The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 141 - 141: Three Turns In A Row

As Master Gorg was in a pinch against the demonic Master Troy, not far away from them the dust and debris clouds were slowly falling to reveal the condition of Amelia and Young Noble Clark.


Total Shock!

No one was able to understand for a moment how everything had happened the way it had.

While there was blood trickling down Amelia's lips, and her body and clothes were burned in most parts, she was still standing firmly on her feet.

But that wasn't the reason why everyone was shocked, the reason for that was because Young Noble Clark had finished lying on the ground with blood dripping from his left shoulder, and left leg.


It should be impossible for blood to appear on Young Noble Clark's body when he had something like the Rank 4 Rock Barrier on him.

Since there was blood then it meant that his barrier had been brought down by Amelia. Which meant that even in that state she was able to make an attack with the strength of a Rank 4 Warrior.

How could people not get shocked by that? It was the same as understanding that the wolf that they had thought dead, was now showing her bloody teeth to them.

No one could believe that something like that had happened, but most importantly they were all trying to rake their brains to understand how it happened.

In fact, the truth was that Amelia hadn't thrown her sword energy attack to the two Fire Balls attack that Young Noble Clark hurled at her.

No, she had used just a simple physical attack to face the two Fire Balls, and then under the cover of the fire around her, she had waited for Young Noble Clark to enter her area of attack.

It was only when she had determined that it was impossible for him to escape her attack, that she finally launched the sword energy attack breaking his barrier in one go.

Then using the moment of shock, she launched two quick physical attacks on him, one towards the heart, and one towards his family jewels.

After getting infuriated by this waste, Amelia had decided to be quite heavy with him, and teach him a good lesson before his death.

But even though Young Noble Clark was caught by surprise, he was still a Rank 3 Warrior, so he was able to dodge her attacks to some extent.

With an impossible turn of his body midair, he had managed to dodge the vital attacks, while sacrificing his left shoulder and left leg, almost losing conscience.

"Arrrgggghhh~! You damn bi*tch! I will fucking ra*pe you until you die! You will fu*cking regret this, I swear!"

As everyone was in a daze thinking of the resolve, strength, and abilities of Amelia to pull such a stunt and bear the pain of two Rank 2 Fire Balls with her physical body, and her will, the victim started screaming.

Who could blame the poor Young Noble Clark, this was supposed to be his perfect trap, a realization of his dreams, wishes, and planning. And it had ended like this.

It wasn't that he didn't want to get up, but that he couldn't. Right now, the full left side of his body was in extreme pain and suffering, as he was unable to pull himself up and stand.

If this was considered just a duel between Amelia and Young Noble Clark then it clearly was Amelia's win, but unfortunately, this wasn't a simple duel.

Amelia understood this as well, so despite the pain in her body, despite her current look, despite her current situation, she still started charging another sword energy attack, the last that she could.

She had to cripple this waste as soon as possible and hope that the soul contract she signed would be real and useful to her.

Her strength was slowly losing out, and she could feel that she didn't have much time at that moment, so she had to act quickly.

One had to admit that Amelia's will was truly a will forged of fire and metal, as despite everything she was able to charge her sword energy attack.

But before she could throw her attack towards her target, she felt a raging wind destroy most of her charged momentum, and even change the aim of her attack.

'Booommm…, Crackkk…'

There was a lot of noise, and her powerful attack caused quite the damage, only that it wasn't towards the target but towards some trees in the surroundings.

Feeling that happen, a wave of terrible anger and rage clouded her beautiful face, as she turned her face around and looked towards the scum that had destroyed her efforts.

It was none other than Young Noble Fjord, who had quite the mocking grin on his face at the moment, looking at her as if she was a stupid woman.

"Bet you didn't expect that!"

These were the only words he said towards the raging beauty who was still conscious and standing due to the anger and rage boiling through her body.

She couldn't believe that this scum had been working in cahoots with the other scum, and this had all been a big trap set up for her and her father.

It was totally unbelievable to her!

Why was there a need to do something like this? Why was there a need to act like this? Did they fear her father so much?

She was enraged, she wanted to kill these scums with her hands, she wanted to cut them each 999 times, and then stuff their wounds with salt.

She wanted to skin them alive! These two scum didn't deserve to live for another day! Every extra second of breath they took, was like an extra curse upon the world of the living.

"Arrggghhh~! You damn beasts! I swear that if I don't die today, I will make you suffer in eternity!

Arrggghhh~! Why are Heavens so unfair! Why are monsters like you alive! I would sell my soul to make you suffer, I swear!"

No one knew from where did she find the strength to scream like that, and every one of them felt a cold chill on their backs as they heard those words.

But the next moment whoever was alive exploded in a big and loud laugh. It looked like they were mocking her, but they were actually trying to throw away their instantaneous fear of her words.

The only two people who seemed to be truly amused by her words were only the two Young Nobles, Clark and Fjord.

Young Noble Fjord couldn't even stop himself as he said,

"Hahahaahha~! Do you think that we will give you the opportunity to do so? You are doomed to become our bi*tch and our extra cum dumpster! Hhahahha~! Just like you mother!"

Amelia's anger and rage rose to new heights, as she felt like she was even close to vomiting blood, but before that could happen, she heard a voice traveling to her,

"Do you stand by your promise!?"


"Will you give me your body, soul, and heart if I help you to make them suffer and save you from your current predicament!?"


"Answer fast or walk your path!"

"I-I pro-promise!"

"Very well then, from today forth you belong to me! Leave everything in my hands!"

This conversation clearly surprised and shocked quite a few people in the surroundings, as even Young Noble Fjord felt that something wasn't right.

In fact, he felt like he had heard this voice from somewhere and he hated it to the bones. He didn't understand why, or what was going on, but he didn't like it.

Just like his soldiers a few moments ago, he started laughing as well, as he said with a loud voice,

"Hahahaha~! What a funny joke! Who the fu*ck do you think you are? Are you some kind of Divine, or some Emperor!? Boastful piece of trash! Just show yourself and come receive your death!"

Roy was quite shocked at Young Noble Fjord's words, as he didn't think that there would be such an idiot who would willingly offer his life to a Young Noble just because he said so.

Well, those peasants and weak soldiers might do so when threatened with the lives of their loved ones, but why should he do it?

Even more so when the enemy doesn't even know his name or his appearance!? Wasn't that a completely stupid thing to do?

As he was looking at the expressions of the people in front of him though, a flash of appreciation appeared in his eyes, as he felt that Young Noble Peers had found out his identity.

Just like he had thought this guy was quite sharp, and intelligent. He didn't want to kill him directly, so he was willing to give him another last opportunity.

As for Amelia, she couldn't believe what was happening around her, as her oath and promise had been taken in a spur of rage and anger.

She wasn't thinking straight, but the heart of a swordsman or swordswoman had to be direct and honest, so she would have to stand by her promise.

But what made her feel even more conflicted was the fact that she felt like this wasn't her first time hearing that voice.

An unpleasant episode coursed through her head at that moment, as she couldn't help but stumble a bit. 'It couldn't be, right!?'

But before she could determine whether that was the case or not, Roy appeared beside her, supporting her to stand, as he said,

"Well, here I am Young Noble Fjord standing in front of you! I am sure that you won't run away with your tail between your legs like the first time, right!?"

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