The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 60 - 60: A Month & Breakthrough

By the start of the second week the designated barbarians had started to understand their jobs, as they started the changing of their camp.

Firstly, the defense line around the camp! They not only started building some wooden spike walls, but under Roy's orders they also began the building of a strong wooden wall all around the camp.

Every 20 meters there would be a sentry post on the wooden wall, and every 10 meters or so there would be small squared open windows with a side of 10-20 centimetres.

Secondly, the other group had started the cleaning of the animals hides, and also piecing them together, as Roy was looking for an option to build wooden houses.

What he missed the more at the moment was clearly iron nails, but since this was just a temporary base, and he was planning to leave the forest in the near future, he decided to use green straws.

Even though this place was supposed to be temporary, he had to make sure that it was comfortable, and secure until it had finished its time.

Thirdly, the training of the warriors, the new recruits, and his Harem was going quite well.

And the best news he had received was that 4 of his titanic cats had promoted to 2nd Rank, and were much stronger now.

2 sharp toothed wolves, and another 2 titanic cats were on the verge of breakthrough as well, but they needed a bit more stimulants, so he decided to let them go hunt in the forest.

He felt a bit emotional when he saw them leaving his side, but he still managed to bear it, as he knew that they would turn back soon.

The other beasts would rest around the camp hunting animals for food, and idiots that didn't value their lives.

While most of the tribe seemed to have accepted Roy's rule, and his control, there were still idiots who thought to high of themselves.

Roy didn't care much about those idiots so he had ordered his beasts to immediately eat them up, should they encounter one, no matter who it was.

A surprising event was the sudden disappearance of Ileana by the end of the second week, but no one dared to question Roy about that matter.

Even her own mother, and sister didn't seem to make much of a fuss over her disappearance, as in fact they seemed to be a bit jealous of her.

By the start of the third week, Roy created another group of work, whose sole intention was the manufacturing of different weapons.

Most of the participants in the group were small kids that were still under education, that Roy called as engineers, as they had a few warriors under them for the muscle work.

A strange happening inside the tribe that everyone was able to witness and understand was the fact that Roy didn't seem to care about gender, or age.

The hierarchy of the tribe had changed a lot as well, it wasn't only a three-block pyramid anymore, with warriors, kids, and women, but a multiple story complex pyramid.

According to the new pyramid, there was Roy at the top, then it was his harem, then his army, the educated people, workers, and finally the dead weight.

That last block was made of people that were either injured, too old, or with disabilities. But still Roy didn't kill or throw them away.

In fact, there were a few ladies who were being fed just to serve them, which was something that hadn't happened before.

The whole tribe was experiencing a period of fast, and fundamental development, that they had never experienced before.

By the end of the month, summer left the place to fall, which was as crazy as it gets, with whole weeks of rain, and cold.

Still even in such conditions the advancement and development of the camp didn't stop, and even more so the education classes, and the training regiments.

In just over 1 month of training, his primary warriors were close to advancing and becoming full fledged Rank 1 Warriors, while the new recruits were estimated to breakthrough in a month.

All this time Roy hadn't forgotten about his own training as well, as he was now close to advancing to a Rank 2 Warrior himself.

He only had to train for a week or two at most under the 10 times gravity in Gaia, and he would be able to successfully break through to Rank 2.

With those thoughts in mind, he left the camp, and every thing else in the hands of his Harem, and then disappeared from the camp for 8 days.

Inside Gaia there was Ileana to welcome him, who was taking care of this place by herself. She had been extremely surprised when Roy told her the purpose of not giving her a position in the tribe.

And even more so when he told her at what place she was coming, and his trust upon her. She felt like she had been brought from Hell all the way to Heaven in one go.

Not only that, but Roy had also told her that this place was like a little heaven for her practice, as he had giver her a Warrior technique, and also a Magic Power cultivation technique.

After a small test that Gisella had taught him, he had found out that Ileana had a really powerful talent with wind, and wood Magic, so he had given her the 'Elves Harmonia'!

A Magical art that was mainly used by the light elves of this planet, and was professed as their secret art.

He didn't know how his Master had been able to find something like this, but it was certainly really useful to him, so he just thanked him from the heart, and gave it to Ileana.

The stone altar inside Gaia was the perfect place for her to train, and cultivate Magic Power, as she also had the duty to take care of the place on his stead.

Those days he spent inside there felt like a honeymoon with Ileana, as he would train, play with Ileana, cultivate Magic Power, play with Ileana, eat, rest, and then start once again from the beginning.

It was quite the pleasant routine for him, even though he had to train for a few extra days it was still worthy.

After all, outside there was the raining season, and there wasn't much he could do without getting wet, while inside Gaia everything was different.

In there everything was under his command, well everything inside the area that he could control, but that didn't matter much right now.

At the tenth day of his training he finally felt his whole body start crackling, as he could feel the skin all over his body started to solidify more than normally, and then started to crack down.

It was like he was inside some glass thingy, as his whole body started cracking down, and then his skin started falling from his body.

The blackened skin pieces started falling down, as new whitish skin started appearing from down below.

The new skin was not only purer in color, but it also was smoother, and it seemed stronger, and more elastic.

He didn't know how to feel about his own estimations, but he felt like he suddenly had the strength to crack one of those trees on the outside in two, using only his upper body strength.

If he used his full strength, then most probably those shields that his warriors were using would be as brittle as glass bottles in his hands.

Thinking like that, and feeling the new potential of his body, he couldn't help but want to get outside, and immediately try his new strength.

Why should he stall anymore for time, as he immediately opened his path for the back of his camp in Navita, and the moment he appeared in there, he kicked one of the trees on his left side.

The tree had no other option but to crack in two parts, and started falling down, as he heard a few painful screams,

'Arrghhh! Agghhh! Aghhhhh!'

That surprised him quite a bit, as he hadn't expected something like this, and if that wasn't enough,

"Which motherfu*cker did this!"

"I will fu*cking rip him to shredders, fu*cking barbarians! How did they find us!?"

Now this was quite surprising as clearly the guys he had just unwillingly attacked weren't barbarians, but they didn't seem as humans from outside Death Forest either.

Talk about a lucky coincidence, it was just unbelievable for him. What surprised him the most was how the hell had these guys trespassed his beasts.

At least 4 of his beasts should be Rank 2 beasts, there was no way they had just allowed these guys to trespass into his territory.

Could it be that these guys had killed his beasts? Even though that didn't seem viable, he immediately spread his senses and was able to sense his beasts in the surroundings.

As a matter of fact, they were running towards this place, it seemed like they had just noticed the intruders, and were coming to take care of them.

Just what kind of magic had these guys used to trespass until here, and come so close to his camp? The more he thought about it, the more curious he became.

This was quite the situation in front of him, but stalling time, and thinking about that there and then it was useless for him.

The best course of action for now would be to capture them all, and then ask them directly. Not to mention that he was longing for a good fight.

Thinking like that, he immediately took action, and jumped towards the first target…

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