The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 177 - 177: Enslaving Francis

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His life had been turned upside down in just half a day, making him think that perhaps someone had truly cursed him, and wanted him to live the life of a slave.

It wasn't like he thought that he was some kind of good man, or that everything he had done until now was for the good of humankind.

Hell! Why should he think about something like that? Why should he care about other human beings?

Everything should be fine as long as he thought about himself. Everyone else did the same anyway.

So the idea of actually being cursed was out of the way. Still, he didn't understand why something like this was happening to him, as he was losing everything he had.

The only logical thought that could course through his head at that moment was that the person in front of him was stronger, more resourceful, and in a higher standing.

There was nothing he could do, beside lowering his head in front of the guy, and serve him at the best of his abilities, hoping that one day he might free him, or even help him reach new heights.

His standing, his position, and his whole future was now in the hands of Roy, and he could only follow the script that he wrote for him.

The pain of a few moments ago had truly convinced him to not try anything stupid, otherwise he would have a truly unsavoury end.

As the poor baron was lost in his thoughts, the sounds of the door opening and the guards voice spread from outside was heard,

"Your Excellency the Master you sought is here!"

Roy only nodded his head towards the startled baron, who acknowledged in a loud voice,

"Very well, let him enter inside!"

Receiving their order the guards didn't dare tarry, as they opened the way for the Master to enter inside. The guy entered with his head held high, like he wasn't afraid of anything in the whole Navita.

He truly was a bit arrogant and cocky in nature, but he had the right to be, due to his strength as a late Rank 4 Earth Mage. He was only a short distance away from becoming a Rank 5 Mage.

Entering inside though, the baron was all he could see inside the room. Him and all the golden coins and equipment spread around.

Roy had used his camouflage skill and was hiding in a corner as he waited for the two guys in front of him to start fighting and make an opening for him.

The baron understood the situation well enough, so he immediately ordered the guards to close the entrance as he then asked the guy in front of him,

"Why did you do something like that Francis? I saved your life back then and you have still not paid me for that, so how could you do something like that?

Are you going to betray my goodwill just because of that bi*tch?"

"Hahhahahaha~! Don't make me laugh Brad! You saved my life back then? Weren't you also the one who threw me in there?

That woman can really talk if she is satisfied enough, you know!"

"Francis are you going to believe a sl*ut's word over mine? She will say to you anything you want to hear just to put us against each other!"

"Well I don't care whether its true or not! I can only say that if you still want my backing, then you will have to pay more!"

"More? Are you out of your mind? I already gave you all those resources and money, what more do you want?"

"Well I don't want money! So, don't worry I will not take any of your gold coins!"

"Then what do you want?"

The Baron didn't need to have a fast brain to understand where this guy was going, especially after he had been with that sl*ut of a wife he had. Still, he thought of asking!

"You should understand perfectly what I want Brad, I want your daughter! After all what better taste would there be beside a mother-daughter duo!? Hhahahaha~!"

"Courting death!"

With those words, the gold coins around the baron immediately jumped into the air, as he send them hurling towards the guy in front of him.

Francis seemed to have been expecting something like that to happen, as he counterattacked right away.

It was impossible for him to actually use the composition of the treasury room normally, so he took quite a number of rocks from his space ring to protect himself.

'Clanggg…, clanggg…, clanggg…'

In no time the rocks started clashing against the golden needles and protecting Francis, who didn't stop at that and surmounted a counterattack.

It was Gold against Earth, despite the fact that Gold had the edge against ordinary stones, the difference in the Mage's ranking, and their skills was enough for Francis to fight as equal.

Not only that, but he also seemed to have a slight edge against the baron, whose face was extremely dark and gloomy at that moment.

His heart was clearing dripping in blood at the current use of his gold coins, but he had no other choice, as in fact he had to add to his efforts.

With those thoughts in mind, beside the gold coins that were turning into gold needles he also picked the gold knives around him and sent them hurling towards his opponent.

This place was his treasury, and also the best place for him to fight as it contained the biggest reserves of gold in the surroundings.

No matter how much better than him Francis was, he would never be able to best him here, especially when he couldn't actually make use of the Earth around him.

Francis seemed to understand this part as well, so he decided to fully show his cards in order to teach this idiot his place, as he said,

"You know, while she was moaning under me all this time, she told me quite a few interesting things.

Like where the core of the formations in the treasury lies!"

With that said, he quickly sent one of his small rock's to throw out of place that golden armor that Roy had seen earlier, as quite a bit of Magic disturbance was created inside the treasury room.

"Arrrggghhh~! That bi*tch! I will kill you both!"

At that moment, the baron seemed to have lost it completely as the ferocity of his attacks increased exponentially.

He seemed to have braved his heart to fight with all he had! But Francis didn't seem to get worried about it, quite on the contrary he seemed happy with that reaction, as he started laughing and saying,

"Hhahhaha~! Hearing you scream like that, it makes me remember of her, you know!"


"Hahahahah~! Uh!?"

Francis was having the time of his life, as he was laughing as much as he could, when he suddenly felt something was wrong with him.

He suddenly felt his body grow heavier, and much more difficult to move around, as even his connection to his Earth element was slowly loosening up.

"What the hell?? What is going on? Why is this happening?"

These thoughts coursed through his mind endlessly, as he finally thought of something, and then screamed in anger,

"You damn bastard, how dare you use poison against me?"

Now it was baron's time to laugh, as he said quite excited,

"Hhahaha~! This is a battle idiot, do you think that I will duel you fair and square. Furthermore you aren't even a noble, but a mere peasant!

What makes you think that you are in the same footing as me, just because you stuffed you little limp di*ck inside a damn slu*t? Hhahahahah~!"

Those words made Francis angry beyond belief, as he wanted nothing more but to use every bit of his strength to either kill or cripple the opponent in front of him.

Too bad that there was no way for him to escape the venom of a Rank 3 Poison Mage like Roy, who had built his venom powers on the venom of a Rank 5 Green Horn Snake.

In the next instant, he was down on the ground, paralyzed and on the brink of death, as Roy appeared beside him.

Without losing time he did the same thing to Francis that he did to the baron Brad, and then turned towards the guy saying,

"Like I said, I don't care what you do with your wife, and the two of you can solve that problem together, but no one is to touch my woman. Was I clear?

Not even if that bastard Earl Clark asks of her!"

Shortly after this, Francis woke up from his slumber, and had almost the same reaction as baron Brad, but the end result was also the same.

It was impossible for the two of them to escape his grasp, so they could only do what he told them to do!

After dealing with that, and receiving information, and almost the full library of baron Brad, Eric decided to leave the mansion.

Or so it looked on the outside, as there was something else he had to do. He quickly found the target he was looking for and waited for two hours for an opportune moment to act.

Still, the end result was quite satisfying as he managed to achieve his purpose, and then leave the mansion for real this time.

With everything settled, he left the mansion towards his inn, where the beautiful receptionist was still waiting for him in the bed.

This would be his last night in this Lingering Souls Town as the next day he departed for Badona, Earl Clark's city…

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