The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 16 - 16: Poisonous Heaven & Facing Fear

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He walked up to there and was about to pick it up, but at that moment he was able to come out of his stupor, and don't do it.

His whole body was against it, as it needed more of that delicious food that had never tasted before, but his conscious, and clarity managed to prevail as it was an issue of survival.

He didn't know how long it would take for him to get out of that small pocked inside Gaia, and even less how long it would take for him to have the courage to get outside and fight that scary opponent.

As long as he couldn't do any of them, he was forced to live in this tiny pocket and try his best to survive like this.

So, first things first, the food would always be in rations, he would eat enough to keep him alive until he had more of it.

With the resources he had at the moment, he hoped he could at least go a week or two with this food.

Especially considering the fact that one meal a day was enough for him to survive at the stage he was.

The problem would be for when he dissolved his Magic Power, in order to start regathering it through the new technique.

But this was all a worthy sacrifice for him to top the food chain one day. So, his new routine started, eat, sense Magic Power, cut branches, rest, and repeat.

One month passed in the blink of an eye, as he finally ran out of iron-rabbit meat. He still had a few fishes, but that was all there was to it.

Since he had a few fishes left he wasn't that worried about that prospect, the problem was that he didn't have any more food for the sharp-toothed wolf cubs.

He had been worried about what to feed to the iron rabbits, but he found out that they truly loved the branches of these trees surrounding him, so that was a worry lifted from his head.

But those sharp-toothed wolf cubs were a problem, they couldn't eat branches like the rabbits, as they wanted meat.

He had been forced to share his iron-rabbit meat with them, and eat fish for himself most of the time, apparently, they didn't like fish either.

His branch cutting quest was going well as he had removed around 30% of it and was really close to making a small door through it, but he had yet to go outside.

Today was the day that he could finally open the small door, and get outside of this pocket for the first time, hopefully, he would be able to even solve his problems like that.

Happy about this prospect, he immediately took the skeleton knife or saw that he was using to cut the branches and immediately got to work.

Even though it was only a few branches left for the door to be opened, he still had to work more than one hour to cut those things.

Finally, with the hole-door opened, he rested a bit to return to optimal condition, and then crawling down he started moving through the branches to the outside.

With a bit of effort, he finally managed to get his head out of the small hole-door, only to be amazed by the view in front.

Outside was a really beautiful forest, the trees were almost as tall as these surrounding the pocket, their leaves green, and the ground was covered in grass and flowers.

There was no sign of living beings in this place, everything seemed as fresh as it would naturally be, even the grass blades were complete and perfect.

Looking at this scene it would give make one believe that this was heaven. The beauty of this place seemed unmatched.

Everything was so beautiful, so fresh, and so clean! He had never seen something like this, and couldn't even understand how it was possible.

There was no way such a place could exist. After all, there weren't even traces of small animals, rats, squirrels, or anything like that.

Now that he thought about it there weren't even insects in this area. How could it be possible!? There was something wrong with this place!

There was definitely something wrong! He couldn't allow lowering his guard no matter what. His instincts were warning him, that something was definitely suspicious.

Thinking hard, he came with two possibilities. First, there was a powerful beast leaving here, that had scared everything and everyone around, guarding this place.

Two, this place was the monster itself!

In other words, everything around here was definitely poisonous, and whatever wild animal or insect approached the place would be poisoned and turned to nutrients for the soil, and these plants.

After thinking about it a bit more, the first option seemed to cancel itself, as he wasn't feeling any kind of pressure or presence of a powerful being in here.

So, he was left only with the second option, this place was poisonous and the whole vegetation in front of him was poisonous.

This certainly made him angry, because like that he wouldn't be able to make use of these things, even if they were unknown grass or flowers they were still a source of food for him.

But if these things were poisonous then he wouldn't be able to eat any of them, and even when he got out he would have to be extra careful.

The blessing he had thought when he had seen the view, turned into a complete curse that could take his life.

Things were just getting worse and worse for him. He had to find out a way out of this as soon as possible otherwise he was finished.

Unhappy with the result of all his hard work, he prepared a small trap at the hole-door just in case and then walked towards the inside once again.

He was angry, hungry, and tired. He had to find out a way out of this damn situation he had gotten himself into.

Furthermore, those sharp-tooth wolf cubs were looking at him with hungry eyes. It was clear that if he didn't feed them soon, they would start rebelling.

They might try to break the cage he had set up and attack his iron rabbit cubs, making him lose any hope for the future.

And if they couldn't do even that, they might try to attack each other, and eat each other. After all, they were only animals, and wouldn't necessarily think about their relations, or blood.


It seemed like he was left with no other choice, he would have to go outside and have a look at the situation out there.

The problem was that he still felt shivers through his all body as he thought about the happenings of that day and the terrifying killing intent over himself.

He still hadn't forgotten his luck and the fact that he was still alive only due to his quick action of deciding to enter Gaia.

That thing had created some kind of a mental block inside his head, he was too afraid to get out there at the moment.

On the other hand, he had to! He needed food, water, and more resources, otherwise, he was doomed to die in this place alone.

It would be such a pity though, as he had had so many fortunes, and he could feel that he was progressing rather well with each day.

But he was afraid. Afraid of what awaited him out there. What he would be facing out there, and would he be able to get back alive or not?

The more he thought about this, the more afraid and reluctant he became, the more did he lose sight of his goals and himself.

As he was thinking like that, he kept looking at those sharp-toothed wolf cubs. Even though these guys had lost their parents, and were brought to this unknown place they still acted naturally.

It felt like even if the whole World collapsed, these guys would still be the same. Hungry when hungry, horny when horny, and playful when playful.

Looking at them he felt like life was being truly nice for them, after all, they had him to feed them whenever they wanted to, even though entrapped inside their cage.

What had left him the biggest impression though was the fact that whenever he approached the cage, they would always try to attack him.

No matter the situation, or time they would always try to bite him, or his hand, without exception.

At that moment, a light was finally lighted inside his head. When even these small things were never giving up, then how could he who just had his dreams completed give up?

Throughout all his life, he had written and imagined so many fantasy stories like this one, and he would do anything to get such an opportunity.

But now, when the opportunity was right in front of him, and he had taken so many gifts, he was scared for his life, and for his future.

He had come up with so many difficulties about his main characters in the novels, that they had always managed to push through, then why couldn't he?

If he gave up to the fear he was feeling right now, then how was he going to accomplish his goals and dream?

The route to the top was a thorny one, the route to his new family was a thorny one, the path of revenge was a thorny one, and he would have to step on all those thorns in order to achieve his dream.

But if he feared every thorn-like this, then there would be no hope for him. No, he couldn't allow fear to block his path and his future.

He had to face his fear with everything he got, as he disappeared from Gaia to reappear in the outside world…

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