The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 183 - 183: Fighting With Tricks


Too bad that Wolf wasn't alone in this whole mess, and there were other people by his side. The other guy who had mocked him just a few moments ago jumped in between and blocked Roy's attack.

It was truly a shame, that would have made Wolf die almost immediately and without much pain, but it seemed like Roy had no other choice but to go with the second one.

The intruder seemed to have no intention of underestimating Roy, but still, he was pushed behind a quarter of a step.

That came as a huge shock to him, as he was renowned for his strength amidst the three vice leaders, and there was hardly a fighter that could actually push him back in a fair fight.

Yet it had happened at that moment, so how could he not get shocked by that? Not to mention that the one who had done so was just a weak Rank 3 Warrior that had just entered the true Ranks.

Just how?

How did he manage to do something like that? The only possibility he could think at that point was that the brat must have a truly impressive technique, skill, or ability.

No matter what it was, it should belong to him. After all, the strong made the rules in this world. As long as one was stronger, he could do whatever he wished to the weaker dude.

At this moment he felt himself stronger than Roy, so everything in Roy's possession should belong to him. Even more so, such a miraculous technique or skill.

He wanted to have it only for himself, but even if that was difficult or troublesome he still had people to help him like Wolf, and the others.

It was only at that point that he was suddenly remembered of the attacking Wolf. He should have already changed his direction and attacked Roy, but why was he still coming towards him?

To make matters worse, Wolf didn't seem like he had any plan of changing direction, which clearly made the guy who had intervened, angry to the maximum.

Seeing that Wolf had no intention of changing his path, he could only try his best to push Roy aside with all his strength, and then try his best to dodge the attack.

'Arrrgghhhh…, Swoosshhh~!'

With quite some years of experience as a bandit, and as a Warrior, he managed to pull what he wanted to, but still, he was unable to escape unscathed.

There were three red stripes over his clothes to the rib area, as real red blood was coming out of them.

Unable to control his anger, and rage, he turned to the Wolf who was lying on the ground and started screaming,

"You damn bastard! What the hell do you think you are doing? I tried to help you escape death, and this is how you repay me?

I will fu*cking kill you myself!"

On the other hand, the guy who was being screamed at, and cursed, seemed to be in a weird trance, as he managed to stand on his ass but felt it impossible to stand up.

He felt like something was corroding his body and his strength from inside. Something extremely vicious that he could only try to slow down, but not actually stop.

At that moment, he didn't have time to think or care about what his companion said, as his life was in real danger. He could only ignore his words and presence and focus on what was important.

His attitude and actions only served to increase the other guy's hatred and rage though, as he felt like he was being taken for a fool at that moment.

There was no way he was going to permit something like that to happen. In the world of the strong, attitude, respect, and face were similar to eating, drinking, and breathing.

Being treated like that by someone that he acknowledged as weaker or at most at the same level, was certainly a loud slap to his face.

For a moment he even forgot about Roy's existence, as the only thing on his mind was to give his comrade a good thrashing.

With that thought in his mind, he disappeared from his place, and jumped towards Wolf, there was a large ax on his arms, that he raised over his head, and then swung it down towards Wolf.

Wolf had been concentrating on slowing down the corrosion inside him as much as he could, the pain from inside had brought his clarity, and the fear of losing his life had totally awakened him.

He was racking his brains to come up with a solution against his predicament when he felt that damn bastard actually launch an attack towards him.

It wasn't like he didn't understand where the guy was coming from, and the fact that it wasn't a real full attack, but still it was more than enough to actually distract and bother him.

Left with no other choice, he could only try his best to dodge, as he screamed at the other guy,

"You idiot, what the hell are you trying to achieve? I am badly injured, and in the worst condition right now, and most probably I have been poisoned!

Are you trying to kill me for fu*ck sake?"

The other guy could only stop for a moment with a startled and shocked expression, as he asked with a solemn and heavy voice,

"Are you serious?"

Wolf didn't bother to answer as he immediately sat on the ground trying to slow down the process inside his body, but his silence and face should be enough of confirmation.

On the other hand, Roy who had been pushed a moment ago by the burly guy was looking at the situation with interest and a slight smirk.

He didn't seem to be in any hurry to deal with Wolf or the other guy, and it was only when Wolf screamed towards the other guy that he finally started laughing, while he said,

"Hhahahaha~! You guys are so funny! You truly make me remember some nice actors from my past! Yes, you are just like Olio and Stelio! Hahahaha~!

Too bad that I need to kill you too, otherwise I would have kept you around for your jokes and acting!"

"Brat! You think too highly of yourself, but there is no way that you are going to win against me! I don't know how you managed to poison that idiot, but it would surely not work on me!

I will beat the crap out of you, and then torture you every hour so that you give me your secrets! Hhahahaha~!"

"Wow~! Bro, you seem really confident in your abilities! You are different from that weak puppy, I respect you! It's just that I don't understand something, can you explain it to me before we fight?"

Roy seemed to have turned from a brave expert to a scared weakling as he said those words, with a true sense of curiosity at the end.

"Hahahaah~! You have finally started to understand your situation! Well, there is no problem in pushing your sufferings a bit, tell me what don't you understand?"

"It's really simple actually, you told me that you don't know how I poisoned your friend and that my poison won't work on you, right?"

"Of course!"

"Hmm~! Then did you say those words because you have already sensed my poison inside your body and dealt with it, or did you just sprout some nonsense to make yourself look tough?"


"Yup, just like I thought! It was just shameless boasting! Anyway let me give you some advice, before trying to kill me take a look at your body, I promise I won't move from here!"

The burly guy was caught by surprise by Roy's words, and he could only look towards him with a dumbfounded and cautious look.

He refused to believe that Roy had actually poisoned him without him sensing, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel like Roy wasn't kidding.

It was a truly difficult moment and position for him and looking at the way that his comrade had acted, he knew that the poison was nothing simple.

As he was thinking like that, he suddenly felt a weird sensation course through his body, as he could feel like a small fire had suddenly started inside him.

It was an extremely small reaction at the moment, and he could easily bear it, but that made his thoughts about the possibility of the poison multiply.

The pain seemed to be growing a tiny bit bigger with each passing moment, as the existence of the poison inside his body was getting more and more eminent.

He had no idea how Roy had managed to do something like that, but he knew that it wasn't just a thought anymore, so he could only try to check the inside of his body with his spirit sense.

With the fear and danger of his life ending due to the poison, he had no other option but to take upon Roy's offer and check his body.

Even though he was extremely fearful that Roy might actually renege on his promise, he felt like he had no other choice, and closed his eyes.

He didn't directly delve inside his body though, as he first wanted to actually see if Roy would take advantage of the situation.

But seeing that Roy hadn't acted even after a few seconds, he finally decided to delve inside his body and take a look at the situation.

He was immediately focused on the painful part, but even after checking the place 2 times, he found nothing wrong.

When he was about to check it for the third time…

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