The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 237 - 237: Meeting At The Inn

Even though the building was excellently made, it wasn't fully soundproofed, and even less was there a sound formation to block the moaning of the beautiful Lady Kate, who was having the fu*ck of her life.

The ones who had the biggest difficulties working at that moment were the lady artisans, despite being slightly older around their 40-ies the moment that they heard those moans they seemed to lose attention.

Normal hearing was enough to understand that whoever was responsible for those moans was truly feeling everything for real, and she wasn't faking her pleasure.

Things like these were extremely difficult to come across, and they hadn't enjoyed something like that for a long time, or to be more exact through all their lives.

None of them was pure, they each had their husbands, families, and their own romances, but never ever had they moaned like that for real.

So they couldn't help but feel extremely jealous of whoever was enjoying whatever was going on above them, as their minds started floating around, what would happen if they were to enjoy it too.

Thinking like that, they couldn't help but think of actually seducing their mysterious boss and proving his worth and value through their own bodies. 

But certainly, that was something for the future, as right now they were too busy dealing with their work, and their salivating secret gardens.

As they were all having difficulties concentrating one of the 3 ladies, who was the chubbiest of the three, with bigger curves, finally got the courage to get up as she said,

"I need to go to the bathroom!"

Once the first one headed to the bathroom to relieve herself, the other two followed behind her with different excuses, as their true purpose was to go and take a look on the third floor.

Too bad, the door to the third door was closed with a key and it was impossible for them to open it, as they could only continue towards their secondary goal, to relieve their selves in the bathroom.

On the other hand, Roy who was pounding the woman under him, couldn't help but show the whites of his teeth, as he noticed their reactions through his 'sense area'.

Since the people on this planet lived rather longer lives than the people in his previous world, these ladies were older despite looking in their 40-ies.

But that didn't matter much to him, as long as a woman showed interest towards him, or entered his eyes he wouldn't mind checking up on her and her skills.

After all, for the looks, there were a lot of pills that would help them get in shape, and as for their age, they could always cultivate magic or their bodies to live longer beside him.

It wasn't like he expected each and every one of them to live forever by his side, as nothing was forever in this world, perhaps one day even the whole universe would collapse until the birth of a new one.

He was just trying to select the best women and those with the highest potential of staying by his side as long as he was alive.

In order to find out that, he was willing to give each and every one of them a chance, an opportunity to prove their selves, as he controlled their potential.

Furthermore, with the Magic Origin Milk in his hands, he was able to give each and every one of these women that proved their worth, a chance to improve their chances and their potential.

For that reason, even these women would have their chance in the future, but whether it would happen soon or late it would depend on his tight schedule and their courage.

While he wouldn't take the initiative to seduce them, he wouldn't let them go if they did it first either. This was a sort of test, to whether they were brave and worthy of him.

But now wasn't the time to think about them, as he had to concentrate on the work in front of him, which was to make this beautiful lady lose her mind to his little soldier.

Roy and Lady Kate went at it for a full evening, only when it was around 1 o'clock did the beautiful lady finally lose all her strength due to excessive climaxing, and lost conscience.

On the other hand, Roy was satisfied with the result of his hard work, as he quickly cleaned himself, got dressed, and then got out of the building before leaving behind a not to her.

'Don't forget from now on you belong to me, in body, heart, and soul!

If you dare let another man touch you, you are going to regret it for the rest of your life!

I had something to do so I will leave first! if you need something you can contact me through this place!

Tell your assassins to keep an eye so nothing happens in the meantime!"

One didn't need to hear these words, to understand the tone that Roy had used while writing this letter, as he seemed to be extremely authoritative and dominating.

With that said and done, he now had something extremely important to do, or more precisely someone important to meet.

That night that he had entered Amelia's old home, where Lady Fiona was supposed to be after the commotion Young Lady Aura had actually set up a meeting with him, he had to go and take a look.

Since he had no idea in what kind of situation he was getting himself in, he had decided to check up on the place by himself at first, and only if it was safe and secure let Amelia out.

Reaching the abandoned looking Inn he didn't head directly for the meeting place, but actually took a look around.

Just like he expected there were a number of hidden experts on the streets, each and every one of them seemingly an expert Warrior, or Mage.

They were all dressed in normal outfits trying to blend with their surroundings and people, but they had one thing that separated them from the rest.

The aura around their bodies!

No one who lived a normal life would have their bloodlust and their expert standing. It was the same as trying to hide gold amidst fake gold.

One magnet was enough to make the first difference between the two. After making a mental map with their positions, and their probable strength, Roy finally turned his attention towards the meeting place.

Checking the place for any formation first through his usual means, this time testing it with a little rat and making sure there was nothing, he quietly made his way towards the meeting room.

The inn was empty with the exception of Young Lady aura, and two other ladies by her side, serving her tea.

Even though they looked harmless and simple servants on first look, the bloodlust around them was actually higher than those guys outside.

In fact, they could be thought to have the strongest bloodlust that Roy had seen until that moment, which clearly surprised him.

Still, they were nothing that he couldn't handle, but before showing himself he decided to try and spy on them a bit.

"Young Lady do you think that she will come here tonight? I am sure that she might be thinking this is a trap!"

"She will! Not to say, that she might be here already!"

"Huh!? What makes you so sure young Lady!?"

"Because to her, I am the only clue and helper she has to find her own mother! I am sure that to her, her mother is more important than her own life!"

"Are you truly going to help her young Lady!? You know that this issue is extremely difficult and complicated as it involves quite a few people we can't offend right now!"

"Surely I am going to help her! After all, I need a spark that would set all those bastards ablaze! Only like that will I be able to control this place through that stupid brother of mine!"

"What about the failed attempt on Lady Kate, young Lady!?"

"I don't know how that bi*tch managed to escape, but I will make sure that she dies a horrible death!"

"I don't understand this Young Lady, isn't she your biological mother!?"

"Huh!? My biological mother, that sl*ut watched that bastard of a father I have, take my purity on my 16th birthday and didn't even try to help me!

She doesn't deserve to be a mother! I will make sure that she regrets her actions until her last breath!"

'Whoa~! This is some great information!'

Roy couldn't help but feel extremely satisfied with his decision of firstly coming here to spy, as he had just gotten his hands on some extremely helpful information.

With this, he could even make his newest slave succumb to his authority faster and deeper. After all, the news of her own daughter trying to kill her surely must be shocking to her.

After that, the two young ladies serving her tea continued to talk to her about some other things, but none of them was as interesting as what he heard.

Unfortunately, he didn't even manage to know why the newest wife of Earl Clark would try to take Lady Fiona away, which made him quite angry.

"I don't think that she will come to today Young Lady, we better leave, before the lord takes the news of our absence. We can't afford to alert him, right now, can we!?"

"Sigh~! You are right, I guess I was too confident!"

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