The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 122 - 122: Clash Of Young Nobles

Even if he didn't like, or even hate these people that had just entered his camp, he was forced to come and greet them with a smile on his face.

In fact, to be more exact it wasn't like he hated each and every one of the people that entered inside the camp, just a few more pedantic and arrogant Young Nobles than himself.

To specify it even further, there were two people that he couldn't stand among the crowd of the newcomers, one was that Young Master Clark and the second was that young man beside Master Troy.

Still, Young Noble Fjord was the perfect example of bullying the weak and fearing the strong. Even if he had 100 times the current courage he still wouldn't dare to show his true feelings on his face.

As the Young Noble of a fairly powerful Baron, he was taught from a young age how to act, and hide his true feelings so it wasn't difficult for him to do so, as he said as if he was extremely happy,

"Welcome Masters is this little one's honor to have you Masters here helping us in this difficult mission!"

He even bowed a bit towards the newcomers in order to show his humility towards them. But his humble actions just invited the spite of Young Noble Clark, who said in an overbearing tone,

"Young Noble Fjord is truly joking calling this simple mission as difficult. Perhaps it would be if you are considering your punny strength though.

Now that our Clark family has arrived here, it will be just a piece of cake to kill those two beasts!

Oh right, we will even have to find them, as Young Noble Fjord is unable to even track two injured beasts!

You have my compliments Young Noble Fjord, it is extremely difficult to make these great achievements!

You are making us lose face in front of little sister Amelia!"

One would have to be blind or stupid in order to not understand what this Young Master Clark was trying to do, as his head was standing up like a proud chicken.

Looking at the corner of the eye the reaction of the beauty behind him. The little sister Amelia he mentioned was none other than Master Gorg's daughter.

The moment that she heard this good for nothing mention her name, she coldly harrumphed without even caring about Young Noble Fjord to answer, as she said,

"Young Noble Clark better mind his tongue, you have no right to call me little sister, we are not that close!"

It was clear that the beauty didn't have any good opinion about this guy, and most probably she looked at him just like a bothersome fellow.

Roy who was in the soldier's formation, couldn't help but give another look to this beauty, as women like her should be extremely rare in this world, and in this era.

Young Noble Clark's face went dark when he heard those words, but he didn't dare to say anything to her, especially with her father by her side.

Who didn't know what kind of character that Master Gorg was, a lunatic that would challenge everyone he came across.

His only daughter Amelia was the apple of his eyes, he would never allow anyone to make her suffer, even if he were a Young Noble of the Clark family.

So left with no choice he could only blurt with an apologetic look,

"I am sorry Young Miss Amelia, it's just that I thought that after this arduous journey we had grown closer. But apparently, it was just my misconception!"

"Hmph~! Arduous journey as if! Just like you said that was your misconception, so you better watch your tongue from now on! You and everyone else who has such a misconception!"

This time it wasn't just Young Noble Clark, but even the pretty boy beside Master Troy that looked at Amelia with a dark face. Yet none of them dared to express their current mood.

They could only look at her with complex thoughts and opinions, but Roy could swear that he understood their thoughts at that moment.

As someone who had written many novels and had thought of the same situation many times, he could swear that their thoughts were on the line,

'Continue acting like an arrogant bi*tch, you damn sl*ut, but one day I swear that you are going to end up moaning under me!'

Typical Young Noble thoughts, perhaps if he were in their place, having their power and background he would think the same.

Perhaps if he wasn't there then these two idiots might have a chance, too bad that he was there though, and he had taken a liking to this beauty.

Not just from her words and beauty though, but from the fact that she had the face of a woman that fought hard to achieve her dreams.

If he managed to have someone like her by his side, he was assured that he would be able to achieve his goals and dreams much easier.

He didn't care about her father's support, in fact, he would prefer to have him away from him, such a battle maniac was difficult to control.

In the meantime, Young Noble Fjord once again invited everyone inside to have a war meeting in order to decide upon their plan from now on, while briefing them upon the situation.

Young Noble Clark was clearly not satisfied with the current situation, so he wanted to continue taking his anger upon Young Noble Fjord, but his courage dispersed as he looked at the faces of people behind him.

While these guys would enjoy some good show, right now they had each come here with the purpose of catching those two beasts.

Each of them for their own reasons, and each of them with their own plans. Every passing minute was a lost minute for them at this point.

So how would they permit this buffoon to continue with his antics? Especially Master Gorg who was already pissed of with this brat that dared to make a move towards his daughter.

As a battle maniac, he also supported his daughter in finding someone that was able to beat her, as then he could 'play' and have fun with his son-in-law.

But now this damn waste seemed to have thoughts towards his daughter when he was unable to even strangle a chicken.

In this kind of situation, Young Noble Clark could do nothing else but curse inside him, and enter the main tent, followed by the Masters behind him.

But while the battle of Young Nobles had finished, as everyone had entered the main tent, there was another battle that was expected to happen, the battle of the soldiers.

Clearly, these guys didn't like the fact that their Young Noble had entered the tent with an ashen face, as they started provoking and insulting the soldiers of Young Noble Fjord.

Since Roy's fellow soldiers knew about the situation and position of their Young Noble in front of the Master behind these guys, they didn't dare react to their provocations.

The best part about this moment was that some of those guys started even provoking Roy, as they started insulting his Young Noble as best as they could think of.

Roy had to admit that these guys had quite the talent, as even he was unable to think of some of those insults, but that just made his wish to laugh out loud even bigger.

After all, Young Noble Fjord was one of his enemies, and he had even stolen more than one of his women from him, so why would he care if they insulted the guy or not.

He was barely holding inside the wish to laugh and say. 'This brother here has fucked his women, and chased him down like a dog literally, why would I care about those stupid words?'

But no one else besides him knew about that though, so the captain beside him was looking at him with an appreciation for having such a calm and composed stature.

Roy would have never thought that one day he would be in such a situation, but this shit was so funny that he could barely hold his laughter.

The others though thought that his trembling figure was due to the seething rage inside him, as they continued provoking him.

It took Roy a lot of effort to control himself from laughing at first, but slowly he got used to it, and no matter what they said it didn't matter much to him.

This reaction of his gained him even more appreciation from the captain, and the soldiers around him, as slowly those provoking guys even seemed to get slowly tired of it.

In no time it looked like little kids trying to anger a grown man, even though the difference in ages was clearly in the opposite direction.

Finally, everything was over when the Masters and their entourage came out of the main tent after they had discussed their plan of action.

Just like mice ran away to their burrows once the cats comes to hunt, even these soldiers disappeared the same way.

As fate had it, Roy and his team would follow behind Master Troy and that pretty boy by his side to search in the East direction.

Young Noble Clark and his people were on the West, Young Noble Fjord was on the North, and Master Gorg and his daughter were on the South.

It seemed like Master Gorg and his daughter wouldn't be accompanied by any soldier, despite the fact that these Young Nobles might have offered him that.

Roy felt that it was a pity since he wouldn't be able to interact with that beauty along the way, but it wasn't like they would find the beasts anytime soon anyway…

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