Chapter 102: Intix Arrives! Magic Dao Book Library, 13,000 magic books!!

This deity, named ‘Tamamo-mae’, is terrifyingly high.

It is a complete nine-tailed deity with all nine tails and a combination of all incarnations into one.

Not to mention her divine personality, just those eight recultivated tails, each of which is a separate follower spirit!

The unity of the nine tails will bring an exponential explosion boost.

Such an existence, its training difficulty will naturally be terrifyingly high. Obviously, Robin is extremely sane at this point.

And she didn’t lie, she really felt that this nine-tailed god was not high in relation to herself.

Instead, the previous one was called “Heaven’s Gate.”

“‘s stand-in ability, but it suits her appetite.”

Or rather, she is more interested in turning others into ‘books’ to read than the crushing power of the Nine Tails.

“It’s a shame…”

Yamaji looked dejected, and reached out to keep it: “My Miss Tamamo-mae…”

“Well, yes.”

Nami shrugged: “I also think that such a template is too difficult to obtain.” ”

Solon didn’t care about this, holding the long knife, his eyes half-closed: “You need to choose the one that suits you.” ”

Lu Shen said calmly, “Then, the next one.” ”

With that, he snapped his fingers.


In the arena, the screen is abruptly reset.

The ground that had been eroded by the pitch-black curse was removed.

Deep cracks and large pits shot by foxtails were smoothed out by inches.

At the same time, a new figure descended on the field. This is a very petite girl.

No, not even a girl, just a little girl. Long waist-length silver hair, green eyes and snow-white skin.

A monastic dress embroidered with pure white silk and gold thread, it looks like a jumpsuit with a length 07 reaching the ankle.

The nun hat on the head is also a white and gold color scheme. The little face is full of purity and innocence.


Yamaji suddenly raised his eyebrows, and pinched his chin thoughtfully: “This look reminds me of the Miss Tornado I saw before.” ”

Lu Shen glanced at him: “This is not a legal loli, she is a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl.” ”

Of course, in terms of appearance alone, the age is even younger.

Usopp also rubbed his chin: “Fourteen or fifteen years old, that should not be particularly strong……… Right? ”

Perhaps, like the previous ‘shore dew’, an ordinary person with special abilities?

Solon didn’t even change his expression, and said flatly: “It can’t be weak.” ”

All beings that appear in this arena.

So far, there have been no real weaklings!

It can even be said that each one is amazingly powerful! Nami on the side didn’t care about this at all.

She hugged her cheeks and said obsessively: “It’s so cute ~ I want to rub her face!” ”

This little nun is not only cute, but also full of innocence on her face, which makes it easy for people to feel good at the first time.

And this innocence is from the inside out, as if you can see her heart directly.

“Her name is Intix and she is from the forbidden world.”

Lu Shen said lightly: “The cultivators belonging to the Puritan Sect have complete memory ability, and they are the library of magic books that have memorized 103,000 magic books. ”

“That’s right.”

Lu Shen turned his head to look at Nami: “She and the template you chose ‘Mikoto Misaka’ are from the same world. ”


Nami’s eyes widened: “That is to say……… This ‘Intix’ is also a superpower?! ”

She is now very familiar with the Forbidden World’s ability system.

From the weak of LV.1 to the superpower of LV.5. Even the next level of LV.6 absolute ability.

She already understands these levels.

Interestingly, these are called “superpowers.”

“The ability is all a product of the science and technology side.”

The use, development, etc. of each capability requires a lot of calculation. This is why Nami’s training goals include the corresponding computing power.

It can be said that every superpowered person is a walking humanoid supercomputer!

Mikoto Misaka, who is as strong as LV.5, was actually a weak person of LV.1 at the beginning, rather than a superpower of LV.5 as soon as he woke up.

It is also through step-by-step development and learning that she has improved her ability to this point.

If you look at it this way, the little nun called ‘Intix’ is probably also a existence with anti-heavenly computing power.

However, Lu Shen shook his head: “No, in the forbidden world, there is not only the ability of technological measurement, but also the ability of the magic side. ”

“And Intix is a typical representative of the magic side.”

Saying that, the corner of his mouth hooked a meaningful smile: “Do you think, why do I say that she is the [Magic Dao Book Library]?” ”

“In her mind, those one billion and thirteen thousand magic books basically cover the magic techniques of the entire world!”

This can even be called a magic encyclopedia.


