The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 19 - 19: Finishing Off The Titanic Cat & Surprise

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Roy didn't know for how long he stayed at the base of the stone Obelisk unconscious, but when he woke up almost all of his body had healed up.

He still felt a bit sore, and pain from some places but it was something acceptable, unlike the insupportable pain he felt as he crawled.

In fact, right now all that pain it looked like nothing more than some nightmare right now. After all, it should be impossible for a human body, and mind to deal with that.

He still couldn't believe that he was that kind of person that could bear that pain, and still continue to crawl towards his goal.

To be honest it was still unbelievable to him, but considering the survival instinct of every human it could be made possible.

That didn't matter right now, the important thing right now was the fact that he was alive, and had managed to escape his death.

It was only at this moment that he was remined that he was still not out of danger, that damned cat was here with him.

He didn't know if it had died, or it was still alive and he had to have a look at it as soon as possible, otherwise he might die while being played like a toy.

That was something that he seriously didn't want to happen, so even though his body still felt really sore, and he still felt a lot of pain coursing through his body, he managed to get up and have a look.

The damned cat was still there, it was still alive. Even though it looked like it was in dire straits and that it would die from moment to moment, it was still alive.

It was just unbelievable! How could it be still alive? He couldn't believe his eyes for a moment, and he had to rub them quite a bit to believe the scene in front of him.

Just what kind of tenacity it would get to stay alive for so long? Even though he didn't know how much time must have passed, it was certainly not a short one.

After all, his broken bones had fused together once again, and he was more or less in one whole piece. Even though he still felt the soreness and the pain, it was still bearable.

But all this time, this damned cat had managed to survive, and not only that, but still keep its conscience, as it was looking at him with pleading eyes.

Yes, he could swear that she was looking at him with pleading eyes. Her playful, and angry look had completely disappeared and only her pleading look was left.

This was the first time that Roy was witnessing such a look, and that from a titanic cat like this. But he wouldn't get fooled this easily.

If the situation was different that damn cat would probably just show an amused look on her face, and then engulf him whole.

There was no way he was going to believe this damned cat. In fact, he had to approach her as soon as possible and kill it, to finish this once and for all.

He wasn't in the perfect condition to get up, but he had to do this. Otherwise his life would be in danger, and he certainly wouldn't want something like that to happen.

He had had enough of it, it was time to finish it once and for all. With these thoughts, he started pulling his hands, and his legs towards his body, in order to use them as support.

Every part of his body was really sore, but it was understandable since he hadn't moved at all when he was unconscious.

Slowly but surely, he managed to get up, and finally stand on his fours. From there started the real challenge, as he would have to pick up his strength, and stand on his legs.

It was damn difficult, but he managed to do it, even though he stayed unmoving for a few moments in order to get his balance right.

After getting his balance, he started stretching out a bit his muscles, even though he was going through an excruciating pain, he had to do that no matter what.

It was only after 5 minutes of stretching that he was finally able to feel like he finally had total control over his body, and started walking towards the damn cat.

His steps were short, and a bit funny, as he was walking like a drunk man that was ready to fall on the next one.

The more he steps he took, the more balanced his walk became, as he finally approached the cat, with one of those big iron-rabbit's skeletons on his hand, ready to crush his head.

The damned cat seemed to have accepted her own death, as it didn't even try any movement to protect itself, but that pitiful gaze moved towards her belly.

It was only now that Roy finally managed to see that the cat was keeping her paws like she wanted to protect something.

While her head was almost squished to the ground, with blood coming out of its eyes, ears, and mouth, her belly part seemed to be unaffected by the gravity pressure.

Seeing Roy's eyes turn towards her belly, the titanic cat opened her paws a bit, as it showed its kittens to Eric.

There were 9 kittens in there, each of them was at the size of a normal house cat, sleeping safe and soundly without a care in the world.

Apparently, the damned cat was a female one, and it was already having babies in her belly, when it came to attack him.

She probably saw Roy as nothing more than a nutritious ingredient for her kittens, but now she saw him as their only hope to survive.

It seemed like it already understood that she would die really soon, it had barely hanged until now only to keep her kittens alive for a bit longer.

This showed the great tenacity and the stubbornness of a mother. She had been able to endure all the pain, suffering, and torture of ten-times gravity for her weight, only to keep her kittens alive.

Even the most stone-hearted man would feel emotional at this scene, not to mention someone like Roy whose parents had abandoned him when he was born.

Just what kind of difference was this? A damn beast, a damned cat at that was doing all this to keep her kittens alive, while his own mother and father had abandoned him close to a trash bin.

Who was the animal, and who was the human being in this case? Even if he wanted to accept it or not, the difference was clear, and it was there for anyone to see.

If he had the opportunity one day he would want to find his biological mother, and ask her, why did she abandon him? Why didn't she care if he lived or died?

He didn't know the answer to that question, and would neither find it anytime soon, right now the best he could do to survive, and reach the peak.

He had a feeling that if he reached the peak, one day perhaps he would be able to return to his old Earth, and try to find his mother and ask her why.

Anyway, even if he didn't manage to do it, he didn't care at the moment. So, placing those thoughts to the back of his head, he carefully approached the titanic cat, as it tried to pick up her kittens.

Seeing him do something like that, the titanic cat seemed to have understood his intention, and felt a bit relaxed as her kittens would survive.

But she still managed to give him one warning look, before finally accepting her fate, and dying there and then, leaving her kittens behind, in Roy's hands.

Seeing the cat give its last breath, and that warning look Roy didn't feel disgusted by it, as a matter of fact he felt a warm and soothing feeling inside.

This was what a mother was like right? Even in front of torture, pain, and death it would still go even beyond the possible to save its little ones.

This was only the second time he was witnessing something like this. The first was with the old Roy's father, and mothers, and the second was now.

It was truly a really weird and complex feeling, as he was hoping that old Roy's family would accept him as their own, because to him they were already his family.

That was for the future, right now he immediately picked up the kittens, and sent them towards the stone obelisks base, in order to not get affected by the gravity pressure.

Then he immediately got to work, as he offered his prayers to the titanic cat's soul, and then cleaned its body, removing the fur, and all the extras, to keep her meat.

He did that as quickly as possible in order for the kittens to not wake up and look at the scene, and not long after he got to work once again.

This time he prepared a small cage for the kittens, in order to keep them away from the iron-rabbits, and the sharp toothed wolf cubs.

He prepared a bit of food for them, not their mother's meat, he didn't have the heart to do something like that, as he gave them fish.

Since these were kittens then they would most probably love eating fish. After giving food to the little animals inside his 'home', he prepared a bit for himself too.

When the cats woke up they seemed to have understood the fate of their mother, but there was nothing they could do besides purring their grief away…

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