The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 107 - 107: Change Of Mentality & Young Noble Fjord

Even though Roy didn't enjoy the screams of pain and torture from these savages, he still would have wanted to hear them for longer.

Too bad that he couldn't, and he was pressed for time though, as he needed to act as fast as he could.

While the danger from the Coyote tribe had been suffused at the moment, that Young Master Fjord should be at the gates of his camp.

He had to reach there as quickly as possible and make sure that that idiot didn't cause him huge losses, even though he had decided that after this he would leave the camp.

While he would love to stay behind and slowly build up his forces, he knew that it was impossible at the moment, as too many forces on the outside were asking for a piece of this place.

He didn't know the reason, or their gains in whole this mess, but he knew that at the moment he was unable to put up a fight against them.

He felt that if he stayed in this place then he was most probably going to end up just like in the vision of his little Time Mage, so he had to make some changes.

He hadn't understood until now, but it seemed like this world had just too many heroes, and Masters, as even a medium barbarians tribe like Coyote was able to put such a lineup.

If he wanted to have a better understanding of this new planet, and its strength, he had to get out of the barbarian forest and look outside.

That initial excitement and enthusiasm of leading a tribe slowly to the top had most certainly disappeared from his mind, as right now he had more important things to care about.

It was true in all of his books, and it was true in real life as well, wherever and whenever it was the world would always be fearful of people with potential.

Even in a place like this Death Forest, if he showed the potential of sending these big brawny idiots towards glory and strength, people would try to cut him down.

So, he couldn't stay here, as he needed to roam the world, to gain a better understanding of the world, and also the different forces and organizations.

Know yourself, know your enemy, and you will be invincible through thousands of battles. This was the creed of every general, ruler, and politician.

With these thoughts in his mind, Roy quickly cut the tendons of each and every one of these idiots, making them completely unable to escape, washed them a bit more in acid, and left them there.

Taking the two ladies that had survived until that moment one in each shoulder, he quickly started running towards his own camp.

While Roy was going through so many dangerous situations and changes in mentality, Young Master Fjord was going through changes of faces and expressions.

This time he had come with the clear intention of clearing his shame and making that presumptuous bastard that had destroyed and ashamed him the previous time to wish he was dead before he found him.

What other choice would he have, as this time the strength, and the number of soldiers, warriors, and mages was almost incomparable with the first time.

Just normal Warriors and Soldiers were 10 times the number he had the first time, not to mention that even the number of Masters had increased.

12 Rank 2 Warriors, and Mages!

4 Rank 3 Warriors and 2 Rank 3 Mages!

Including a Rank 4 Warrior that had come to protect him by the side. It was like trying to kill a chicken using an ox-cleaver. There was no other option for Roy besides complete annihilation.

Unfortunately, just as he was laughing himself to sleep every night, they learned that even the Coyote Tribe had sent a powerful lineup to deal with Roy.

No one knew the reason why something like this was happening, as in fact, neither Roy nor his camp deserved such a line-up and such attention.

But both sides took this as an opportunity to deal a blow to their enemy. It was clear that once one side started fighting with Roy's camp, and suffered some losses, the other side would try to bury them together.

More than the hate between two barbarians tribes though was the hate between two outsider helpers.

Both barbarian tribes could understand this, but none of them dared to express unwillingness, or unacceptance, as they could only hope that they were the winners.

Knowing about this Young Master Fjord seemed to especially hate the waste, and good for nothing Young Master in the opposite camp, as he had stolen him a flower, so he needed to show him a good time.

With these thoughts in mind, he had acted against his enemy's expectations, as he had sent a letter to the enemy for cooperation in dealing with Roy.

In that letter, he boosted Roy's strength, means, and wisdom as he made him look like he was some kind of crown prince from the big and powerful Kingdoms or Empires.

Perhaps if he knew that Roy was such an individual, he would have never even thought of finding trouble with him, but there was no way for him to know about that.

Most probably at that moment, the whole Navita thought that Roy was deader than dead. And Roy had no intention of changing it soon.

At the same time, he also pleaded with his opponent to take a strong army, and a powerful lineup of Masters to come and aid him in this great mission he had, despite Roy's camp being in his field.

As for the reason for this great mission, he said that it was because Roy had been kidnapped through some shameless tricks his new wife, and younger brother, and he and Roy couldn't live under the same sky.

In his letter, he had tried to lower himself as much as he could, while rising his opponent's spirits and vanity.

And it worked, that waste had truly taken quite the army, and a lineup of Masters to come and help him in taking care of this scourge he couldn't live with.

He understood the opponent's intentions to deal with him after, even though he had promised him a lot of benefits, but he didn't care.

With his preparations, it would be great if that Young Noble was able to leave this Death Forest with his life, not to mention thinking of dealing with him and his side.

He intentionally set a bit later, in order to let that waste, reach the place earlier, but even though he tarried as long as he could during the route when he arrived there was no sign of that waste or his army.

That made him extremely surprised, and worried, as he thought that perhaps that waste had seen through his intentions and had intentionally done something like that.

Well, not that he didn't expect it, but still it was a big problem for him. Without losing time, he sent the scouts to have a look at what was going on.

Since the other army was still far away it was extremely nerve-wracking for Young Master Fjord to wait for news.

The longer it took the scouts to bring the news, the more worried and psychotic he became, as that meant that either his scouts hadn't found the enemy, or that they couldn't find him.

It never crossed his mind that his opponent would turn back mid-way as the temptation was really strong for him. After all, Young Noble Fjord even promised one of his sisters.

For a lady born in a Noble house, her fate was sealed from birth. They were raised as untouchable flowers with the best of the best, only to be used as currency against other noble houses.

And for Young Nobles like Young Noble Fjord or his opponent, these ladies were like some sort of collection objects, and his opponent had longed for a long time for his sister.

So, he was extremely sure that he wouldn't give up mid-way, he would most certainly appear on the battlefield, and 'help him out'.

But now there was no sign of that guy, which made him extremely angry, and unstable. It took more than 3 days for his scouts to return with some news, and it was nowhere what he was expecting to get.

The camp of the army of his opponent was burned, and under ruins, with no signs of his army, or the powerful Masters, making him even more worried.

He didn't understand why, or how this was possible, but it most certainly wasn't a good thing, as it brought him with two new thoughts.

Either this was a trap from his opponent to trick him, and make him lower his guard, or there was something or someone stronger that managed to destroy his forces.

Despite the fact that he knew that his forces were greater as he had the Rank 4 Warrior by his side, he still didn't dare to think lightly of this matter.

Thinking like this, he decided to go and check up on the situation by himself, with the help of that Rank 4 Warrior, as he couldn't believe the scouts' news.

When he reached the place, he experienced one of the most frightening and shocking situations of his whole life.

As a Young Noble from a Noble house his whole life had gone through flowers, and parties, where would he have seen 70 people butchered like food animals and left to root in the fresh air.

As if that wasn't enough, he even witnessed the scene inside the cave…

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