The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 159 - 159: Fighting Amelia Closure (33)

Using the same stance as her, the same movements, with a completely crappy and destroyed sword on his hand, Roy sent a Sword Energy attack to clash upon the remaining Sword Energy attack of hers.

His attack was extremely rusty, like a sword without a blunt blade, but it still managed to not only clash with the Sword Energy coming for him, but it even neutralized it easily.


Despite the fact that the two swords never clashed with each other, a clear sound of two swords clashing rang through the surroundings, as Amelia couldn't believe her senses.

Just how the fu*ck, was this possible?

Since then it has been so easy for someone to train into the energy of the weapons. Despite Sword being one of the most commonly used weapons, it was still extremely hard to cultivate its energy.

All this time that she had fought against Roy she had never felt even the tiniest bit of Sword Aura around him, and even less think of having Sword Energy.

So, how the hell it was possible for this guy to use Sword Energy as an attack against her. It was just unbelievable.

On the other hand, Roy seemed dissatisfied with his reactions, he had thought of using the Sword Energy as his Magic elements, but it was clearly not the right way to go.

Forgetting about the fact that his attack seemed extremely rusty, blunt, and unable to become a threat, all the Sword Energy he had gathered was spent in one strike, and it didn't restore.

Even though he had just used Sword Energy to attack, it was more like using an external force, than something that belonged to him, which made him clearly dissatisfied.

Well, if someone would be capable of learning and using Sword Energy that easily then wouldn't the hard work, and pain of many Sword maniacs like Amelia be worthless?

But even though he understood this, it didn't mean that he approved it. Every human being is greedy, and even more someone like Roy who wanted to reach the top.

It was precisely that greediness that kept them going towards the top without ever thinking of taking a step back.

Still, now wasn't the time to think about that, as he was in the middle of a duel, and if he stayed like that for long, then he would certainly lose.

If he lost then he would have to think of some other plan to trap the beautiful mother-in-law Lady Fiona, and even more so to convince Amelia after.

With those thoughts in his mind, he quickly turned his attention towards Amelia once again, only to find that she was even worse than him.

His performance a moment ago had been just too shocking for her, and she didn't know if she could accept it, or to be more exact, she didn't want to acknowledge it and accept it.

If she just accept it like that, then she would have to accept that she was trash, and nowhere close to Roy's strength, talent, potential, and geniality.

She would rather die than accept something like that at this point. No, that must have been just a fluke, nothing more.

That was the way that she managed to convince herself, as she returned her attention to the opponent, but before she could make a move she was shocked once again.

There was Sword Aura in Roy's sword at that moment, which clearly meant that what she had seen before wasn't just an illusion or a nightmare.

In fact, the moment that Roy had hurled that Sword Energy attack towards the upcoming attack, he had received a bit of enlightenment, or realization upon it.

It was just like solving a high degree equation without prior knowledge of mathematics, and then through it understanding addition, and multiplication.

The same thing happened with Roy, while it was impossible for him to use Sword Energy to attack, it was easy to perform Sword Aura.

The best part about Sword Aura was that it coated the whole sword in some kind of energy, that was sharper than the metal it was cast upon, and it also increased the weapon's durability.

It was only at that point that Roy understood that Amelia had truly pulled her punches in their close-quarters combat earlier, otherwise she would have destroyed his pathetic sword in two or three moves.

Despite not really needing the sword to fight against her, Roy still felt that it was a great way of diverting her attention and creating an illusion.

Roy's greatest strength had been, and it would most probably always be his own body and his Mage arts.

Sure a sword was extremely cool and bendy but there might not always be a sword by his side. Furthermore, only a truly powerful, and good sword would make him change his mind.

But there was something else that he had to take into consideration at the moment, Amelia's last Sword Energy attack carried traces of flame magic.

If he wasn't wrong, then most probably besides being a great Warrior, and also a swords maniac, she was also a Rank 2 or Rank 3 Fire Mage.

This beauty was talented alright!

Still, there was no reason for him to get scared from that small, unexpected thing, as he benefited from the moment that she was baffled and attacked.

Using his Earth element magic he gave himself a push to increase his speed, then he used his Wind element Magic to reduce the friction in the air and increase his speed once again.

In order to create even more surprise and bafflement for her, he hurled a few water balls towards her, creating a ring of sudden explosions, and mirrors around her.

This was the fourth element that he was showing in front of Amelia, and there was no way that the beauty wouldn't get shocked by it.

No matter how much she had overestimated Eric with her evaluations, she found out that she had underestimated him greatly.

In fact, Eric was thinking of throwing a few Acidic Balls towards her, but that was a risky move. Even after their destruction, the content would still flow towards her, and it might endanger her face.

That was something that he should never try against a woman, as they can accept losing, and even a bit of forcing but never destroying their face.

Beauty was in the eyes of the beholder, but ladies wanted to look beautiful everywhere, and anyhow.

Furthermore, that was a loss towards himself, as he considered Amelia as his own woman, how could he do something like that to her.

For that reason, he decided upon the current strategy. Amelia was already not in her best mental condition when he started the attack.

Then the Water Balls turned into water curtains making the situation even more complicated for her, as Roy's figure multiplied.

Still, as a swords maniac, she wasn't an easy character, as she quickly composed herself, and sent a few Sword energy attacks in front of her, and on the sides.

Since she couldn't figure out Roy's position then she might as well try her luck. Furthermore, she had a trump card that Roy didn't know about, so she was extremely confident of herself.

Her luck seemed to have run out, as her attacks were unfortunately unable to find and land on Roy, as she could feel danger even closer to her. It was clear that Roy was approaching her.

Calming down her heart and her mind as much as she could, she closed her eyes and expected his arrival, and when her senses screamed alarm at her, she turned around and attacked.

Her swordswoman instinct told her that the most probable line of attack from Roy would be from behind, so she turned around and attacked in that direction with Sword Energy.

Too bad that she only destroyed one of the water curtains behind her, and one of Roy's reflections, as the next moment he appeared from behind her, placed his knife on her white neck and said,

"You lost!"

"Hahaahaha~! You wish!"

It was clear that Amelia didn't consider the fight finished, as the next moment she started getting covered by flames.

It was just like some kind of flaming flower was covering her full and protecting her from any external hazard, Roy included.

The moment that this happened, Amelia thought that her trump card had worked and that Roy would jump behind in a haste trying to escape from her.

Too bad that it was just her wishful thinking, as not only didn't Roy jump away, but he threw away his melting sword, and approached her even more.

Embracing her flaming body in his chest, despite the fact that the flames were burning him a bit, and destroying his clothes, he used one hand to hold her thin waist, while the other roamed to her white rabbits.

The poor Amelia couldn't understand what was going on, as in the moment that she felt that she had won the fight, she had started to get molested, and taken advantage of.

Just what the hell was Roy thinking?

This lecherous guy couldn't accept defeat even if it meant being burned in her flames? Did this mean that he just desired her and her body that much?

Or did it just mean that he wanted her mother that much?

A lot of weird and unrelated questions were passing through her mind at that moment, as her body was slowly surrendering to Roy's touch.

She seemed to have forgotten completely about the fight and the stakes, as her body was getting hotter, and her breathing was getting rougher…

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