The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 266 - Escaping Danger

While the woman was sleeping and trying to regain her strength and stamina, Roy got out of her room and started walking through the Mansion, when he suddenly felt a strong presence in there.

Due to his Camouflage, the other party didn't seem to sense him, or his position, as he didn't have knowledge of his prior existence, and only if he came in a close radius of 20-30 meters would that guy be able to sense something.

That's right, even then he could only sense that there was something weird with the surroundings around him in that radius, but he still wouldn't be able to properly determine Roy's presence and location.

If he would have to explain this, it would be the same as walking alone in the dark and feeling that there was something or someone besides himself, but there would be no sign of the other guy, that was Roy in this case.

As much as he would like to go and play a bit with this Master, as he seemed to be a middle stage Rank 5 Mage, Roy decided against it.

After all, he was supposed to have left the Mansion now, and was waiting for Count Reik to lower his guard around the Mansion so he could take a step outside.

There were many things he had to do, and he couldn't afford to waste his time here inside Count Reik's Mansion.

Of course, things weren't bound to be that easy, and he understood this the next moment, as he felt a strong and powerful Magic Power wave explode with that Rank 5 Master as the center.

Apparently, that guy was a Water Mage as the magic that spread around with him as the center had a liquid sense to it.

But that wasn't what alarmed Roy, as his instincts seemed to alert him that this could be dangerous for the current him.

Not wasting even a second he immediately spread his 'sense area' to have a better comprehension of what it was, and weirdly found out that his senses were getting numbed and attracted to the liquid.

This was something weird and extremely dislikeable for him, as he felt uncomfortable with what was happening, as his instincts were alarming him to escape.

After being in Death Forest for all that time and absorbing all that beast blood in order to train his special Blood Arts, Roy's senses, and especially the sixth sense of danger had reached a whole new level.

One could even claim that he was the best alarm clock when it came to all kinds of danger. He had been able to protect himself and his life so many times due to those instincts of danger.

For that reason, he quickly made his decision and jumped into Gaia! No matter what happened inside Count Reik's Mansion it wouldn't be able to affect him.

Roy's decision was the best thing he could have done at that moment, as this middle stage Rank 5 Mage was in fact a Water Sensory type Mage.

Through invisible water waves he was able to sense any kind of presence, and Magic Power residues in the area it searched through.

The most important part though was that it could actually trace and recognize the same Magic Power trace if he encountered it twice, thinking of it as a fingerprint of sorts.

He couldn't tell the type, or element of the Magic Power, or Warrior Strength, but he could certainly recognize it if he ever came across it.

In a short amount of time, the full Mansion of Count Reik was placed under the Rank 5 Mage Master's Magic Spell, and every trace left behind by Roy and Amelia were revealed to the guy's senses.

That clearly included Roy's little play with the guards, his escape towards the Madam's room, and the most shocking fact of all the large quantity of Magic Power that had been left all over the Madam's body.

Once he learned of this, Count Reik's facial expression turned from surprise, startle, shock, to complete anger, rage, and darkness.

"Capture those bastards, and that bi*tch, I want some answers!"

The guards' captain and the guards immediately charged ahead, not daring to tarry the orders even for a second more, as they captured and brought the first two guards, and the Madam in front of their Lord.

Roy had no idea of what was actually going on outside, as all he knew was that he had escaped danger due to his instincts once again, and he promised to never overlook his senses.

Of course, this didn't mean that he was going to stay away from any danger, he would just select what kind of danger he would like to face.

Risking himself in the enemy's home, which might turn into his death grounds surely wasn't one of the dangers he would like to face at the moment.

The moment he reached inside Gaia, he immediately went to visit Amelia and her mother Lady Fiona, who was still asleep due to the extreme tiredness of these times.

Even though she had recovered physically using the Stone Altar, her mental and spiritual health wasn't any good since she had learned of her husband's death.

Well, the truth was that she already knew of her husband's death, and Amelia's expression when she had asked had only confirmed it, as she had seen the Twin Soul Mark crystal of her husband crush a long time ago.

Knowing something and confirming it were two completely different situations, as she had finally lost it at that moment, and passed out once again.

Even though Roy didn't want to disturb and bother Amelia at the moment, he still had to ask her about the weird phenomena happening outside, as he had no idea what was going on.

Surely there might be something in the memories of his Master, or the previous Roy, but looking for something specific in that archive of memories was even more difficult than searching a needle in a haystack.

Amelia seemed to be in need of something to distract her as well, as she immediately started to think about what it was, and soon gave him a satisfactory answer.

According to the information that Roy had provided her with, then most probably the guy outside didn't belong to the Badona Dominion of Earl Clark.

The only one that she could think about with that, was one of the rumored Mage Masters under Duke Egins called the 'All-Seeing Mage'!

Even though the name was clearly exaggerated, this guy was quite capable in search magic, as he had been able to see through many stealth techniques of assassins trying to kill his Lord.

Duke Egins treated him as one of the most precious jewels of his dominion, and the treatment he received was nothing short of the only Rank 6 Master of the Duke's dominion.

To think that Duke Egins would actually send such a precious treasure to help Count Reik with finding the thief that had entered his Mansion.

This clearly showed who was the big and powerful hand helping Count Reik even think of doing something like that.

Not only that, but it looked like this Duke Egins had planned for a long time to take full control of Earl Clark's dominion, and its riches.

Not only had he set up the Sparrow Merchant Guild, the strongest of the territory, but he had even bought high-ranking figures of the dominion.

It seemed like he was waiting only the perfect moment to make his strike, and the whole thing would crumble and become his.

Young Noble Clark would have ended up as the new Count of the dominion, under the control of his mother and grandfather, who would respond to Duke Egins himself.

He didn't know why that guy was trying so hard to get his hands on this place, but whatever it was it should be for something big.

High Nobles like Duke Egins wouldn't care about dominions like this if there wasn't something to attract their greed and attention.

Furthermore, it should have been something that he couldn't get his hands normally, and only by taking control of the dominion would he have it.

These assumptions clearly shortened the searching range, as in Roy's thoughts and opinion this could only be some sort of underground treasure, mine, or some family treasure.

No matter what it was, it would belong to him though, he would make sure it did! Thinking like that, he spent some more time in Gaia, before leaving the place and appearing inside Count Reik's Mansion once again.

A Magic Spell that big was bound to require a large amount of Magic Power and mental preparation and it couldn't be kept active for too long.

In order to make sure though Roy gave the 'All-seeing Mage' twice the time, he could last according to his preparations before he appeared outside.

Even though he had expected some commotion when he came outside, he didn't expect that something like this would have happened.

The Madam of the house had been taken out of her bed, naked, just like he had left her there, and was sent to the dungeons.

Not only that, but the Count was torturing her himself in order to find out who was the thief behind all this, and how to find him, as the guy seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

With the 'All-seeing Mage's' assurance that the thief had escaped the place, the curfew and all the formations had been brought down, as the guards had gone to search outside.

The whole Badona City was thrown in a commotion due to the thieves that entered Count Reik's house…

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