I shouldn’t need to ask you how you feel.” ”

Her eyes were now fiery when she looked into the arena. It’s like seeing an ancient book you’ve never seen before.

Robin ruffled his long hair, smiled slightly, and admitted, “Yes, I like this ability. ”

“So, let’s move on to the next one.”

Lu Shen smiled lightly and snapped his fingers.


With snapping of fingers, the picture in the arena suddenly resets. A new figure descended into the field.

Interestingly, when this figure appeared, the first person among everyone to react was Yamaji.

I saw him take a step, the whole person was attached to the railing of the audience, the pink peach heart in his eyes was about to jump out, and saliva even flowed out of the corners of his mouth.

“Hehe, such a beautiful young lady……… Hey……! ”

The whole person fell directly into a complete idiot. It was a seductive figure.

Blonde hair, white face, nine soft tails stretched out in the air behind her, red lips like fire, but light golden eyes added a bit of nobility to her.

Covered in white gauze with strings of gold ornaments. As soon as he appeared, an inexplicable majesty spread out.

Even if the picture is in a static state, everyone can feel its terrifying aura.


Lu Shen spoke up: “The god of the nine tails, the pseudo-deification of the sun.” ”

“A member of the Caster (magician) job in the world of Fate.”

“Caster’s roots have existed from the distant past to the present”

This is not the familiar pink-haired ‘Tamamo-mae’ wearing a blue witch’s suit.

Strictly speaking, that pink hair can only be regarded as one of the eight tails that were recultivated before the real jade algae.

And the golden-haired and white-faced ‘Jade Mo Mae’ in front of him is a complete body with nine tails and a true ‘godhead’! ”

Even, each of the eight tails he cultivated had obtained a godhead and turned into a separate heroic being!

“I know that world.”

Usopp hurriedly spoke, “When I chose power before, those templates were all from the Fate world. ”

Solon and the others also nodded, and they were also present to watch.

For those few characters who appeared, such as Jin Shingshan, etc., they were still very impressed: “That’s right. ”

Lu Shen nodded and said, “The heroic spirits of the Fate world all have corresponding job titles. ”

“Let me give you an example, you will understand the strength of this ‘Jade Mo Qian’, assuming that the ability value of an A-level Spirit Follower is 100.”

“The value of Caster in one tail is 9, and Caster in the state of nine tails is not the sum of 9 9s but the product of 9 9s, that is, 9 to the 9th power!”

“That is… More than 387.42 million! ”

When this terrifying number came out of Lu Shen’s mouth, everyone fell silent.

If you heard correctly, what Lu Shen said just now was more than 300 million? And an ordinary A-grade heroic spirit, is 100?

This is……… True gods? Lu Shen’s own expression was a little emotional.

What kind of joke, this one single-handedly killed the existence of hundreds of followers………

Even Garna, who was the crown, had admitted that the person in front of Tamamo was in him


I don’t know who it was, but I couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit, breaking this silent atmosphere.

Qioba’s voice trembled slightly: “This……… That’s already over spec, right? ”

Even Sanji, the peach heart in his eyes converged a little: “This……… Madam, obviously so beautiful, but too strong. ”

He even suspected that if he stepped forward to talk, he would probably be slapped into the ground by a tail!

Wait, being slapped by those tails, it seems that it is not impossible……… Sanji’s expression became strange again.


With a muffled sound, Yamaji fell to the ground.

Nami retracted her fists with black lines on her face: “Can’t you be a little more serious about this guy?” Always biased us! ”

Solon on the side tightened the handle of the knife in his hand, and his brows frowned slightly: “In the face of this existence, I’m afraid it’s difficult to even pull out the knife…”

Just that kind of aura suppression from the gods can make more than ninety percent of the swordsmen unable to even pull out their swords!

“All in all.”

Lu Shen shrugged and said, “This is a true Shinsuke Yingling. ”

“So, let’s get started.”

With that, he snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the time that was suspended in the arena began to pass again.


In the roar, the overwhelming blood qi surged, shrouding the entire arena in blood.

The huge body of the blood beast formed in mid-air, casting shadows.

When it landed, a brutal and ferocious aura swept up violently.

As if its very existence represents the word kill!


The blond jade moe grabbed a jade folding fan at some point, and gently unfolded it, blocking the lower half of his face.

Only a pair of pale golden pupils were revealed, and his eyes were smiling.

She stood gracefully in place, the nine foxtails behind her gently swayed, and her mature voice carried an inexplicable charm: “What a cute little kitten~”


The body of the blood beast was slightly lowered, and a low roar came out of its throat.

It was as if it felt some terrible sense of threat. The innate ferocious beast instinct is constantly on warning!

The limbs clung tightly into the ground, and the earth and rock were swayed a little uneasily.


Tamamo chuckled and slouched back.

The air seemed to turn into a soft bed in an instant, holding her firmly in midair.

“Kitten~ Are you going to make a move on me?”

Jade Mo was lying on his side, the jade folding fan touched his chin lightly, and his eyes were playful: “Speaking of which, I’m not very good at fighting~”

The blood beast on the opposite side finally began to act.

It slowly stepped out of its paws, like a cat, gently moving on the ground, without any sound, and its movements were very agile.

It’s like looking for the best orientation to kill with one hit. Suddenly.

“Sa-” The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

The blood-colored shadow swept through the air, as if a huge shadow passed through, fast to the extreme!

The blood beast opened its hideous giant mouth and rushed towards the small figure.

A strong wind full of the smell of blood rushed in.

Yu Moqian’s expression did not change in the slightest, and gently waved the folding fan in his hand: “Yu.” ”


In the air, a wall of golden energy unfolded, a thin layer, as if it could be pierced by stretching out his fingers.


The dull sound of collisions echoed through the arena.

The blood beast seemed to have crashed into a mountain made of steel, and it froze directly in midair.

“Kick! Step on! Step on! ”

It shook its head and kept retreating on all fours, as if it had been knocked out.

“It’s really interesting~” Yu Mo’s eyes were a little more serious, the light gold in his pupils was slightly bright, staring at the huge blood beast on the opposite side: “No wonder you dare to make a move against me, I have already seen it, your mind is full of killing desires.” ”

“Who created it?”

Saying that, her jade hand gently grabbed the air.

A black stone appeared out of thin air in her palm.

“And try it.”

Saying that, Tamamo threw the stone in front of him.

The stone floated into the air, and obscure incantations suddenly appeared on it.

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