The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 38 - 38: Situation In The Kingdom Of Lial

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Roy didn't exactly expect that sort of reaction from her, as he threw a complex look towards the fiery beauty.

It was a bit startling to hear that after all, because this meant that the fiery beauty had been proactive in the barbarian tribe.

At first, she might have been truly forced, but apparently, she had slowly become a part of the tribe.

It wasn't like Roy cared much about that though, as in his eyes this was nothing more than her try to make a place for herself, and it wasn't like she had been able to harm him from doing so.

But the girl inside the cage clearly had different thoughts, as they had been thrown into a trap, and brought here due to the fiery beauty's machinations.

Still, Roy had to take this conversation in the direction he wanted, and needed, as he said,

"Well, that is an issue between you and her, that you can clearly solve in the future. Now answer my questions, who are you, and how did you end up here?"

The young girl was clearly thrown in shock as she heard Roy talk like that, but she was even more shocked when she realized that he wasn't a barbarian, and it was closer to a normal man.

What was going on there? There was no way that those animals would ever allow someone like him to roam freely, and even less allow him to have that arrogance.

She didn't understand what was going on, as she looked at him with a frightened face, and asked back in a weak voice,

"Who are you? How come you are outside the cages, and with that bitch on your side?"

Roy was looking carefully at her all this time, and he had to admit that if it weren't for the injuries in her body, she wasn't that bad.

She was quite the catch if he could say that, but he clearly didn't like her attitude and temper, especially the fact that she was asking back, as he said with a heavy tone,

"This is not the time for me to satisfy your curiosity, this is the time for you to open your mouth and say what I want to hear.

Well, if you don't mind suffering true pain that is!"

Hearing those words, the girl inside the cage could feel that her surroundings were getting colder the more she looked in Roy's eyes, as she felt like he wasn't joking in the least.

Roy wasn't joking on his part he would really do something like that! While he felt pity for her to suffer like that, she didn't have any importance to him.

The only way she could start this with the right foot was only if she started speaking how she should, and forgot about her pretensions.

Roy wasn't there to save her, as a matter of fact beyond the feelings as a male, and as a human being, there was nothing to oblige him to help her.

It was true that he came from a place like Earth, but after leaving through two more sets of memories, he had grown to accept and adapt to this world much more than he thought.

There was no way he was the same Roy that transmigrated from Earth into this place, those memories had clearly changed him in his root.

There was one thing in common in all three of these memories though, the fact that his happiness and his family's happiness ranked first.

In these two years, he had been far away from his home, and he had no idea what had happened to his parents, so he was more than agitated as he wanted to hear the news from her.

Most probably she didn't have any idea about the Illyrian Empire, or his parents, but his heart didn't bother with reason at this moment.

The girl in the cage wanted to scream or show her pride at Roy for being someone sold to the barbarians, as she thought that he was nothing more than a servant of sorts.

But the moment she saw his eyes a bad premonition engulfed her heart, as she was unable to even think of something like that.

Unbeknown to herself she started immediately saying,

"My name is Valerie Mon Valba, I am the daughter of Baron Mon Valba! Our territory lied in the east of the Death Forest and is also one of the 4 bordering territories of the Death Forest.

Due to the attacks of the barbarians, and the wild animals from the Death Forest, our territory is suffering a lot, so I gathered a small group in order to try and secure food from the Death Forest.

It was at that time that I was captured by this bi*tch and brought to this place. I don't know how far I am from our territory, but certainly, it's not close!"

Roy could tell that her last line was clearly a lie, as she was trying to protect her home, but it didn't matter at the moment. There were other things he wanted to know,

"What is the situation in the Kingdom!?"

The girl seemed a bit startled by the question, but that frightening look on Roy's face hadn't disappeared as she continued,

"The Kingdom is done for, even his Highness the King seems to have understood this, as now its only his children that are trying to stop the fall.

Most of the nobles have already started to choose their side, as the beast-men are against the human factions.

The only reason the situation is still holding is that there is more than one human faction, each belonging to different factors.

The most prominent factions at the moment seem to be three, the Inerfania Kingdom faction, the Mercena Kingdom faction, and the Hermelia Eparchy faction.

This is the first time that the Mercena Kingdom of mercenaries is trying to nose into the external international matter, and even those damn elves don't want to help the beastman king."

While Roy managed to not show much in his face, he was truly surprised by what she said, as there was one thing that didn't seem to add up.

His Illyrian Empire didn't seem involved in this mess, and he was sure that there were plans for their interference in the war. So, what was going on here?

As if asking something quite casual and normal, he asked,

"How come the Illyrian Empire is not nosing around in this?"

The injured girl didn't seem to doubt, or have any extra opinion on Roy's words, as she said in a matter of fact,

"They have their own mess to look after. The son of their retired Crown Prince was assassinated two years ago from the Kingdom of Heldal, so they have started a crusade against them.

While the Kingdom of Heldal seemed like an easy brunch, in fact, it broke their teeth, as they have now been stuck in a stalemate for 2 years already!"

Roy was quite surprised by these words, as he didn't understand why his Illyrian Empire was taking such action, and as far as he knew none of his new family was involved with that kingdom.

So just what was the Illyrian Empire trying to play with their move, and why were they so set up on that war.

It was impossible to be due to his 'death' as he didn't have that much value, so there must be something else that he had no idea about.

But of course, he was one of the only people who knew who was the true perpetrator of his attempted assassination, so the outside world wouldn't doubt much about this war.

Since the war hadn't been terminated yet, it meant that whoever had started the war hadn't taken what he wanted from that place.

Thinking like this, Roy made a mental note to himself in order to go there one day and have a look, but right now he had more important things to take care of.

Like for example starting to have a foothold in this Kingdom of Lial, and start the preparations to take control of the Kingdom.

Right now, he had a great opportunity to make contact with the outside, and start his plans not only inside this Death Forest but even outside.

Thinking like that, he took a deep breath, and then turning around he gave an order to the fiery beauty,

"Take her out of the cell, give her a good wash, and then both of you come to my tent! Don't think anything you shouldn't if you don't want to suffer!"

His last line might seem like an empty threat, but the fiery beauty was his slave, and right now her life, body, and everything were in Roy's hands.

Furthermore, she couldn't die just yet, as there were reasons binding her to this world. In fact, before Roy left the cages she wanted to say something to him, but she didn't find the opportune moment.

Left with no other choice, she immediately opened the cage and entered inside to pick up the injured girl, which immediately flared in curses, screams, and offenses.

'Bi*tch, sl*ut, I will kill you…'

And many other words were clearly heard all over the tribe's camp, but no one cared much, as they all head other things to think about now.

For example, what would happen to them under the new leader?

They had already tried their best, and sent quite a few messengers to ask for help, but until help arrived their lives were on the brink of the abyss…

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