The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 24 - 24: Fighting The Barbarian Warriors

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There were 20 fighters in her grey wolf tribe, including the three scums that had followed her earlier, and had tried to **** her.

Her father had been the Head of their tribe, and the leader of the warriors until this morning, but that had changed when the guy who was bringing the warriors here had challenged her father.

Normally that guy wouldn't be an opponent for her father, as he truly was the strongest of the tribe, but before the fight her father had to fight the two little brothers, and was tired when it came to the third.

It was a clearly well thought plan to tire him out, and then take his place. Immediately as they came in charge, and were accepted by the tribe, they took everything from her father.

The position of the Tribe head was just the start, as they asked for all his wives, and family women to become theirs.

Since the strong was the king, and the loser was the thief, her father had no choice but to accept, and hand them over.

The moment she had heard about this, Ileana had left her tribe in hope of going to ask for help from her mother's tribe.

Even though it was going to be just a useless action, she still wanted to try it, and then save her father and her family.

Unfortunately, or fortunately for her, her escape hadn't gone as she had thought it would, as she was captured, and then become the possession of a white devil.

Even though she didn't want to accept it, she realized that there was no way for her to escape his grasp.

But now, with the appearance of her tribe warriors she didn't know what to wish for anymore. Should her tribe's warriors win, then she was going to go back to being that scum's woman.

Should her tribe's warriors lose, not only she, but most probably all her tribe would become Roy's possession, and that would make quite a few tribes their public enemies, to not say all the forest barbarians.

As she was thinking like that though, she was clearly skipping one fact, Roy wasn't alone, he had 12 beasts by his side.

Furthermore, taking into consideration his own strength, then her tribe's warriors were nothing more that useless toys.

In fact, he alone was enough to put them all down, and claim the role of the tribe head. This was precisely what Roy was thinking.

That was also the reason why he told the beasts to spread out. He didn't want those guys to get scared before facing him, and run away.

He wanted that position as tribe head because he wanted to make use of the whole tribe. In order to go against his former Empire, he would need an army.

And not a normal army either, as his former Empire was one of the strongest in the continent. So, he needed to make sure to build a powerful and strong army.

These forest barbarians were perfect warrior material, it was only because they lived away from civilization that they were unable to progress a lot in their warrior way.

To be more exact, they lacked the necessary resources, and techniques in order to get stronger as warrior, and he had the confidence to supply them with both, and turn them into real powerful warriors.

For techniques, he had the ones that his Master had collected all this time, as for resources he had this big Death Forest, and his Gaia.

Certainly, this small tribe wouldn't be enough, but they were a good start for him. So, he decided to take possession of their tribe, by showing his strength.

If they didn't want to accept him even after that, then he could easily use them as food for his beasts.

Earlier he had noticed that the beasts had a special attraction towards the human meat. It looked like they were pleading to let them eat the dead bodies.

It was still a bit difficult for him to come to terms with this, but sooner or later it would happen. He had a feeling that he had already taken the first and most important step.

As he was thinking like that the screams became stronger, and louder as all the 18 warriors were in sight range away from him.

They were running like crazy, and they seemed like they were crazy. The moment they saw Roy's position the group immediately split in two, as they started surrounding him.

They didn't want the white devil to escape their grasp as their new leader, had told them that this particular white devil was fast, but he had said nothing about his strength.

Looking at them run towards him like that, Roy didn't have much of a thought on them, in fact he was much more trying to figure their strength, and potential.

These guys would soon become his possessions, and he wanted to know just how much worth they had.

Each and every one of them seemed to be ripped, and with bulged muscles, and towering bodies, but Roy knew that only that meant nothing.

One's body shape didn't show their strength, or the potential hidden inside them. He would have to see that with his own eyes, and prove their worth with his own hands, and legs.

The warriors hadn't expected to face such a weird and brave white devil, as they usually would either start running away, or start crying in fear.

While this guy was staying there, hearing their screams, and shouts unperturbed, as he looked at them with a calm, and natural look.

It was at that moment that the barbarian warriors saw the bodies of two of their own, as they immediately got enraged.

Roy had killed two of their own, this was something unforgivable by their books, so their screams, and shouts became louder, and a bit more painful, as they started attacking him.

Each warrior was equipped with a wooden spear of sorts, and a massive shield in front of them for defense.

A normal soldier in the human army would have had it impossible to hold that kind of shield, so it should provide really good defense.

But at the same time, it was also really difficult to use, and maneuver with it. These guys had run quite a bit holding those shields so they were clearly tired, and sloppy when they surrounded Roy.

Seeing Ileana by Roy's side they got even madder, it was unclear what that scum had told them, but he clearly seemed to have a way with his words.

Ileana was the beauty of the tribe, as a matter of fact there were a lot of Heads, and their son's who wanted to have her as their woman, and yet right now she was beside a white devil.

Just how could they accept something like that? They had to kill, or toy with the white devil as they made her understand what her real position, and master was.

Without losing anymore time, all the 18th forest barbarians surrounded Roy with their shields, and then used their spear to poke as many holes as they could on his body.

Certainly, making sure that they didn't poke a hole through Ileana in the meantime. It wasn't that difficult, as the distance was short, and they had a lot of hunting experience.

Different from their expectations though, Roy didn't dodge their spears, instead he seemed to have generated some mental thing, and parried all their spears with it.

It was him against 18 of them, and yet not even one had been able to hold its own against Roy, but that wasn't all, their spears had been all broken in two, and rendered useless.

The result clearly shocked all of them, as they understood that they were much weaker than Roy, but still they wouldn't give up that easily, their barbarian pride wouldn't allow them that.

So, they raised their shields, and started pushing towards him, their intention was clear, they were going to squish him into meat paste.

It was a pity that Ileana was going down with him, but they had to do it, in order to save their own selves.

Roy didn't seem to panic as they started running towards him, quite the opposite actually, he was calm, and collected.

But he clearly couldn't stay there, so he picked up Ileana on his arms, and then started running in one particular direction, towards the scum that was leading these warriors.

The scum seemed to feel Roy's just created killing intent and trembled for a moment, but thinking how heavy and strong his shield was, together with the fact that he had 17 others, he continued his way.

Roy just smiled at his action, when he suddenly used the momentum he had generated to make an average jump, and then use his strength, and gravity to kick the scum's shield.

Roy himself was really strong, adding gravity to his kick made it even more powerful, as he not only sent the scum flying, but even the shield was broken in two parts.

Every one of the forest barbarians looking at what happened were shocked. They had never thought it possible!

Roy had managed to generate enough strength to break one of their shields in two, while carrying Ileana in his arms.

One had to know that the armor and the shield the scum was using were the cream of the crops, the best of the tribe. And yet even that shield had been broken in two.

It was at that moment that even their muscle heads understood that they had already lost the fight, and that they couldn't defeat Roy.

As if that wasn't enough…

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