The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 259 - Earl Clark’s First Wife

It was at that moment that Roy actually walked on the third floor, and he found the situation in front of him. It was a bit surprising, as he had actually forgotten to inform the ladies about Kate's arrival.

Still, he had to say that he was quite satisfied with their reaction, and attitudes at the moment, as this showed that they weren't taking this task lightly.

The moment that the ladies saw him enter inside, Valery was the one to step in front and then say to him,

"Master, we caught this woman trying to intrude in this place a few minutes ago!"

"I know her Valery, I was the one to call her here! You can release her!"

"Yes, Master!"

Immediately Valery and the other ladies lowered their weapons and released Kate, but they still kept their undivided attention towards her.

This time more than looking at her as an intruder and thief they were looking at her like an actual opponent.

Knowing Roy, even this woman must have the same relationship with him as to them. After all, Roy was just like a mortal weapon to women that caught his attention.

It was impossible for him to keep by his side a woman that he didn't have an intimate relationship with.

Their doubts were confirmed the next moment, as Kate approached Roy while saying,

"You should have warned me about them, Master, I almost killed a few of them!"

Roy extended his hand towards her rear buns, giving them a squeeze as he said,

"You shouldn't throw arrogant words like that Kate, they aren't that easy to deal with. Especially when they are together, they are even stronger.

Don't worry, you will understand that later, now give me the information!"

Kate didn't like the words she heard, as despite being caught due to the surprise she experienced by their presence in there, she still thought that this wouldn't happen another time.

She had complete confidence in herself that should she reenact the whole thing once again, she could kill all of them without exception.

Still, she just showed her displeasure in her face and didn't say anything else. It was clear that she wasn't convinced, but Roy didn't have time to explain everything to her, as he just received the information stone.

Then without wasting any more second, he immediately used his Magic Power to open the space channel to Gaia and then send all the beauties inside while parting a few words to them,

"Use this chance to fight, understand, and improve together!"

Kate was certainly taken by surprise by everything that happened, as she didn't understand what was going on, as she was thrown inside Gaia alongside the other beauties.

In the meantime, Roy went through the collected information. It appeared that Earl Clark's first wife had been extremely willing to marry him, due to his status and wealth.

By marrying him she would be the first lady of the dominion, and her son would inherit the dominion, and she would be able to have quite the status and standing in society.

She didn't care about Earl Clark's looks or the weird rumors about his special preferences in bed. As long as she had the standing and status, everything else didn't matter.

Until recently she had been looking like the perfect first wife of the Earl, and she didn't seem to care who her husband screwed with, as long as her son was still the inheritor of the dominion.

In fact, the more that the guy run around and found other beauties to defile and take her place she was extremely happy.

After all, she didn't have to suffer under his weird and extreme preferences in bed. No matter how many times she experienced that, she never enjoyed it.

As a matter of fact, she didn't even remember to have climaxed once during all this time that she had been with him.

The worst possible scenario was that she couldn't even look for someone else to pleasure her, as she feared that that guy would get angry and remove her son's position in the list of inheritors.

Things had changed when her son finally had the opportunity to seal the inheritance if he managed to capture one of those Rank 6 beasts, corpses, or cubs.

Everything was nice and dandy up to some time, as her son was keeping constant contact with her, and was proceeding perfectly.

Her mood changed once she went more than a few days without contacting her son. Something had happened to her son, and she had no idea what.

First, she thought that Master Gorg or that bi*tch Amelia had done something to him, but there was no sign from them either.

No matter how much she tried there was no way she could cover the loss of contact with her son for long. Which meant that those little bastards would start fighting for the inheritance of the dominion.

Not only that, but her husband seemed to not care in the least about the fate of her son, and he had even started to jump in action for that sl*ut Lady Fiona.

In order to do her best to protect her son's position and also take revenge against her husband, she had acted fast and had actually 'kidnapped' and hidden Lady Fiona before her Earl Clark could act.

Right now, she was the only one who had an idea of Lady Fiona's location, as she was using her as a piece to extortionate her husband into not handing over the dominion to someone else, hoping that her son would return.

The reason Kate had so much information about this situation was due to the fact that she had been looking for Lady Fiona's whereabouts for quite some time now.

In order to help her son gain the inheritor position, she had to find her and take out this piece from the first wife's hands.

Roy checked this whole information in one breath, but instead of looking into the leads that Kate had found, he started looking at all the accomplices and enemies of Earl Clark's first wife.

The best way to control Lady Fiona's situation was to keep her in front of her eyes or send her outside the dominion.

But the second option was clearly investigated from Kate, and most probably Earl Clark as well, which meant that most probably Lady Fiona was still in the city.

Looking through all the information he found a few places he doubted, that he was planning to visit during the night. With those thoughts in mind, he quickly opened the space channel to Gaia to have some rest there.

Gaia was the only place where he could be fully relaxed that nothing would happen to him, as this whole place was under his rule.

Well, at least until now that he hadn't found anyone else in there, not that he had explored much of the place anyway.

He was still too weak to actually check too far from his safe heaven in Gaia. In fact, he was already planning to start his exploration in Gaia once he took care of this place called Badona City.

That was a plan for the future though, right now he was concentrated on the situation happening close to the Stone Altar.

The 5 beauties that had clashed with Kate outside, were having a fight with Kate on the free space close to the Stone Altar, while the others were training on the areas around.

They were all actually training in the 10-times gravity field, but there was no sign of their previous difficulties in it, and they were slowly getting used to it.

Soon, they would be able to fully adapt to the 10-times gravity field and even be able to improve their selves further.

The results of their training were obvious in the fight between the five beauties and Kate. 

Despite the fact that they were between Rank 3 and Rank 4, they were able to not only put a fight against Kate who was a late Rank 4 Bewitching Mage, they were even able to win against her.

Kate was certainly shocked by their fighting prowess and their abilities, as she had never seen something rule-defying like this.

It looked like they were at least 7 or 8 times faster than a normal expert of their same Rank, making them able to even compare to her speed despite being of a higher Rank.

Not only that, but even their strength, endurance, and stamina as well. Just how the hell had they trained to reach this level.

Each and every one of them seemed to be on the same level as those geniuses from the big Kingdoms, or Empires of the continent.

Even one of them would be enough to shock a place like this Badona City, making Earl Clark desperate to try and attach them to his side.

Yet there were so many of these women in this place, and there were a few even better than the ones she was fighting.

Especially when her eyes landed on Amelia who seemed to have become the wolf leading the pack of ladies and kids, as everyone was convinced of her strength and prowess.

What she didn't understand was that not more than a few steps from her, someone who had an aura almost as dense as here, seemed to be having difficulties in walking in there.

Curious about what was happening there, she started walking towards the women, while the rest of them and Roy looked at her with a knowing smile.

She was about to receive a valuable lesson despite her age…

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