Nami’s eyes widened suddenly: “What you just said is, one billion three thousand books……… Magic books? ”

The other people around also looked over, as if some had not returned to their senses. Obviously, when Lu Shen introduced it before, they didn’t listen carefully.

Or rather, I heard it, but subconsciously thought it was a billion three thousand books.

This is still an exaggeration, but compared to other monsters, it is not unacceptable.

But a billion three thousand ‘magic books’, the concept is completely different! It can be said that the little nun in the field almost means the concept of ‘magic’ itself!

Robin’s eyes became extremely hot: “One billion three thousand books…!” ”

This amount.

It’s something she can’t read in her whole life!

Even if you don’t eat, drink or sleep, you can’t finish watching!

Of course, this also confirms the ability of the little nun in the arena.

Lu Shen shrugged his shoulders and said, “Intix has a special physique of ‘complete memory ability’, and whether she expects it or not, she will stuff everything in front of her into her brain. ”

This kind of thing was called ‘hyperamnesia’ in his previous life. But here’s the difference. ”

In these magic books, some of the knowledge is that ordinary people will go crazy when they see it, or even go crazy directly.

However, Intix has a special constitution, and its brain structure has the function of defending against the pollution of the ‘original canon’.

That’s why she was able to seal all these magic books in her memory.


Robin frowned slightly, and his voice lowered. Some: “Then she must have had a hard time…”

Lu Shen glanced at her unexpectedly, and then nodded: “Not only is it hard, but it also carries an extremely heavy mission. ”

For a while, everyone was a little silent.

How heavy the mission of a person carrying a billion magic books is, in fact, just thinking about it can feel it.

And such a person is actually only fourteen or fifteen years old……… Lu Shen said no more: “Then, let’s start.” ”

With that, he snapped his fingers.


In the arena, the frozen picture suddenly came to life.


Roars full of killing and destructive intent resounded from mid-air. The huge body of the blood beast descended out of thin air.

Wisps of violent blood qi spread out in the arena, spreading like spider silk.

The smell of blood was so strong that it was chilling.


The little nun standing in place was obviously stunned: “You, what are you?” ”

Her expression panicked, and she began to hurriedly step back.

As a result, one accidentally tripped over his nun robe and fell directly to the ground.

This look looks even worse than ordinary people…


The blood beast also seemed to be a little confused, slowly pacing in place and spinning in circles.

A pair of scarlet eyes stared dead at the ‘little ant’ prey in front of him. The vigilance in nature makes it subconsciously suspect that the other party is showing weakness.

But after staring for a while, it found that the other party did not seem to be pretending, but a real dish!

“You, don’t come here!”

Intix pedaled her short legs and moved on the ground: “I’m very good!” Me, me, I will magic! ”

It can be seen that she has begun to panic.

As the ‘Book of Magic Library’, Intix stores a vast sea of magical memories.

But she doesn’t use magic herself. Its combat power is not even as good as that of an ordinary human. At this moment, he was naturally frightened.


The blood beast seemed to feel embarrassed by its previous hesitation.

At this moment, it suddenly erupted, and a majestic and vast body of blood qi swept up like wolf smoke.

The next moment, its claws stomped on the ground.


In the furious sound of breaking the air, a blood shadow flew by, smashing towards the little nun on the opposite side.

Even at this critical moment, Intix’s performance was still just a weak human girl.


The ground cracked and rubble flew up.

Billowing smoke filled the air, obscuring the view.


In the audience, everyone couldn’t help but widen their eyes, “It won’t really be hit…”

That little nun did not show any strong characteristics from beginning to end. Even in the last second before the blood beast fell, they didn’t see her make any resistance!

“Don’t worry.”

Lu Shen’s expression was as calm as ever. Sure enough, the next moment.


In the smoke, a faint blue light flickered. It was as if there was thunder shuttling through it.

After the smoke and dust cleared, everyone saw that the hideous and huge blood beast was opening its teeth and dancing its claws at this time, but it could not get close to the little nun at a distance of even a millimeter.

Because in front of it.

A azure wall of energy was standing deadly.

And the originally innocent and cute Intix had become indifferent at this time.

There was no longer the slightest emotion in his eyes.

Around her, a circle of magical elements surrounds her. Vaguely, you can also see the shadow of countless magic books!

“Here it is.”

Lu Shen’s eyes froze: “[Automatic Secretary]!” ”

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