The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 109 - 109: Choices

Roy was on top of a big and thick tree, hidden behind its leaves and branches, as his sense area was spread downward at the most of his capabilities.

From the moment he had developed his sense area, he didn't need to approach his target to spy on it, even if there was a 1-meter-thick wall in front of him, he didn't need to care about it.

Certainly, the thickness and the material of the wall interrupted his ability to spy across the wall, but that didn't matter now, as there was no wall in front of him, just leaves and branches.

But the moment that he heard the rumors amidst the soldiers he couldn't help but have an extremely weird and complicated expression on his face.

He probably would have never thought that this was possible, these guys were walking towards the cave in order to act as bait for the two Rank 5 beasts, and they understood that perfectly.

Still, none of them seemed to have the chance or the idea to return back as they all had friends and families left behind in the domain of their Master.

They were obligated to go and act as bait, even though they knew that the chances of their death were so much higher than their chances of surviving this damn situation.

What they didn't know though, was that not even one of them would die due to those two Rank 5 beasts, as the poor beasts were already deader than dead.

This didn't mean that none of them would die, as the two Rank 5 beasts weren't the only ones in that region, but their casualties would certainly be less than predicted or thought.

But as he heard the soldiers and Warriors whispering amidst one another he was reminded of something else, the two Rank 5 beasts cubs.

The Acidic Chameleon certainly seemed to have that cave as its own layer, and since there were no cubs, it meant that it didn't have any.

But he had no idea about the Green Horn Snake's lair and cubs, if he managed to find one or two of the snake's cubs then wouldn't he have a beast with the ability to storm towards Rank 5?

His other beasts already had reached Rank 3 almost all of them, but this seemed to be their potential.

It would be extremely difficult for them to surpass this Rank no matter how many corpses he gave them.

So, the cubs of the Green Horn Snake were probably one of his best opportunities of having a Rank 5 beast in the near future.

But at the moment that he had dealt with the two Rank 5 beasts he had been pressed for time and didn't know the situation of his camp, so he had to run back at his top speed.

It was only now that he could finally relax himself and think about his next steps once again in a calmer, and deeper stand.

There was one thing that didn't change though, before going to disrupt these guys' plans, and take those Green Horn Snake's cubs, he had to make a trip back to the camp and disperse the camp.

He would take only his ladies with him while letting the rest of the tribe decide for their selves.

Thinking like that, he waited for the army to pass by him, as he quickly continued for his path towards the camp.

With his speed, it wasn't difficult for him to reach the camp, and enter inside, as he found out that everyone was in tenterhooks, and checking the situation.

The guards were arranged in great formations, and in quick sessions allowing them to preserve their strength and their alertness.

The Deputy Head of the tribe seemed to be in attendance and not believing that the enemies had run away, which made Roy appreciate this fiery beauty and her daughter in his mind.

But now he didn't have time to lose, so he quickly appeared in front of her and the two warriors, as he said with a solemn and serious expression,

"You don't have to worry about that army anymore, they are gone!

Everyone follow me to the Royal Tent I have important news for all of you!"

The fiery beauty, Gidella, and the wolf and bear duo were extremely startled and surprised at Roy's appearance, as they didn't know what to think, or what to feel at that moment.

Especially after hearing that first bomb of that large and terrifying army have retreated back, they thought that this was their Tribe heads work, and he had created a miracle for them.

Roy had turned into some kind of Supreme being, or God in their minds, and hearts as he was showing them miracles one after the other, with his strength roaring towards the peak.

With those thoughts in their hearts, and minds, they immediately followed behind him with their heads held high, and their spirits roaring.

No one expected a bigger bomb the moment they entered the Royal Tent, as Roy said with a calm, and natural voice,

"I am disbanding the camp! I will leave the Death Forest for some time due to a particular situation that has risen.

You guys should decide whether you will stay behind and live by yourselves or go and join the medium camps.

I am sure that with your strength right now, they won't treat you badly, and you will receive quite the attention and conditions!

You can decide to go there and merge totally in their structure, or seek shelter until I return, no matter what, I won't impact your selection.

Now go and make a decision you have 1 day to do so!"

"Master, we…"

Certainly, there were people who wanted to say something in front of him and ask him to take back his decision, but he just raised his hand, and everyone stopped.

"I have already made my decision, now it's time for you to make yours!"

The barbarian warriors couldn't help but lower their heads, and get outside of the Royal Tent, as after them it was the time for his Harem Palace members.

After what he witnessed outside the cave, Roy understood that not all of these ladies wanted to follow behind him, so he decided to make a little cleaning before leaving,

"Your situation is a bit different, as we have a fate and relationship together, so each and every one of you have one more possibility that of following me.

But let me make one thing clear, if you decide to follow me, then your path is going to be extremely rough, and dangerous, and you might suffer at every moment.

You also have one hour to make your choice!"

There were a lot of complicated looks among the beauties in front of him, as quite a few of them lowered their heads to ponder, or in embarrassment as if they would be caught stealing.

Roy clearly noticed all of those faces, and he even took a mental photography of this moment in order to make a comparison later, as he then said,

"Now leave me alone, I will call you inside after an hour!"

With that said, all the ladies started leaving the place slowly with only a few of them staying behind.

From the first 10 women he had in this Death Forest, the fiery beauty, her two daughters, Allena, Valerie, and her two mothers stayed behind.

What surprised them the most though was the fact that even that imprisoned little barbarian princess that Roy had picked during the War Dance was staying inside the room without leaving.

Looking at them staying Roy felt a little bit of satisfaction inside, as he felt that he hadn't done a wrong selection, but outside he kept a cold face, as he asked,

"Why aren't you leaving outside to think?"

"Because we don't have to go outside to think, we have already made our selection and will choose to follow you no matter what.

We either live in glory or die trying! We have already tied our lives and hopes with you, no matter what!

At least I can say so for me and my blood, I don't know about others."

The first to answer was clearly the fiery beauty, as she not only had the seniority in the Harem Palace but also the highest strength.

Right after her, it was time for Valerie who said,

"You know perfectly that me and my mothers' don't have anyone else to return to beside you, so even if we die, we will be ghosts that will accompany you!"

When she was over it was time for the little barbarian princess, and her two accompaniers, which had clearly surprised the other ladies.

They had clearly been with Roy for some time now and could be said to understand him a bit, but she had just arrived here.

Why was she staying behind!? Could it be that this little girl had great intuition and had understood something from these days!?

What surprised them the most though were her words at that moment,

"I don't think that I need to explain myself, do I!?"

Hearing all this Roy had to say that he was quite satisfied inside, as he couldn't help but show a smiling face, as he said,

"Hahahah~! Well, it looks like not all my efforts have been in vain! I will have to reward you better in the future.

Now prepare yourself to leave the place, we are leaving this place for a long time right after!"

With that said he went down to the underground structure, and quickly took inside his storage ring everything down there, including the equipment of the Pleasure Room.

The three masked beauties inside were sent to Gaia, as the one hour time was over…

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