The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 10 - 10: Sensing Magic Power

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If someone saw him do that, they would probably think that he was a coward or something, running at the first gleam of danger, but what should he do about it?

He had no idea in what kind of place he had ended up, and what kind of dangers lied in there. In his point of view, he was already really lucky to not have been attacked and eaten already.

It was true that he wasn't totally weak, as, in fact, he was a tier 2 Mage, but he couldn't control that power he had.

It took him around 15 minutes just to create a bathtub shape water tank for God's sake, and that was when he was undisturbed by anything else.

Taking into consideration his weak physique, and his inability to control his strength, then even if he was facing a wolf cub, he would be dead in less than 3 minutes.

This didn't mean that he was going to do always the same though, he was a guy who wasn't really afraid of challenges.

If he at least knew how to use magic in a proper, and efficient way he wouldn't have run away like that, but anyway, that wasn't important to him right now.

What was important right now was to recuperate and take a look outside of the big altar room thing.

Gaia was his world now, as he would try to explore it and rule it slowly. At the moment he had connected to Gaia, and he was its owner, but in fact, the only place he could have a say was this altar place.

He had no idea what lied ahead, and even less a right to impose his will on anything or anyplace outside.

So, he was nothing more than a God without his domain.

His advantage was that different from the other who would need to create their own domain, their own inner world, he already had it, and just had to explore it and use it.

As he was thinking like that, a truly bizarre and weird thought creped up inside his head, what if Earth was in the same standing as Gaia.

What if all this time he had lived inside someone else's inner world! That would be shocking, to say the least.

That couldn't be right!? But he had no way to know if it was or not, perhaps he might learn it sometime in the future, until then this was just a crazy thought of his.

By the time he was finished with his thoughts, due to the nature of the altar he had already returned to optimal conditions, so he started walking towards the only thing that looked like an entrance.

The only reason he knew that was the entrance was that it was right in front of the altar, and the only place where he couldn't see a tree trunk blocking his way.

Nonetheless, the whole thing was completely covered in branches that had intermingled with one another.

In order to get outside, he would have to take care of those branches first. The best way to take care of them would be using magic, and truth be told he needed a way to practice his magic.

As a matter of fact, he needed to practice his sensing of the Magic Power around him. As he came from a World where he had no idea about the existence of such a thing, he needed to start from scratch.

Actually, not from scratch, as he already had an advantage about it, the body he had was already the body of a tier 2 Mage, and instinctively his body collected Magic Power all the time.

All he had to do was to better understand what that Magic Power really was, and how did he absorb it with his will.

It was difficult for someone like him to do it, as theoretically he knew everything about it from his novel writing, but now it was a test of practical skills.

Since meditating and trying to sense it without having an actual idea was really difficult, he decided to go the most boring but progressive way, by trial and error.

What he actually meant!? Really simple, he would just use every bit of his magic to try and attack the branches at the entrance and completely empty his body.

Then he would observe just how did his body absorb the Magic Power from the environment he was, hopefully like this he would succeed.

With that decision made, he just went in front of the branches blocking the door, as he started to imagine the wind around him, he tried to feel it.

Even though the whole place was sealed completely, he could still feel some kind of breeze where he was standing.

He could feel it brush through his chest, through his neck, his hair. It was unbelievable for something like that to happen inside that sealed place, but he wasn't thinking about that now.

He was trying to figure the direction the wind was going, and then try to enforce it, making it stronger and sharper, as he send it towards his enemy, the tree branches.

In theory and in his mind was really easy to be done, it was like 1+1 or something, but in reality, sweat beads were starting to appear on his forehead.

This shit was just too difficult, the moment he tried to power up the wind it would move faster, and he would be unable to sharpen it, and even less direct it.

Damn! This wasn't like he had actually thought about living in a fantasy world. It wasn't like he expected to be the strongest immediately, but he didn't think it would be so difficult either.

In all his novels, the main characters always had great talent, or had something to help them pass their steps easily, why didn't he have such a thing?

Surely there were the memories of his Master but they were too old and were meant to be for someone who had grown up feeling that Magic Power, not someone like him.

As he was thinking about it though, he was finally reminded of something, he didn't have only the memories of his Master.

He also had the memories of the old owner of his body, even though his dream was concentrated only on the most important parts, and everything else was fast-forwarded, those memories existed.

He only needed to concentrate and try to focus on those memories in order for him to relive that training.

Certainly, these guys weren't born with cultivation knowledge right!? If the old Roy had been able to do it, then why couldn't he do it too!?

Thinking like that, he immediately sat down at the altar once again, as he started rummaging through the memories left behind by the old Roy.

It took him a while to find the right memories, but really soon everything was in front of his Soul Avatar's eyes.

Immediately in front of him appeared his father, or to be more exact the old Roy's father, but he had started to feel him like his own father too.

It wasn't his fault, that dream had been just too damn realistic, and for someone like him who had never felt parental love, it was more than a vital strike.

For that reason, looking at that image in the memories his heartbeat became a bit faster, as he 'his' father then came close to the little Roy, and said,

"Are you trying to practice Magic Power, son?"

"Yes, father!"

"And how do you think of doing that!?"

"Well, I am trying to feel the presence of the Magic Power around me father, but I can't feel a thing like it doesn't exist!"

"That is because you are trying to run without even starting to walk boy."

"What do you mean father?"

"You are jumping a few steps son. Perhaps there are people who have sent the Magic Power into the environment easily, but not everyone is the same.

You don't have to rash, you have to take it slowly step by step. In order for you to feel the MP better, you will have to try it in a place with a much stronger MP.

A place where your whole body will be covered in MP, and your skin and senses will be agitated the whole time."

The little Roy seemed to be heavily thinking about his father's words, but there was nothing coming to his mind, as he asked with an ashamed voice,

"Where do I find such a place father?"

Hearing that his father showed a smile on his face, as he said with the voice of a wise sage,



"Yup here!"

"Are you joking with me father?"

"Nope, I am not!"


Waiting for the situation to become a bit tenser, his father finally continued with his wise sage mode,

"Well you take a bath every day, right? Isn't your body soaked in water, and in water MP at that time, as your body is underwater the whole time!?"

The little Roy was completely shocked at that time as he had never thought about it, but he wasn't the only one shocked, as so was the new Roy who was reliving this memory.

His head had truly been overflowing with ideas, and ways that he had used in his novels, and had totally forgotten to use his logic.

It was shameful to accept it, but he probably would have never thought of this way here, if he hadn't relived this special memory.

At that moment both Roys' were looking at the wise man in front of them with admiration in their eyes when they heard a sweet voice behind,

"Aren't you being shameless gaining credit with little sister Bennedeta's methods!?"

The moment the man heard that voice behind his back, his face immediately went off, as old Roy started laughing at his father's antics, while the new one was crying…

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