The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 70 - 70: Clashing With The Barbarians’ General

The moment that the attack order was issued, all the barbarian warrior's aura changed into a damned bloodthirsty one, as they started running towards Roy's camp like hungry wolves.

Their screams were loud, and crazy as if they wanted to destroy the enemy's morale even before fighting, and with their numbers, it looked like it was impossible to drown their sounds.

Roy had to accept that if he was the normal guy he was before coming here, then he might be scared shitless as he heard those screams and saw their blood-lusted faces.

But he wasn't that guy anymore, he had grown quite a bit, willingly or unwillingly by hook or by crook he had grown up quite a bit.

Right now, he could only feel Goosebumps all over his body, but nothing he couldn't control. The most important thing though was the fact that he was excited.

Yes, he was excited! Extremely excited!

He could feel his blood boil inside his veins like molten lava, as he couldn't wait to enter the battle and start fighting.

Never before had he felt like that, this was the first time. He thought that this was his Warrior blood that seemed to search for the vicissitudes of real fight after gaining strength, and power.

When he had broken through the bottleneck and had become a Rank 2 Warrior he had felt like his body was overfilled with strength and energy, so he wanted to release all of it.

But there had been no worthy opponent, or enemy until now. Considering even the fact that two missions were supposed to be covert, he hadn't had his real fight yet.

At this moment he felt like he was still that virgin kid with a little bit of money in his pocket, and looking for a prosti*tute to have his first time with.

Until now he had the capital, and the desire, but hadn't found the right one yet, that was until that moment.

He could see that in front of the group of the enemy barbarian warriors, one of them was running especially fast, trying to head the attack as some kind of sharp spear.

Roy could feel that that guy was someone who could satisfy his urge for a good fight, and his hope for fully awakening his 'sense area'.

Thinking like that, he suddenly jumped from the wooden wall, as he screamed his orders behind,

"Gisella take charge, whittle down their numbers, and wait for my signal to attack!"

His sudden movement clearly surprised and worried Gisella and everyone else by his side, as they were unable to see their sly tribe Leader head alone against the enemy.

It was a massive shock to each and every one of them, as according to the original plan they would only counterattack when the enemy had been considerably whittled down.

They wanted to follow behind him and cut a blood path open for him, but Roy had already warned them to not do anything stupid before.

Their level and their strength were still low, and they wouldn't even be able to resist for more than 15 minutes in front of their enemies.

So, he had prohibited them to do anything rash, without his order. For that reason, he had also left Gisella to take charge, as she was probably the only one to be able to keep a cool head at that moment.

Truly, the moment that Roy jumped from the wooden wall and started running towards the coming enemies, Bran, Bog, and a few others, including Harem members, wanted to follow behind him.

And even though Gisella wasn't able to immediately keep a cool head, she was still able to stop them from doing something like that and told them to have faith in him.

But the truth was that she herself was trembling, and feeling really agitated at that moment. Her heart was skipping quite a few beats but she didn't care about it.

She had no time to think, and question her feelings, as she could only look from afar, and wait for his signal.

On the other hand, Roy could feel that the moment he jumped from the wooden wall, and with each running step he could feel his excitement grow stronger.

He was slowly trembling, his whole body was trembling, the adrenaline had almost numbed his whole body but he didn't care, as he only had his eyes on his target.

His target seemed to have noticed him too, he had clearly understood and acknowledged his intentions, as he seemed to be burning with the same excitement to battle.

Just as he took his third step towards his battlefield, he could feel like his soul had left his body, and he was able to see everything from a bird's view once again.

Everything seemed to slow down by quite a bit, as he felt that he could easily feel each and every warrior's heartbeat in front of him.

Everything in a 10 meters radius seemed to be fully under his control, even the flapping of an insect's wings was audible for him.

Differently from the first time though, this time he felt like this condition was moving with his body in real-time.

It felt like this thing became an extension of his body, like some kind of extra limb, or extra brain or something.

He couldn't quite express the feeling but he felt like this was something he was born with, something that belonged to him.

As he was concentrated on that, his body in real-time and the enemy's general finally clashed with each other, as two cubs hammered onto each other.

It was the same as a high-speed train clashing with a sturdy old and slow one. The impact was enough to not only thwart the other warriors away but also to make the place tremble.

A few trees close to them even started shaking like they were suffering under some strong wind, while the responsible two looked at their opponent with newfound respect.

Sometimes men only need to cross swords, punches, or cubs in order to understand and appreciate one another.

The same thing occurred at that moment, as both Roy and that barbarian general had their doubts, and reluctance about their enemy, but at that moment there was only respect.

To the barbarian general, white devils were just weak and useless dandies that could only imitate women, and pretend to have the tools of a man.

He had never liked or respected them, as in fact he despised and hated them. To him, a white devil was nothing more than a leech. And even that it was cruelty towards the leeches.

But the moment he clashed with Roy, the moment he felt that clash of pure strength, and muscle power his prejudice was ripped to cinders.

He had never expected something like this to happen, and he didn't even have an idea why it was happening, but he was fu*cking enjoying it.

At that moment even, his blood started boiling like some molten lava, as he jumped forward for another clash, as he laughed and screamed like a madman.

Roy wasn't much different from the barbarian's general, as he also was jumping forward to meet each and every single attack head-on, and laughing like he had lost his mind.

This fight came as a sudden surprise to the barbarian warriors, but that didn't stop their step. They seemed to trust their general's strength, as they continued running towards the wooden walls.

There was no hesitation in their step, which clearly showed their feelings, thoughts, and respect for their general's strength.

Roy was a bit surprised by this, but the more he clashed with the enemy general, the more he understood them, and the more excited, and enthusiast he became fighting.

The two of them weren't like two men fighting, but like two bulldozers wreaking havoc, whenever they would clash trees would either shake hard or crack and fall.

The cubs in their hands were growing weaker and weaker, and the vibration counter-attack on their hands was becoming worse and worse to handle.

When finally, the barbarian's general cub wasn't able to hold on anymore and was broken in pieces, Roy threw his own as well, as they became like two bears fighting with their paws.

Even though they were enemies they were both enjoying the fight, even though they were both trying to kill each other they were enjoying their fight.

Man proposes heaven opposes.

Just because the two of them seemed to be enjoying their fight, and having their fun without caring about what happened around them, there were people who didn't like that, especially Fjord.

He had been extremely surprised when he had seen Roy jump from the wooden wall, after all the difference between forest barbarians and white devils was quite obvious.

He had thought that it wasn't only his father who had intentions of dealing with these savages, as there were others as well.

But this fu*cker was jumping and running happily towards his death. In his eyes, a savage would always have the upper hand against a normal human.

Even though he didn't acknowledge the forest barbarians as humans, he still acknowledged their physical strength and prowess.

So, seeing Roy run towards the barbarian general like an idiot, running towards death like a retard, he couldn't help but laugh out loud at his stupidity.

He was impatiently waiting for the moment that his brain would explode into meat paste, and he would understand the immensity of heavens.

But the moment that the clash happened, his laugh immediately vanished, as it was replaced by jealousy, anger, hate, rage.

He wanted them both dead, no matter what…

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