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The content of Credence’s commission, although very exaggerated, but Wilkes remembers every one.

Phoenix’s blood: minimum ten milliliters, remuneration of thirty thousand galleons, or any other conditions.

This is Credence’s order form, there is a record of the collection of remuneration about the phoenix’s heart, he remembers very clearly.

But just thinking about it, Wilkes doesn’t dare to have any idea of coveting Phoenix Fox at the moment, which is simply looking for death.

On the contrary, he felt that he usually had to be more careful, otherwise if Dumbledore discovered something, he could only escape from this place, which was very suitable for his early development.

No longer wasting his mind, Wilkes turned away and walked towards Hogwarts Castle, where there was a Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the afternoon, and in the evening, he planned to sneak into the forbidden area of the library.

There are a lot of things, and you can’t waste time here.


After Wilkes entered the castle, he walked straight to the Great Hall, it was still early, he secretly sensed Hermione’s position in his heart, and came to the Great Hall.

At this time, there were a lot of students sitting in the auditorium, because it was still early in the morning, and many people had not eaten breakfast, so they were gathered by the professors.

Among them, he just glanced casually and found his target, Hermione, who was reading on her stomach, or the two people sitting opposite Hermione and eating breakfast.

“Harry, and…” Wilkes naturally recognized them, but he was a little disgusted with the latter, and said disdainfully, “Unlucky boy, Ron Weasley.” ”

It was the Salvation duo, Harry Potter and Ron.

For Harry, he was still able to do it without annoying it, but Ron, it was a little disgusting.

Because every time, he would say bad things about himself behind Hermione’s back, although Wilkes didn’t care, just as he was a little, but he would inevitably be disgusted.

Thinking, Wilkes walked up to them because he wanted to try it and see if he could borrow something.

If he can borrow it, it will become very easy for him to sneak into the forbidden book area tonight, and if he can’t borrow it, he can only take some risks.

“Hermione, Harry Potter, and… Ron. After approaching, Wilkes said in a friendly and generous manner, and then sat down close to Hermione.

Immediately, the three of them looked up at the same time and looked at Wilkes, with different expressions.

Hermione smiled helplessly, “Wilkes.” ”

Harry looked puzzled, not understanding what he was here for, after all, except when he first entered the school, Wilkes had been in contact with him for a while, and he was like a stranger, and he no longer paid attention to him.

“What are you doing here?!” Only Ron, with an embarrassed face, shouted unkindly.

Wilkes frowned, but after a moment, he returned to normal, chuckled indifferently, looked at Hermione, looked at Harry Potter, and said with a smile:

“Listen to Hermione, you guys are looking for information about Nicolas Flamel, how, did you find the forbidden book area?”

Hearing this, Harry Potter and Ron immediately stared at Hermione, which made Hermione blush and look embarrassed.

Because she had promised them to keep it a secret.

But for Wilkes, she has always had questions and answers, and Wilkes often asked her about Harry Potter, and she naturally said everything about Harry Potter.

It’s just that Hermione doesn’t know, Wilkes just wants to make sure the time of the plot development.

“No need to look at Hermione like that, I’m just here to make an exchange with you.”

At this time, Wilkes interrupted the embarrassment between them with a voice, and said with a smile on his face: “How about exchanging news with Nicolas Flamel?” ”

“What, you know?!”

“What, you know?!”

“What, you know?!”

As soon as his voice fell, the three people sitting in the table immediately widened their eyes at the same time, looking at him and exclaiming, among which Harry Potter was the most excited.

“Really?!” Harry spoke up again, staring at Wilkes seriously, and asked.

“Naturally I know, and I know a little more than you, how, make an exchange, you get the information you want, and I…”

Wilkes’ eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: “You just need to lend me the invisibility cloak for a few days, a mutually beneficial transaction.” ”

He went on to beguile:

“You get what you want, and what you pay is only a cloak of invisibility that will not be used for a few days, a very cost-effective exchange.”

Invisibility cloak, this is Wilkes’ goal, what he wants to borrow, sneak into the forbidden book area tonight, whether the process is easy or not, depends on this.

The forbidden book area, although it seems that anyone can sneak in as long as you cast a phantom body spell, but in fact, it is not.

After half a semester of observation, Wilkes found at least a dozen protective charms within the forbidden book area.

The role of these protective spells is to warn the magic spell, just simply cast a phantom body spell, and stupidly sneak into the forbidden book area, which will immediately cause a roaring warning sound.

That’s why there will be only one Squib in the Forbidden Book, guarded by Filch.

“Impossible!” Before Harry could think, Ron on the side suddenly denied:

“The cloak of invisibility cannot be lent to you!” _

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