The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 194 - 194: Against A Rank 5 Assassin 2

This trap would most probably work for the guys that Roy had fought against until now. Especially if he used Alma's help like now, that she was actually trying to freeze the guy on top of them.

Alma's ice, and more exactly her ice cover was extremely bendy in such cases as she was able to actually trap stronger experts, or at least delay their movements.

In fact, her Ice seemed to even have a special ability or effect that would act directly on the target's soul, as even Roy could feel its traces inside himself.

This strategy or formation even if it didn't guarantee the target's death, it would at least guarantee its heavy injury, which would make its death close to imminent later.

But the target, or the opponent this time was nowhere close to being just a Rank 4 Master, as he was actually a Rank 5 one.

His laughter at that moment of danger could clearly show his trust in his skills, and furthermore his confidence in dodging or escaping this formation without injuries.

Just like he had thought, before Roy and Alma could actually feel satisfied that their efforts had paid off, they saw the guy in front of them turn into a frozen shadow and disappear.

'swoooshhh…, cracckkk…, swooshhhhh…, cracckkk…'

The swords came falling towards the frozen shadow without stopping, but the only sounds coming from that spot were the swooshing of the swords and the cracking of the ice sculpture.

It was quite a confidence wrecking situation, but there was nothing more that Roy or Alma could do about it.

Their best and most organized attack seemed to have been completely useless against the assassin that was fighting them head-on.

Seeing this attack not work out, and actually fail splendidly Roy couldn't help but think if he would have to show all his trump cards in order to survive the situation of today.

Even though he had hit the opponent with his knives until now, he hadn't actually used poison on him.

The opponent was a Rank 5 Master, so most probably he wouldn't die in the contact with the poison and would be able to control it inside his body.

Even then he would have to suffer the momentary repercussions, and also the momentary paralysis, and problems that would pop up.

But the problem was that once he did something like that, he would have revealed one of his trump cards to his opponents and future enemies.

If he didn't manage to actually kill this assassin before others found out about it, then his abilities as a Venom Mage wouldn't be a secret anymore.

Not only that, but that guy might even sell his information out there, and many people would actually start following and hunting him down for different reasons.

After all, a Venom or Poison Mage wasn't something that one could see every day, as they were extremely rare. Even more so a Poison Mage who didn't suffer the effects of his own poisons.

No matter how he looked at it, Roy would become some sort of rare and unique beast, that would be hunted down from all Poison Masters.

Furthermore, he had already shown some signs of Earth, Wind, and Fire magic, if he continued showing other elements as well, then he would become an even greater oddity.

Many powerful people, or organizations, or even researchers would hunt him down in order to have the opportunity of dissecting his corpse and having a look at the oddity.

Just thinking about these possibilities actually made him shudder and tremble in fear. So, he was forced to actually use only tricks and abilities like these.

At the same time, this was also a great opportunity for him to actually fight while holding back in a lost battle.

Even he himself admitted that this was most probably the worst moment to do something like this, but he didn't have much of a choice now anyway.

When the sounds of the swords clashing, and the ice shattering ended, the out-loud laugh of the assassin once again rang through the surroundings,

"Hhahaha~! That was good little rat, but you have to work harder in order to actually make a trap that might actually hurt me!"

With those words, he once again came out of his hiding, which was actually a big stone nearby, and started walking towards Roy and Alma once again.

On the other hand, Roy and Alma helped each other stand up, and turned their faces towards the assassin. They seemed exhausted and put off, but they were decided to fight to the end.

There was still hope in their faces, it hadn't dispersed completely. It was clear that each of them still had their own cards under their sleeves, and that nothing had finished yet.

Their faces and expressions surprised even the assassin who thought that by now things should have finished, so he couldn't help but laugh evilly while saying,

"Hhahahahha~! Just like that! I want to see you fight until the end that I destroy your hopes! You should feel hope in order to make this entertaining for me, so don't you dare lose hope! Hhahah~!"

This guy seemed like he was truly a lost cause, but there was no one normal who had reached Rank 5 of any path.

After all, pathetic and worthless existences would give up right from the start, and they would actually never achieve anything special or big.

For that reason Roy didn't really mind the guy's eccentricity or his arrogance and cockiness, he just looked at him with a calm face, as he said to the beauty beside him,

"Leave this place, I can't fight while having to protect you! Don't worry about me!"

"Hmph~! What and who do you think you are to even protect me? Sure we agreed to marry, but that is only our word at the moment, it has yet to become official.

Furthermore, with that disgusting Blood Slave Seal inside of me, there isn't a way for me to live if you die, after I have left.

It's just stupid to think that I will survive by leaving you behind!"

Roy was a bit startled and surprised by her words, as she was using pure logic even in a case like this, which meant that he was extremely calm.

As a matter of fact, now that he thought about it the one who was losing his calm in this moment wasn't her, but him.

He was feeling pressed from the abilities and skills of the opponent, and slowly his mind was forming the idea that he didn't have the strength to win, and the best option was to escape.

Certainly, his idea wasn't wrong, as with the strength he had shown until now, he wasn't in the range that could deal with a Rank 5 Master.

But the fight against a strong opponent wasn't lost the moment that one died, but the moment that fear made him unable to think of winning.

As long as one remained stubborn and hard-headed in believing in himself, his potential, and ability he would be able to win in every situation, no matter how hopeless it looked.

But once he actually started to doubt himself and his skills then he was nothing more than an idiot that was personally impeding himself and blocking his potential.

Thinking like this, he couldn't help but chuckle a bit, as he said,

"Hahah~! You are right! I am sorry!"

The beauty beside him seemed surprised at how fast he accepted his mistake and even apologized, so she was caught a bit unprepared, and she got a bit embarrassed.

"What are you sorry for, idiot! If you are truly sorry then just think of a way to actually defeat and kill that guy!"

Even though she wasn't the tsundere type normally, at that moment she couldn't help but act like one. After all, she was truly embarrassed for a moment.

On the other side, the assassin couldn't help but be a bit startled and surprised when he heard the two of them act like two lovebirds, and instead of fearing him, they were actually thinking of defeating him.

This was certainly interesting and fun!

It had already passed a long time since the last time he actually had so much fun playing with people's lives, before actually killing them in the end.

This was the best!

As he was thinking like that, he suddenly saw Roy once again use those strange bombs that produced smoke in order to cover the area, before he suddenly disappeared.

There was no sign of him anymore, making him feel like some sort of ghost. Even the assassin had to admit that Roy's skills were the real deal, and he couldn't help but think that he was also an assassin.

A lot of thoughts crossed his mind, a lot of organizations that could actually oppose the one he was in, and a lot of people with weird skills and abilities, but he couldn't find a common clue with Roy.

Still, seeing that he couldn't help but actually raise his guard and awareness even more, as he said,

"Little Rat, your skills and abilities seem to become more dazzling, and special by the minute. Now I truly wonder what kind of inheritance, or special treasure you came by!

I would love to have a one-to-one talk with you later about this! But now, you will have to die for me!"

The moment he said that all the shadows in the surroundings seemed to have come to life, transform into different weapons, and attacked every inch of ground in a 1 km radius…

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