The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 22 - 22: Fighting The Forest Barbarians (First Kill!)

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Without any warning, the forest barbarian started running towards Roy, as he was even shouting in an incomprehensible language,


To someone like Roy, it didn't make sense in the least why he should scream like that, but he knew from old Roy's memories that they did this to gain momentum, and startle their enemies.

So, besides the fact that the scream was just a pain in the ass, it didn't have much effect on the new Roy who was already used to the wolf's howling, and titanic cats purring and roaring all the time.

The forest barbarian came directly towards him with a straight punch. Apparently, he believed a lot in his strength and considered this enough to not only beat the shit out of Roy but also humiliate him.

To say the truth even though Roy knew this guy was the weakest of the bunch he didn't know how exactly he compared to him.

For that reason, he was a bit too considerate of that punch, as he was totally concentrated only on that, and had completely cut all contact with his surroundings.

Even then his guard wasn't totally down though, as he wasn't alone, he had 12 other pairs of eyes that would never allow someone to approach him without his consent.

So, he could totally concentrate on his fight without any problem whatsoever, but to his surprise, the punch was coming to him much slower than he thought.

Actually, looking at that punch, and that speed, he felt like his opponent was way inferior to him. It was like comparing 5 and 10, he was about half strong as Roy was.

That gave Roy a massive boost of confidence, as he just let the forest barbarian approach and then easily dodged the punch with a slight step to the left.

Under the momentum of his own punch, that guy hit a tree that was behind Eric. His punch split the tree trunk into two parts, as the tree started falling down.

This scene was enough to send shivers down Roy's back, even though he knew that he was stronger now, he still couldn't believe that he could punch a tree into two pieces.

Furthermore, this guy only had about half of his strength which meant that if he punched the tree himself the result would be much more amazing than this, which was already breathtaking.

The forest barbarian didn't was really angry that Eric was able to dodge his punch, but then seeing his stunned face, he said with a tone full of arrogance,

"What, you scared now little white monkey!?"

It was those arrogant words that awakened Roy from his stupor as he recollected himself, thinking that this was the true world and life he wanted to live, and then continued,

"I thought you were talking to me until now, but now I see that the one you truly were angry with was the tree!

Since when have you started talking to the trees though!? Care to teach me too?"

His words had the required effect, the forest barbarian got even angrier, as he immediately jumped towards him one again, this time it would be a semi-circular flying kick.

He wasn't withholding his punches in the least, from the first punch he had used every bit of his strength and he was doing the same even now.

But no matter how much effort did that guy put into the fight, he would always end up kicking or punching whatever was behind Roy, his punches or kicks never connected.

Very soon he started to breathe heavily as even sweat drops were forming on his forehead, making it clear that he was getting tired, and demotivated that none of his attacks connected.

Thinking like that, he said in an angry tone,

"You damn pu*ssy, you don't dare to receive one attack from me and you call yourself a man!?"

Since he wasn't able to catch at Roy's speed he decided to try and taunt him to take one of his attacks, he was totally confident in himself that he would be able to make him feel sorry about it.

Even though he himself didn't think that Roy would accept his taunting, he was surprised hearing him say,

"I was thinking of putting an end to this show myself, come one show me your best attack."

The forest barbarian seemed unable to believe his ears, as his angry face turned into a devilish grin, and without much preparation, he jumped towards Eric with an uppercut.

After all that had happened, he didn't dare to be lenient in the least, as he used every dreg of strength left in his body, it seemed like he wanted to turn Roy into an idiot with just one attack.

Roy was a bit surprised looking at the attack coming his way, but he wasn't afraid of it, in fact, he was getting excited a bit about it. He couldn't help but be excited that he was finally going to try his strength.

With these thoughts in his mind, he used his left hand to block the uppercut coming his way, and then his right hand went for a straight hook to the forest barbarian's face.

Since Roy was at least twice stronger than this guy in front of him, his left hand blocked his right uppercut midway, and at the same time his straight hook connected to the barbarian's face.

The end result was even more amazing than he had thought. His straight hook had sent the forest barbarian flying towards a more than 4 meters away tree, which had been smashed into two parts.

It was just fu*cking amazing he had never thought that he would be able to do such a thing so easily and so naturally, that it looked like he was just stretching his hand.

Well, it was amazing until he saw the face of the forest barbarian that had tried to fight him, he had crushed the guy's face.

He had dislocated his jaw, ruptured his eardrum, and even cracked his skull, and bone structure quite a bit. Even if he was able to survive all that, he was never going to be the same again.

At this moment he felt two terrifying pairs of eyes behind his back, full of bloodlust and killing intent like they were nothing more than animals hungry for blood.

They hadn't even checked on the state of their so-called brother, as they were both trying to profit from the current situation and take Roy down.

By what they had seen with their own eyes, they had both understood that they were in no position to win a one vs one fight with Roy.

Even if they joined hands and attacked both at the same time they would still probably lose. Forcing them into the current situation where they were trying to capture him by surprise.

Even though these two guys were stronger than their weakest brother, they still weren't stronger by much, if their brother was a 5 then they were a 7 and an 8.

Nothing was really difficult for Roy who was a full capacity 10, so even though they caught him by surprise, he was still able to dodge their attacks, and slide to the right.

The two of them didn't seem to give up, as they tried it once again with a following attack. It seemed like they were dead on set to take Roy's life one way or another.

Once again, Roy dodged their attack but this time much easier than the first time, and he even looked like he would relaunch a counterattack.

Sensing the battle intent from Roy, and understanding that he was dodging them easier and easier, the second brother followed with his attacks, but the first one turned around and made a run for it.

When the second brother was able to understand what had just happened it was already too late, as Roy had blocked his attack, and had landed one of his punches to the guy's chest.

Making his rib cage crumble under his power, and his thoracic spine was broken in two, with one part cutting through his heart.

Intentionally or unintentionally Eric had just killed a man for the first time. He didn't understand it at first, but then see how this guy turned into a mushy thing that fell down, he finally understood it.

He had just killed someone. Even though it was without intention he had killed the guy, he had taken his life.

Once the realization hit him, he fell down on the ground vomiting everything he had eaten that morning, it was truly gross, but the feeling and idea of having killed someone were even more so.

He started vomiting and vomiting like there was no tomorrow. In the meantime, the lady barbarian that had been silent this whole time finally moved once again when she saw the development of the situation.

Those three scums had been turned into a joke, as one was dead, another in a grave situation, and the third had run away for his life.

Now that even the white devil seemed to be not in a good state, as he was vomiting like crazy, she thought this was her chance.

It was now or never, as she had to run away from here, and go ask for help. That was her only option if only she could go and ask for help from her mother's tribe.

With these thoughts in mind, she slowly got up, even though with trembling legs, she decided to make a run for it.

But before she could even take another step from where she was, 9 titanic cats, 2 sharp-toothed wolves, and one illusory fox appeared in the surroundings, completely sealing the place…

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