The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 168 - 168: Maiming A Young Noble

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It was only after leaving the Death Forest that Roy was truly faced with this part of humanity, that was more similar to animals in their actions.

Even though he already expected something like this to be true, it was still a bit startling for him to actually come across it.

These beings of the same species as him, that would like to say they were human beings and advocate their rationality were much eviler than beasts, and monsters.

The only thing he could do in this case was help this planet called Navita by decreasing their shadow and useless weight.

In his eyes, what he was doing at the moment was nothing more than pruning. Getting rid of the bad grass, and branches in order to open space for new ones to bloom.

Thinking like that, he continued to appear and disappear all over the alley, as Higgins's underlings were dying one after the other.

Even the happy Young Noble Hugen who had thought that he was going to strike it rich without doing anything, couldn't help but furrow his brows while he witnessed the show in front of him.

Despite the fact that he thought that the people that Higgins had brought were all weaklings and trash that he had stumbled upon the way, he still had to accept that they were strong.

None of them could actually be equal to his soldiers, and people, but they were still comparable to them. To be more specific they had at least 60% of the strength of the soldiers in the same Rank.

Seeing Roy taking care of them one after the other, without breaking a sweat as he did so, he couldn't help but feel frightened.

This time he had stepped on trouble, big trouble. But with the situation coming up to here then this was an even bigger reason to not allow Roy to turn back.

He had to make sure that he killed Roy here and now, otherwise he wasn't going to sleep even one night in peace, thinking that he might return and take revenge upon him.

For that reason, he forgot completely about the beauty he was chasing until now and made a sign towards one of his guards.

The guy seemed to have immediately understood his Master's intentions as he quickly started giving signs to the other soldiers.

The next moment, the soldiers started moving slowly, not towards Roy but circling around the alley, and around Roy.

Since he had decided to make sure that Roy perished today in this place, then the most troublesome matter would be if Roy actually managed to run away.

After all, it was easy to defeat a Master, but it was difficult to actually kill him. Despite the fact that Roy wasn't some kind of great Master, he might nonetheless have a weird way to escape.

They couldn't allow that to happen, so blocking all of his movements was the first part of their plan, and the second would surely be to fight him together in formation, and not one on one.

After seeing Roy's performance they would be immense idiots to think that they might have a chance in one versus one.

In the meantime, Roy was getting rid of all the trash in his path one by one, and before Higgins could react to the show in front of him, all of his people had been killed.

All that was left from them was a big crowd of corpses, a puddle of blood, and their dirty clothes. Anything of value had been taken away from Roy.

Even though he didn't really miss on the things that these guys were carrying and using, it still didn't hurt him to collect them.

Furthermore, each of these things was a little increase in his finances which were necessary for his plans in the future.

It was a bit ironic though, these guys had come here to rob everything from him and kill him and had actually ended dead with their possession taken away from them.

The poor Higgins had never thought that he would actually chance upon such a disaster. This kid was practically playing the pig that was trying to eat the tiger.

Still, someone like him who had gone through all kinds of situations had already gained a bit of clarity and composure by the time that Roy appeared in front of him.

Then without losing time he threw his weapon towards Roy with every dreg of strength he had and then turned around to run away.

What treasure! What money!? Should he stay there, he would be nothing more than a corpse, just like everyone else.

Money was important, but his life was even more important! So the best and most logical option at that moment was to run away.

But he clearly forgot one important point, there wasn't only him and Roy in this place, there was another variable that blew his plans to pieces.

It was the soldiers of Young Noble Hugen, the moment that Young Noble Hugen understood that Higgins was trying to run away, he ordered his soldiers to kill the guy.

There was no way that he was allowing another soul to leave this place alive, and that included his temporary partner Higgins.

On the other hand, Roy was a bit sad that he hadn't been able to kill Higgins with his own hands, but he didn't have another choice, and now he had something more important to think about.

For example, breaching the trap and escaping this place alive. In reality, he didn't want to fight with these guys and make it hard for himself to live here until he joined the mission.

At this moment though he heard one of the soldiers surrounding him talk in an arrogant and condescending tone,

"Hhahaahah~! Brat don't you think that you can deal with us like you did with those petty, cheap, and dastardly coward thieves! Hhahaaha~!

I admit you are strong, but you are only strong enough to carry our shoes. Stupid brat, if there is another life, then pray to not encounter me anymore."

He seemed pretty confident in himself, while Roy just thought that he was going to be a good practicing target.

But before he could act upon his thoughts, he actually heard that average face Young Noble Hugen say,

"Come on, wrap it up quickly guys! If you finish this job quickly I don't mind letting you play with him for some time!"

"Hahahahah~! Leave it to us, Master!"

The one to answer his words was a muscle head woman, that seemed to have a special interest in Roy.


Hearing something like that, Roy for the first time in his all lives, was unable to control a vein suddenly appearing on his forehead, as he looked like he would kick whoever appeared in front of him.

The sudden pressure leaking out of his body due to anger was certainly enough to be felt around, as some of the soldiers couldn't even breathe normally.

Before he gave the enemy a chance to attack first that could put him in a disadvantageous situation, he preferred to attack himself and gain the upper hand.

Without thinking for longer he quickly took the greatsword of that Master 5 Rank guy out of his space ring and launched an attack.

The people that were able to witness the scene in front of them, could only stare dumbfoundedly at his actions.

They had never thought that Roy would dare to attack first, yet here it had happened. Before the soldiers even could react, two of their own had been killed and were now lying on the ground.

What was even more frightening was that Roy didn't seem affected in the least from the killing, as he was just looking at the bodies like he was watching a normal scene.

Then without a warning, he suddenly threw 3 smoke bombs almost at the same time and cover the whole area in gas.

The soldiers were clearly shocked by the situation, but they quickly regained composure closing their lines, and spreading their senses to try and find him.

Too bad that all their searches revealed nothing, and it was only when their Esteemed Young Noble Hugen caused a ruckus with his screams of pain and suffering.

'Arrgghhh…, Helpp…, Helppp me…'

Turning their heads towards the voice they could see that the Town Lord of Lingering Spirits Town was been thrown on the ground, with a leg standing upon his abdomen.

One didn't need high logic to know what he was going to do and ask from now on. And the next moment Roy confirmed their thoughts,

"Drop your weapons and leave! All of you! Otherwise, your Young Master is going to die!"

But as he finished his words, he heard the condescending voice of his victim,

"You are going to jail! There is no salvation for you scumbag! You will suffer all day and all night long in the hands of those imprisoned bastards, before dying.

I will personally fill in new details if you think that it isn't enough already! Hahahahah~!"

"Ah, you are a true idiot! Even if what you said is true idiot, why would I come and eat with you?

Furthermore, there is a simple solution to that big problem, as long as there is no witness to talk about it."

With that said Roy didn't dawdle anymore, as his foot pressed hard on Young Noble Hugen's abdomen until a cracking sound was heard.

It wasn't the sound of a bone-cracking but rather his inner core being destroyed. But that wasn't the end of it, as Roy's foot descended deeper, and destroyed the prospects of Young Noble Hugen's family jewels…

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