The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 40 - 40: Truth, Change & Hunger

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It was most certainly interesting to hear her story in between her moans, and the fact that she was playing with herself in front of him completely naked.

In fact, it grew a desire for Roy to think that he would like to hear every story in the future like this, as his monster was clearly suffocating under his pants.

He hadn't thought about this earlier, but it was certainly a bit weird the fact that he was wearing pants in this world, but these guys didn't seem really surprised about it.

Still, he didn't have time to think about this right now, as he was kind of attracted by the fiery beauty's story and request.

Even though she had been playing with herself all this time, she had still managed to hold on, and not climax, as the story she was telling was more important to her.

Considering this fact, and the look in her eyes, it didn't seem like she was telling a lie either. Most probably the story she had just told was real.

But there were still a few things that needed to be cleared before Roy acted, as he looked her in the eye seriously, and said,

"You know that the moment you told me that story of yours, her life, body, and soul became mine, right!?

She will serve me, and obey every word of mine! What I am curious to know is why did you decide something like this, knowing that you will garner the hate of your little tribe!?"

There was no way that the fiery beauty didn't understand this. Roy didn't seem like the type of guy that would be courteous towards a lady.

He didn't seem to care much about their feeling, or their refusal, he was the type of guy that would **** to fulfill his wish and desire.

He was far away from even being a decent man, to be honest, but at the end of the day, he was much better than some barbarian that would eat her daughter for real after getting bored of her.

She knew that flattery and fake words wouldn't cut it with Roy, so she decided to put everything to risk by telling the truth.

"I knew that, and I said what I said fully prepared of what will happen from now on. The truth is that if I had another way, then I wouldn't have done it.

I don't like you, and I don't have any good opinions about you either. I just understand that you aren't someone normal by any means.

But the most important reason why I decided to tell you is that sooner or later you would discover this, and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it when you did.

Furthermore, even though you aren't a decent man, you aren't a barbarian who is going to eat her once he is bored with her, or me!"

To hear the naked truth like that, hurt a bit. Especially considering the morals, and ideology that Roy should possess as a human being of the 21st century from Earth, but she wasn't wrong.

To be honest about it, even Roy himself didn't understand how he had been able to change so much in these two short years, but the distance from civilization played its part.

Not to mention that the first people or animals capable of thinking, that he had met were these forest barbarians who took everything with strength.

It was too short of a time for him to change like that, but the biggest reason he could think about was that he had always been like that, only that before he was hiding it better, and now he wasn't.

What made things even more complicated, was the fact that he seemed happier and more liberated like this, and he didn't want to change again.

He was happy with this new version of himself, and he planned to keep this new version of himself. So even though it hurt a little hearing the truth, he didn't take it to heart.

This was his dream life, something that he had never thought possible to happen, so he was going to do everything it took to live like he wanted to, without regrets.

And he was doing the same thing even now, he was living his life without regrets. In fact, what he was thinking right now, was what kind of beauty would he get his hands on this time.

Smiling a bit towards the fiery beauty, he said with a teasing tone,

"Well, I guess I have to thank you for increasing the number of your blood-related daughter that will serve me, even though I have to say that you won't be able to save your daughter from being 'eaten'."

The fiery beauty heard those words and didn't know what to think, as the truth was that she didn't have much knowledge from intimate relationships between man and woman.

All she knew about it was just that they both had parts that were in completion to each other, and that her first time had been extremely painful.

But she could perceive from his expression, and tone that he wasn't talking about normal eating, which made her even more curious and confused.

Without losing much of his time, Roy immediately walked towards the entrance of the tent, and then called two guys that were standing there by his order,

"Bran, Bog immediately search through all the tribe to find the old tribe Head's daughter, and bring her to me! You have 20 minutes!"

These two warriors had shown excellent skills during the fight and were two of the strongest barbarians amidst his warriors, so he had decided to keep them as his personal guards.

Receiving the order, the two warriors immediately went to pick up their other comrades and started searching this whole place down.

Whoever didn't collaborate with the search, or tried to get in their way was either beaten to death or injury.

They didn't seem to care about these guys in the least, and treated them exactly like they treated the Death Forest animals, as the tribe's people screamed,

"She is promised to the Coyote!" "Don't kill us all, you fools!" "You will die a cruel death!"

But there were two things that these guys didn't understand, first of all, these warriors had no idea about the Coyote they were talking about.

And secondly, under Roy's leadership, they had been able to take down more than 50 warriors, having less than half of them by their side.

At the moment, Roy was like a God to them. They had a terrifying thought, that as long as Roy was by their side, then they would truly conquer the whole world.

So, in just 14 minutes they managed to find the beauty they were looking for, and then drag her towards their tribe Head's main tent, where he was waiting for her.

Tianlong Yun got out of his tent personally to receive her, as he also took sight of the tribe. What he did wasn't just to find her, but also to show these people who held the power now.

Since it looked like it would be impossible for him to lead with goodwill, then he would just have to make sure that he was enough of a dictator to rule them.

This was their warning sign, from now on there would be no more warnings, as he would start to implement a rule of steel.

The person in question didn't seem to understand what was really going on, but the moment she saw her mother she immediately made her way towards her.

She was quite similar to the fiery beauty, and her sister Gidella, as her skin tone, her shapes, her curves, her features were just a combination of them.

The only thing that didn't seem to really match was the fact that this one was extremely pampered, and weak, as the moment she entered the tent, she had been crying like crazy.

As for the fourth person in the tent, that previous injured and caged girl, she was completely silent, trying to understand everything that was going on all this time.

She seemed to have forgotten to scream, or curse in her situation, as the moment she heard that the fiery beauty was even handing her own daughter to this guy, she lost all her confidence.

It looked like her fate was sealed, she was going to be raped by this guy in front of her, and she had no way of getting out of this mess.

She regretted not hearing her father's words and his advice. She regretted not realizing her surroundings, and the reality sooner.

She hated the fact that she had grown like this, and had delivered herself to this place, and this guy like this, but there was nothing she could do.

There was no medicine for regret, or even to try and return in time in this World, or just she wasn't strong to reach that medicine, either way, she was doomed to become Roy's possession.

On the other hand, Roy was just admiring his catch for the night, as these three women would be his to play with for the whole night.

It seemed crazy, especially after he had already lived a crazy night with 4 women the previous night, and had also participated in a battle.

No matter how one looked at it, he should have been lying on his bed tired, and unable to move much, and yet he was looking with predatory eyes towards the 3 ladies.

It was truly surprising what 2 years of abstinence could do to a guy, as Roy was a living example of that.

Cleaning his mind from any extra useless thought, he just walked towards the three ladies in the tent, it was time for some fun…

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