The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 244 - 244: 3rd Elder’s Punishment

Roy was extremely happy with the results of this night, in fact, things had proceeded so well that he even started doubting whether there was a second hand in the game.

But that didn't matter right now, as he just returned to Alma's courtyard for a nice sleep. After all, despite the fact that no one would check on a vegetable like him, he still had to keep his appearance.

He didn't even greet Alma on the way in, as she was most probably busy trying to comprehend the current situation.

It was a matter of course that the Guild Master and the concerned parties had received news of what had happened, and they were most probably considering how to deal with it.

This was bound to be a long and loud night for Alma and the others, but it had nothing to do with him on the surface, as he was pleased with the results and went to get a good sleep.

Just like Roy had thought, the Guild Master and Boris were among the first to receive news of the incident through their channels, and they immediately prepared for a big conference of the Guild.

It was probably the first time in a while that both the Guild Master and the 1st Elder actually both agreed to have an urgent conference in such a short time.

The whole Merchant Guild was awakened due to the noise and the necessary preparations, while the Elders and the relevant personnel were called to the grand meeting.

Even the illusory 2nd Elder seemed to have appeared this time beside the Guild Master and looked coldly and threateningly at the 3rd Elder who was in front of everyone.

In fact, more than a grand meeting the current situation it looked that of a judgment room, where the 3rd Elder was waiting for his punishment.

'Ahem…, Ahem…, Ahem…'

Of course, in a short time, everyone learned of what the 3rd Elder had done, as the whispers and derogatory terms bloomed around the room, while the Guild Master had to cough to attract attention.

"3rd Elder explain what happened! Start from the beginning and don't try to hide any details!"

"Very well, everything started with…"

Like that the 3rd Elder recounted everything that happened from the start to the end, but he made sure to color a few parts to his advantage.

After all, even he understood the gravity of the situation and didn't want to cause a calamity due to the stupidity of his son.

"Where is your son now 3rd Elder!?"

"I have thrown that bastard to the basement of my home, he needs to be punished and understand the gravity of his actions!"

Even though he might seem like a strict father figure, that had immediately punished his son, the truth was that it was just an extremely well-thought trick.

Like this he could claim that he had immediately punished his son, not only to create a good image but also so that the Guild Master wasn't able to punish him after.

After all, his son was already being punished, there was no reason for the Guild Master to personally act.

With his influence and strength in the Merchant Guild and his position, he was confident in escaping this matter with a big fine and possible repercussions in strength.

These things would cause him much trouble, and he could easily sweep through later when the deal was taken care of.

"3rd Elder I can't understand how you could do such a big mistake that actually endangers our whole guild just due to the clear mistake of your son!

It makes people think that you truly don't wish the best for our Sparrow Merchant Guild and that you are acting against our interests!

If it weren't for the fact that we had all known you for so long, we might have even thought that you were someone sent specifically to make trouble for us!

Sigh~! It pains me to say this, but I think that we should expel the 3rd Elder from our Sparrow Merchant Guild and seek apology from Master Aron and Earl Clark!"

Unfortunately, the 3rd Elder had thought too highly of himself, as he was startled hearing those words coming out of Boris's mouth.

He was even prepared to actually surrender temporarily to the guy, and offer his unconditional support for some time, but he would have never thought that he would actually make such a request.

"Sigh~! This situation is truly disastrous for our Sparrow Merchant Guild, as we are at the end of the 10-year ceremony.

Unfortunately, we can't afford any negative repercussions in the meantime, so despite paining me greatly, I will have to agree with Boris's request.

3rd Elder needs to be expelled from our Sparrow Merchant Guild, and we should try to apologize to Master Aron, and Earl Clark!"

When the 3rd Elder and half of the assembly had thought that the Guild Master would try to shelter him in order to get him on his side, they were startled to hear that he agreed to Boris's request.

This could be said to be a phenomenon that didn't happen from the creation of the Sparrow Merchant Guild, as the whole assembly of Elders started whispering to each other.

The person most shocked with what was happening was precisely the 3rd Elder, who looked like he had just swallowed the stinkiest shit possible.

"Gu-Guild Master, 1st Elder don't you think that this is a bit too much! I have given this Merchant Guild so many years of my life and worked so hard to bring it where it is right now!"

No matter what, no one of the people present could actually negate that claim as the 3rd Elder was in that position due to his rightful achievements.

"Tha-that's right Guild Master, while 3rd Elder has made a grave mistake this time, we can't just throw him on the road!"

It was the 7th Elder, even though this guy was usually meek and didn't get involved in matters concerning the guild, he had decided to speak up.

That surprised the Guild Master and quite a few others, but his voice was easily pressured and beaten down, as other Elders started screaming,

"3rd Elder has caused a calamity for our Sparrow Merchant Guild how could this be too much!?"

"Just think about the losses that we will incur from the results of this grudge!"

"We all know Master Aron, he isn't the guy to forget his grudges, and he might also think of us as the great cake to help him receive the title!"

"This is all that little beast's fault, I heard that he did this for a cheap sl*ut inside a tavern! How could he be so brainless!"

"Right, right, 3rd Elder should be happy that we aren't asking for compensations!"

In a short moment, the assembly became extremely noisy and wordy, as the 3rd Elder couldn't believe his ears.

All these guys would usually come and lick his ass like there was no tomorrow, while now they were condemning his actions, and throwing him to the roads.

Not only that but they even claimed that he should be happy they weren't asking for compensation.

"Your mothers! I have worked myself to the bones for this fu*cking Guild, and now you are treating me like the plague!

Well, very well, today this old man's eyes have been truly opened to your bastards' true characters!

You don't have to expel me and throw me away anymore, because I am leaving this damned place! I just hope that you don't regret your decisions!"

With that said, he turned around and left the place after one last angry look at the Guild Master and 1st Elder, while the crowd behind him got lively once again,

"3rd Elder, no bastard Jack how dare you to threaten and insult us!"

"Who do you think you are!?"

"You should be happy that Guild Master and 1st Elder didn't kill you after those words!"

No matter the position or place, crowd emotion, and crowd condemnation were truly scary stuff, as no one would be able to win against it.

Both the Guild Master and the 1st Elder had a strange gleam in their eyes, while the 3rd Elder left the place without caring in the least what was said behind.

Today he had received one of the biggest hits to his life, as couldn't believe that something like this had actually happened.

Returning to his home defeated and angered, he quickly announced to his wife and the servants the result and told them to prepare to leave the place.

His wife and son seemed as shocked as him, especially his son who was actually the one responsible for this. He could only hide behind his mother so that he didn't even show his face to his father.

On the other hand, the servants started preparing and packing everything inside the house, so they could leave as soon as possible when a group of Elders appeared at the door.

"What are you people doing, this place and everything inside is property of my Sparrow Merchant Guild, how dare you try to steal from here?"

Hearing those words the 3rd Elder almost coughed up blood due to excessive anger, as he had never thought that these guys would do something like that.

"What bullshit are you sprouting, I personally bought everything inside!"

"Hmph~! You personally bought it that's true, but the money came from the Guild's coffers. How can you claim that these things belong to you!?

Just how shameless can you be?"

'Cough…, cough…, cough…'

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