The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 198 - 198: A ‘Warm’ Welcome

At the entrance of the building, a large crowd of people was waiting for them, including two of the most important figures of Badona City.

The first and foremost was the Guild Master of the Sparrow Merchant Guild, and the second but even more important was the Master of Badona City, Earl Clark.

The Guild Master of the Sparrow Merchant Guild was a somewhat burly middle-aged man with a head full of black hair, deep black eyes, and a gentle-looking face.

Despite that though, Roy could feel it in his bones, that the guy in front of him was anything but gentle. He seemed like some trained hunting hawk that would take down his prey in one hit.

As for the main figure, Earl Clark, this guy was more on the lean side. With a face that spelled of cunningness, and ferocity he looked a bit older than he already was.

Still, no one could underestimate this guy, as he was one of the main figures of this country political, and economical figures.

Even those nobles that were higher than him on the ladder didn't actually dare to do something against him in the open.

Not that they were able to do much in the dark either, as the ones that tried it would always suffer at least twofold or threefold of the damage.

Put in more direct words, Earl Clark was a wolf that would always bite at least twice or thrice at the opponent, whether the opponent was a bear or a rabbit for any attack he received.

Knowing this, it was necessary for Roy to not show even the tiniest bit of anger or emotion on his face.

Lead by Alma, he arrived in front of the two figures, as they bowed slightly, and she started the introductions,

"Esteemed Father, Your Excellency, this little one has managed to fulfill her mission and bring the cargo safely!"

"You have done a great job little Alma, with this you have done a great service not only to your merchant guild but also to me and the city."

These words came from Earl Clark, who said them with a tone of gentleness and tenderness, like a father complimenting his child.

But Roy could feel that there was some hidden emotion or feeling in those words. Furthermore, that look in his eyes was a bit weird.

Still, he didn't say or do anything, as it wasn't the place or the time to do something like that. At that time it was Master Bryan's, Alma's father, to say something,

"You truly did well my daughter, I am truly thankful to have a daughter like you! But you still haven't introduced the young lad behind you!"

Not only him, but everyone else in the crowd seemed interested in Roy's identity, and his reason for being there. After all, this wasn't the market, but the main building of the Sparrow Merchant Guild.

"This child was just about to introduce him to Esteemed Father, and His Excellency, this man is this little one's husband Roy Fitz!"

Since he would need a surname when introduced, Roy had decided to use just a part of his real surname, as his full surname would surely land him in trouble.

But right now, his surname wasn't the biggest problem in there, but his identity in being the blue-haired beauty's husband.

That news had left everyone shocked, including Earl Clark, and Master Bryan. They didn't know how to react to the news.

The first to speak this time was Master Bryan, Alma's father, who asked in a solemn and heavy tone,

"You aren't joking about this, are you Alma? How could you marry without my permission?"

On the side, Earl Clark was staying silent and waiting for the answer, but there was slight maliciousness on his look towards Roy now.

As if that wasn't enough, there were quite a few people who held malice in their gaze towards Roy and were applying their pressures and auras towards him so that he could make a joke of himself.

Fortunately to Roy these 'smart-asses' were quite a few in number and didn't possess much logic. Due to the clash and override of pressures and auras, most of them canceled each other.

In the end, even the truly powerful auras were weakened considerably and weren't much of a problem for Roy.

The Earl and Master Bryan noticed it clearly, but they didn't act or say anything as they were more concerned about Alma's answer.

On the other hand, Alma seemed to have sensed the situation as well, as she grew a bit angry with those people, but still, she didn't show it on her face, as she said,

"We still haven't exchanged promises, or made our vows Esteemed Father, so this daughter hasn't been unfilial as you might think!

But this daughter's heart and mind have been stolen by this man, and she can't live without him anymore, so she said those words in faith to Esteemed Father's understanding.

Precisely to receive Esteemed Father's recognition, and blessings did this daughter bring him here, and introduced him to Esteemed Father and everyone else!"

While her words were polite and well-thought, her meaning was basically clear. She was just informing her Father and the others, as she had already made her decision.

It was either Roy or no one else!

That left the whole crowd speechless, and her father Master Bryan wasn't an exception either. He had never thought that his daughter would one day bring him a son-in-law like that.

Everyone was expecting him to flare up and punish his daughter for that, but the truth was that Alma's standing and position in the Sparrow Merchant Guild were too powerful to punish her.

One could say that Alma was the only pillar keeping him in the position of the Guild Master's position, as his best friend was plotting and gaining power on his back.

Losing her, was as good as handing the Sparrow Merchant Guild to his enemy, and that was something that he would never allow to happen.

Furthermore, he knew his daughter very well, she wasn't the type who would act without thinking, especially with her special ability.

This meant, that the young lad in front of him, had something special about him. Something good enough to make even his daughter propose and say something like that.

But for appearance's sake, he couldn't just accept it like that, as he said in a heavy and solemn tone,

"Daughter of mine, it seems like I have let you wander too much around. So much that you even brought me a son-in-law home.

This is a result of my leniency, so I can't really blame you! But you can't expect me to accept him so easily!

After all, all I know about him is whatever you just said, his name and surname! That is nowhere near enough, as he will be the son-in-law of the Sparrow Merchant Guilds, Guild Master.

So, I will give him 2 months' time! in these 2 months, he should try his best to show me that he is worthy of being your husband, and my son-in-law!

If I deem him unworthy, then I shall kill him myself, even if it means breaking your heart! Am I clear?"

His words caused another commotion at the place, while Roy put an expression of displeasure on his face. It was so good that everyone thought that he was truly displeased.

'Guild Master is too soft-hearted towards the young Miss!'

'Yes, who is this loser that shows at our doorstep and claims to be young Miss's husband?'

'He is just a swindler, who must have bewitched young Miss!'

'We should teach him his place, otherwise, he might think that he will truly be accepted as Young Miss's husband!'

Whispers started spreading among the crowd, as it looked like Uncle Boris worked quite fast. At the same time, it also showed just how many useless chat boxes these guys truly were.

As Roy heard these words, his face was getting uglier by the moment. He looked like he was about to explode at any moment, as Alma was the only one stopping him to do so!

At this moment, some brave heart Young Master appeared from the crowd and said in a tone of heavenly justice,

"Guild Master, I am sorry if my words sound like possible offense, but I have been an admirer of the Young Lady for quite some time now, and the whole Guild knows about it.

So, I can't accept that suddenly such a bumpkin appears by Young Lady Alma's side and claims to be her husband!

For that reason, I would want to challenge this bumpkin into a duel! If I win then he has to stay far away from Young Lady's presence!

Surely I will do the same if he manages to defeat me!"

'Yeah, yeah! Fight him and show him his place!'

'Who does he think he is?'

'Third Elders son has been infatuated with Young Lady for quite some time now, everyone knows this! He will surely show that guy's his place!'

'Not every bumpkin could become Young Lady's husband!'

The crowd was fired up at the proclamation of the Young Master, as they seemed like they had been expecting something like this to happen.

Everyone knew that this guy was spouting bullshit, as he had been one of the biggest bullies that had made Alma's life miserable before.

But with the guy's background, and some favors, they were all treating him like he had been a burned lover from the start.

That could easily be seen on Alma's face, who couldn't hide the anger and rage in her heart. Master Bryan didn't give an answer to that, as he was waiting for Roy's reaction.

His reaction surely managed to fire-up, and startle the crowd though…

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