The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 188 - 188: Women’s Competition

"Sigh~! Hubby, can you cut Uncle Darren some slack? He did that because I asked him to, I am truly sorry about that, and I will apologize to you properly later!"

"Well, if my beautiful new wifey goes as far as to say something like that, and even promise a proper apology later, I can do nothing but accept it, and be expectant for the future!

Uncle Darren, it seems like it wasn't your fault, and you weren't afraid of those guys! Good for you!"

Master Darren by his side was thinking deeply about his last words, and he couldn't help but feel that there was something wrong with them, but he couldn't ask Roy directly.

He could rack his brains as hard as he could, but a muscle head like him would never understand irony or sarcasm. Especially when enacted by some great actor like Roy.

With that said, he seemed to have completely forgotten about him and started checking on the goods he had received from the bodies of the four big guys he had killed.

As bandits that lived through robbing and extorting people their reserves were quite full, there were a lot of gold coins, and low-quality mana stones inside it.

While their wealth wasn't close to the Lingering Soul Town baron, they weren't that far either. As they had made a small fortune.

At the moment Roy was thinking about a plan to help his new wifey take over her guild thoroughly and also expand it, and for that, he would need a lot of money, and resources.

These 4 guys' wealth could be taken as a small step towards his big plan, that he would soon put into motion.

What attracted his attention though was all the weird treasures that they had gathered and had been unable to sell.

Some of them looked plain and simple but gave him a strange feeling. He would want nothing else but to sit there and start checking, but this was neither the time nor the place.

On the other hand, the rest of the soldiers and mercenaries who witnessed the scenes between him and Baldy could only look weirdly in their directions for a few moments, and then went on with their works.

Soon the whole camp was cleaned out of the mutilated corpses, and blood, but there was still lingering a pungent iron smell of blood and other liquids.

There was set a new guard around the camp, and also a stand-by fighting squadron, ready to take action as soon as they could.

The rest of the soldiers and mercenaries were sent to their tents to rest and sleep. The only difference with earlier was that there were many more empty tents around.

As for Roy, he had now changed his tent, as he was now resting in the main tent of the camp.

Forgetting about his new connection with Alma, just the strength he had shown was enough for that treatment.

He would have loved to play a little bit around with the blue-haired beauty, but unfortunately, they were both mentally tired, and there was also that Baldy disrupting his mood.

As a muscle head that guy had truly big difficulties understanding the mood, and all the time he would be pestering him to have a fight with him.

If it weren't for the fact that there might still be dangers lurking around them, and that Roy was tired after fighting those 4, he would have already pulled out his sword and hacked at Roy to start the fight.

He made a mental note to teach him a good lesson once he had the chance to do so, but until then he could only bear it.

The next morning the caravan started once again on the road, but these times they were even more cautious of their surroundings, and possible encounters.

Certainly, the trip wasn't going to be simple, as they had to fight another 2 bandit groups during the day, making these guys seem just like reviving goblins in some kind of medieval fantasy game.

But this time the soldiers were more prepared for the attack and especially since they were under the lead of Master Darren who was a peak Rank 4 Master, things were even easier.

The mercenaries attacked forward with new gained strength and confidence as on their sides they had Masters like Darren and Roy's guardian.

They still didn't believe that it was Roy who personally killed those 4 strong bandits. To be more exact, their ego would be too damaged to accept something like that.

Roy just stood on the side taking advantage of the situation and taking some easy kills, whittling down the enemy's strength.

When the bandits finally gave up on their fight and turned around to run away, Roy followed them by himself, and let out his ladies have their fair share of fighting.

He had clearly instructed Alma to keep Master Darren under wraps after he disappeared, and not to worry about him, but to continue proceeding forward, as he would re-join the caravan quickly.

Roy's Harem Palace ladies were just like starving wolves! After so long of being confined inside Gaia, without someone they could truly practice their skills with, they finally had their shot and chance.

They were running around the place without stopping, each of them trying to kill as many escaping bandits as they could.

After all, they had set up a bet, the top three with bandit kills would have the chance to actually spend more time with Roy when he had a chance.

As a matter of fact, the first beauty even received a one-on-one date night with Roy when they arrived in Badona city.

Since Amelia was much stronger than the rest, she was initially proposed to not participate and directly receive and equal treatment in the first place.

But the beauty herself wanted to participate as well, so they decided to accept her entry only by giving her a few handicaps, like starting the fight with a minus, or not using a sword.

One thing was for sure, their enthusiasm and excitement were reaching the Heavens, as they killed until there were none of the escaping bandits remaining.

The final list though was extremely surprising. In the first place, was one of Roy's newest slaves, the bondage-dressed lady, in second place came Amelia, and in third place one of the black-masked ladies.

Even to this day, the rest of the Harem Palace members had no idea who these masked ladies truly were, or how their faces looked like, the only one who knew that was Roy himself.

Roy was a bit surprised with how everything ended, but he couldn't help but laugh out loud at the end, as he hadn't expected his ladies to overcome such a variable.

With the results already out, he sent the beauties once again back in, and left only the bondage-dressed woman outside, and ordered her to follow the caravan from behind.

She was going to become his trump card, and also his scout on the back. He clearly specified that she shouldn't take action without his order.

Even though against her wish, the woman couldn't help but acknowledge his order, as the pain of not accepting was just that great, and her fear towards Roy was steadily increasing.

With that taken care of, Roy once again returned and joined the caravan without much trouble, as they continued their path towards their destination.

Even though the City of Badona wasn't that extremely far away, it was still going to be a week of travel considering their big load and merchandise.

It was only the previous day that Roy was told the true purpose of the heavy load they were carrying and its composition.

Apparently the load this time was a special requested load from Earl Clark, and it contained Element Stones and some extremely special Element Wood.

Both of these materials were considered as holy materials from the forest barbarians, as one was taken as the foundation and increase of their connection to their Gods.

While the second was the apparition of their God on the ground, as it helped them to increase their connection to the surrounding nature, and also its productivity.

In simpler words, the Element Stones were the same as mana stones as they were just specific elements magic particles crystallization and helped them in increasing their Rank.

While the Element Wood it helped them increase the affinity they had towards a special element, and at the same time if left in nature it would help in increasing the magical particles of that element in the surroundings.

Due to the consideration and appreciation of the forest barbarians towards the two materials, they were considered as forbidden goods in the areas around Death Forest.

If something like this was discovered by the barbarian tribes, then all the barbarian tribes inside Death Forest would go on a frenzy and attack the outside towns, and cities.

A lot of people would suffer from that, as those brutes wouldn't care about the lives of the outsiders. Kids and women would be abducted, while men and oldies would be massacred.

Earl Clark was truly sailing in dangerous waters, but at the same time he had a valid excuse should something happen.

As he could just leave all fault and wrongdoings to his friend, the merchant guilds Master, and claim that he was using his friendship to commit that atrocious act.

After all, Earl Clark wasn't the first and neither the last to do something like that. This meant that while the benefits were good for the merchant guild, so were the consequences…

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