The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 57 - 57: Returning To The Camp

Since he was a bit worried about the state of the camp, and tribe as he had left suddenly the other day, Roy made his return with a rather quick tempo.

He wasn't running like the other day, but he wasn't much slower either. He was able to cover the distance that took him only 20 minutes the other day, in 30 minutes this time.

And he was really faced with a surprise when he reached for the camp, as everything seemed to be in total calm, peace, and quiet.

There was no sign of rebelling or escape from the camp, as the barbarians were going through their own routine.

A few of his warriors were guarding the camp, while the rest of them were training with the new recruits.

His women were doing their job as normal with tribe registration, and also the education that he had told them to do.

Everything seemed to be going as it should, even though he hadn't been around for more than a day, which clearly surprised him.

The beasts following him until now immediately spread in the surroundings, while he himself made his way towards the center of the camp.

Even though everything seemed to be calm and peaceful on the outside, on the inside it looked like everyone was expecting a storm.

Everyone seemed to be on their toes, as they would continuously look around them, as if waiting for someone to make a move, and then all jump at the opportunity.

The moment their eyes fell on his figure though, he could feel, and see a deep surprise and shock in them, as if they were looking at a ghost walking or something.

Most of them couldn't believe their eyes, as they had to rub them continuously, and then pinch themselves to believe that they weren't watching some kind of illusion.

Everything was silent, even his warriors, and his women, and every other barbarian of the tribe was looking at him without being able to breathe.

The barbarians of this tribe knew about Coyote, his strength, and power, while those that had come to the tribe had learned about him from them, and their confront.

They had all understood just what kind of dangerous monster that guy was, and even though they knew Roy wasn't any less, they still didn't hold much hope on his win.

But right now, Roy was walking in front of them, completely scratch-less, and clean like nothing had happened, so it was impossible for them to not get shocked.

At that moment, foxy run from inside his tent and jumped towards him like a small kid looking at its parent after he returned from war.

Roy caught foxy on the air, and then brought on his shoulder, and neck, the place that it usually liked to stay, saying,

"You surely missed me little thing!"

It was only after they heard him speak, that finally time started moving again, and the camp started getting lively once again, with people gasping, and whispering to each other.

Almost all of them were whispering how impossible and unbelievable this whole situation was, and just what kind of being Roy was, just how strong could he be?

Roy didn't care in the least about them, as he claimed in a loud voice,

"I fought with Coyote and almost killed him! He was saved at the last moment by one of his warriors, but he won't get up anytime soon!

I also managed to kill 4 of the warriors that were accompanying him at the time! So, you better think things through, who is more dangerous, me or Coyote!"

Roy wasn't lying, 4 of the warriors accompanying Coyote had been killed the other day, and their bodies were being eaten by his beasts at the moment.

So, he was using that fact in order to show them his strength, and at the same time to scare them out of their wits.

Even if the whole camp seemed clean, there were probably still a lot of them thinking that the other bigger tribes, and especially Coyote, could save them from him.

But now he was facing them with the ugly truth that there was no one who would be able to save them from him, and they better obey him and become good sheep for him.

As he said that, his women immediately rushed towards him, and then bowing in front of him they said almost in the same voice,

"Welcome back Master!"

At the forefront, there was Gidella and Gisella, the mother-daughter duo that didn't seem to be on really good terms with each other.

In fact, each of them seemed to be trying to take the lead, and hierarchy of the place, as Roy received a small report from foxy that was purring on his neck.

It had been those two that had kept the tribe, and the whole camp under wraps in these days, as they continued with their routine.

Even though they clearly didn't seem to think well of each other, they still had done everything they could in order to keep things running as usual.

"Hm, I am back!"

After saying that, he just continued walking forward towards his tent, as he left them and the whole tribe behind him.

It was for the effect of acting like a mysterious and powerful man, making the people behind his back upgrade and zoom his actions and thoughts.

Furthermore, he had much more important things to do at the moment, and that was to start the distribution of the rewards for his warriors and start his reforms as soon as possible.

He didn't have time to lose, he had to make these guys upgrade in strength, and conditions as soon as possible, as there was war around the corner.

He had truly beaten Coyote to death and had even killed more than a few of his warriors, but the fact remained that he was still alive.

He didn't know how his tribe or his father would react to the fact that Coyote was beaten black and blue, and he had to prepare for their arrival.

Certainly, they wouldn't be arriving anytime soon, as Coyote's tribe was more than 2 weeks away, and that was when they walked normally.

In the condition that he and his accompanying warriors were, it wouldn't be weird if they never reached there.

Furthermore, the cold and rainy months of the year were about to start, and even a muscle head barbarian knew better than to send his army to fight in that weather.

So, he had more than a few months to make his preparations, and train his warriors, but still, the changes he wanted to make weren't simple, and he would have quite a headache in implementing them.

It was his good luck that he had a few dependable servant women by his side, to help him in managing the tribe, and these changes otherwise he would give up and leave for the closest civilized dominion.

With those thoughts in mind, he immediately started working on his plans, and ideas, as the tent's entrance was opened and two women entered inside.

It was Gidella and Gisella, they seemed to be both on the verge of explosion against each other. They didn't like each other due to the circumstances, and each of them wanted to be at the top.

These clearly made the relation between them even worse than it was, as each of them seemed to be wanting to top the other.

The truth was that Roy was in no mood to hear them complain, so the moment he saw them enter the tent, he said in a cold voice,

"Don't speak, and start undressing!"

The two women were clearly surprised by the sudden order, but they didn't dare to not obey him, even more now that they both wanted to be on top.

Without losing any precious second, they immediately started taking off their clothes as more sensually that they could.

Normally this would be a stupid thing to do for both of them, but now they thought that Roy might like it, and they did their best.

Roy was still thinking about some distribution, and training issues, that might crop up, so he couldn't really get up and go to them.

The best solution that he could think of at the moment was to have them make a show for him, as he said,

"Now start kissing, and make each other feel good!"

The moment the two women heard those words they felt like a brick was hitting them behind their heads, as they both tried to refuse,

"But Master…"

"Master do…"

But they weren't able to continue with their displeasure, as Roy cut them both short while saying,

"Are you trying to disobey me!?"

"No Master, but…!"

"Of course not, Master…!"

"Very well then, do as you are told!"

The two ladies were still reluctant to do something like that, as they both didn't really want to accept each other.

One was hating her mother for throwing her away and letting her face her life alone. While the other felt guilty but also jealous of her daughter, and didn't want to accept her wrongdoings.

None of them seemed to have a favorable impression of the other, and even less wanting to kiss, and make the other feel better.

But Roy's orders were absolute to them, they didn't dare to disobey him, as he was their pillar of strength at the moment and for the future.

They had to do whatever he asked of them, even more so when they were trying to take the lead of his pack.

Roy was clearly the irreplaceable alpha of the tribe, so the closer they were to him, the more power they would wield.

Thinking like that…

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