The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 270 - Forced To Act

"Hmph~! I am sure that you are already planning something, even though I don't have any idea what! I will never trust you again!"


"Stop with all this, you don't have to care about me! Didn't you just say that mine and my brother's life were in our hands from now on?

So keep your word and stay out of this! At least I will have one snake less to worry about!"

Kate had no other choice but to look at her daughter disappearing behind the door, as two hot scalding tears fell from her eyes.

"Don't worry let everything on my hands! I will take care of her, and soon your relationship will have to improve by serving the same man!"

Before the tears could reach the end of her cheeks and fall on the ground though she heard a voice that greatly shocked and startled her.

She didn't know what to think, was Roy a villain or a hero!? Did he care about her feelings as Aura's mother, or did he just care about her little girl's position and plans?

She had never been a good mother for her children until now, and she didn't want her children to be troubled even further.

For that reason, she was ready to even go against Roy and the blood slave seal on her body, to try and do a good thing for her children before she died.

With those thoughts in mind, she immediately braved herself and determination, before going at the door and knocking hard on it,

"Open the door, I have something to tell you two!"

"Didn't you just say that you would leave us alone, to do whatever we wanted to do? What other important matter could you have left to tell us!?

You better leave and do as you said! Stay away from us, you have already done enough of damage to us!"

"Listen to me and open the door, please! It's really important! It has to do with someone extremely powerful and dangerous! Aaarrgghhh~!"

As she was calling Roy a powerful and dangerous fellow, her blood slave seal got activated, and she could feel like her whole body was trying to separate.

All her cells seemed to be running in different directions, without caring about her thoughts, ownership of the body, or the fact that she just insulted Roy and didn't have any negative thoughts towards him.

Hearing those words, and especially her screams of pain that seemed extremely real, both Young Noble Timothe and Young Lady Aura could only look at each other with complicated expressions and thoughts.

Just what was their 'good' mother trying to do now? Why was she acting like this? This was the first time something like this happened.

They both didn't know how to react towards this, as Roy on the other hand was a bit surprised by the whole thing.

Why was this woman doing something like this right now? Even though he had to say that he felt disgusted by the fact that Young Lady Aura kissed her brother on the lips upon arrival.

Not only that, but that bastard even extended his hands to grab a few feels from her body as he accepted the kiss as something normal.

He didn't like this in the least! He had decided that Young Lady Aura would belong to his Harem Palace, and he had no intention of allowing this lowlife to enjoy her body even for a second later.

As if that wasn't enough he had to think even about the crazy woman outside, that suddenly had suffered a big change of heart, and was clearly trying to spoil his plans.

The most important bit was that if he didn't stop her any time soon, she would bring and gather the whole Castle staff towards this particular place, and that couldn't be a good thing for him.

"What the hell do you think you are doing Kate!?"

"I am sorry Master, but I can't allow my children to suffer any longer! I can't, I just can't!"

"What nonsense are you spouting now? Didn't I promise to not harm them? As long as they obey what I say and accept my slave seal nothing is going to happen.

Kate clearly seemed to doubt her current actions for a moment, but still, a part of her seemed to tell her to not believe what she didn't see with her own eyes.

"I am sorry Master, but I want to make sure to warn them about you before doing this!"

"Sigh~! You stubborn woman, do you think that it will be that easy? Do you think that they will just accept or refuse and act like this didn't happen?

With your actions, you just ended up forcing my hand! Make sure that there isn't a crowd gathered here later otherwise, we are both going to have problems and difficulties in this place.

At this time Young Lady Aura was looking towards the door with a cold and indifferent look as if trying to count all possibilities and changes that her actions would bring to her, while her brother went for the door.

Since he was a male descendant, and also one of the next-in-line, Young Noble Timothe's treatment and life had been much different from that of his sister.

Not to mention his mother, even Earl Clark treated him much differently from what he treated Aura. If one had to compare their lives, it would be the same as Cinderella's story.

The only difference was that this Cinderella never got her big opportunity and her prince charming. In fact, she was proposed many times to perverted and bastard nobles that were worse than Cinderella's stepmother.

Furthermore, Lady Kate had always helped her son secure whatever possible help and backup that she could get for him so that he always kept a stable and strong say in the family.

For those reasons, while Young Lady Aura hated her mother, Young Noble Timothe didn't have many feelings for her but knew of her importance and help.


With those thoughts in his mind, he approached the door to open it, but before he could do so, he heard the sounds of some cup falling to the ground behind him.

Immediately turning his attention towards the noise in reflex, he was able to see a naked young man, holding a knife on his sister's throat.

"Stop there and drop all your weapons!"

Even though he wasn't able to see the guy's face properly, as Roy was hiding behind Young Lady Aura's figure he found it strangely familiar.

"Stop this fallacy! Do you know where you are? Do you know what are you doing? Do you have a death wish!?"

"Stop talking crap and do as I say! That is if you don't want to see your little sister's head removed from her body! The choice is yours!"

"O-ok! I will do as you say, just don't harm her!"

"Then what the hell are you waiting for homie? Throw your weapons away, and then kneel with your hands above your head!"

"You don't have to do this! You are going to regret this for sure! Just stop, we can discuss this."

"Stop talking like a nagging wife! Just do as I say if you don't want to see your little sister without her head above her shoulders.

You better not try anything funny otherwise, you will just speed up the process!"

With a clearly unwilling and sly look, Young Noble Timothe started taking off his weapons, while thinking about a chance and opportunity to act against Roy.

There was no way he was going to accept something like this happen. It would be a great stain on his face and name. His father might even take him off the inheritor's list just because of this.

Young Lady Aura was the same, she was never going to allow something like this to destroy her dreams and plans for the future.

She had worked and schemed so much about this moment, there was no way she was going to just let this destroy her plans.

Her attendants were waiting just for her signal to launch a combined attack on the kidnapper and then apprehend him.

She didn't feel disgusted by his lack of clothes, or the attitude he was showing, this had become kind of normal for her.

But she did feel angry for him appearing like that and endangering not only her plans and future but also her life.

He had to pay, he had to suffer for these mistakes. She was never going to let him escape his fate lightly.

At that moment she was remembered of the screams that her mother released earlier at the door. Especially that scream of pain, it was genuine.

Could it be that her mother was trying to warn them about this specifically? But how would she know if she wasn't involved with this?

She didn't know what to think anymore, as something even weirder was going on that didn't cross her mind, her mother had gone suddenly quiet.

What she didn't know was that her mother was trying hard to enter inside, it was just that it would be too difficult to go against Roy's orders.

How can someone even go against their own body and conscience it seems like something impossible, yet even now she was trying her best, and the door was about to be cracked open.


As Young Noble Timothe was throwing his last piece of weapon, the door suddenly cracked and fell on the ground, creating a loud sound that broke the stalemate and the attentions of the people inside.


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