The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 72 - 72: Loyalty & Cheap Trick

To them, their general's orders were over any other order, as it was their general that had always led them to victory even when their chances were slim, or non-existent.

So, their loyalty didn't lie with the tribe, or their tribe head but with their general. Most probably if their general told them to fight the tribe Head, and their tribe they would do so as well.

There existed such generals too, people who could make their warriors fight for them until the last of their breath, and even sacrifice their selves for their general.

Such a general, and such warriors were rare but weren't non-existent. As their relationship had developed through sweat and blood. It was a brotherhood that surpassed the normal one.

Just looking at this situation, as these warriors immediately changed their direction like hungry beasts with just one order from their general was enough.

Even though they might be killed the moment that they turned their backs and run towards the new enemy, they still didn't care as they followed their general's orders.

This was true loyalty!

As for Roy's warriors, while he might not know if they possessed such loyalty there was one thing he had taught them, to not act without his order.

Perhaps if their lives were in danger these guys wouldn't stay still and act, even if he told them to stay put, but this wasn't such a situation.

He didn't need to send much of a signal to Gisella to make her understand the current situation and their standing.

Even though Roy respected these barbarian enemies as warriors on the battlefield this didn't mean that he actually cared about them a lot.

Since their general had decided to turn around and fight with their bigger enemy, he was more than happy to let them act as a protective wall for his side.

Gisella understood this too, as from the moment she heard that scream of revenge, she immediately ordered,

"Stop the attacks!"

The warriors and Harem members around her didn't understand her much, but they still obeyed her orders without any bit of complaint.

And they were quite startled and surprised when their enemies stopped too, turned around, and started running towards the direction that they came from.

It didn't seem like they were turning to regroup though, as they were running towards them with killing intent.

Those true and experienced Warriors like Bran and Bog were able to understand that really easily, but they weren't able to believe their senses at first.

Just as they had run some distance from the outer gate of the tribe, Gisella immediately gave the order,

"Follow behind, use them as a shield, and attack the enemy behind! Those warriors are not our enemy at this moment, those soldiers behind are!"

This whole situation didn't make much sense in front of them, still, they followed the orders and did as Gisella ordered them.

It was just as they got outside the tribe's wooden walls that they were finally able to understand what had happened, as they even quickened their steps a bit.

On the other side of the battlefield, Fjord was looking at the battle from afar, but he had a quite disgusting look on his face at the moment.

He had never thought that these damned barbarians would prepare such a tight defense system as the one he had just witnessed, and even less block his attack like that.

This was just beyond his expectations, but thinking a bit more angrily about it, then he guessed that it was most probably the fault of that foreign motherfu*cker.

That guy had completely spoiled his plans, and it had caused quite the damage in cannon fodder, most probably he would have to send that father-in-law of his, a letter requesting reinforcements.

Not that he cared much about these savages, but he didn't want to lose time, and put his plan at risk, as this was his chance to prove that he was worthy of inheriting the position of his father.

He was only dealing with some savages, and yet they were causing him problems and a headache. Just a bunch of stupid animals.

His anger and rage were even more empowered when he saw Roy protect that damn general, and hearing him call for revenge, as those damn animals returned to attack him.

Damned animals that don't even know what loyalty and honor are! It should be their honor to die for him on this battlefield, and yet they don't appreciate it, and even dare to turn back and attack him.

If he didn't teach them a lesson, then who would?

Thinking like that, he immediately gave his next orders,

"Archers prepare your second volley! Soldiers prepare for melee combat! We will kill these treacherous animals, and then take that camp down ourselves!

I promise you won't sleep dissatisfied tonight!"

His meaning was more than clear, as long as they took down this barbarian camp in front of them, they would get rewarded handsomely, not only in remuneration but also in women.

Normally the majority of the barbarians they captured were taken as slaves either sent to the tribe from they were related to, or back to the family dominion.

Only a low and ugly or deformed minority of them were given to the soldiers to release their stress, and frustrations.

But this time their lord had just promised them that they wouldn't sleep dissatisfied, which meant that they could have as much fun as they wished.

It was more than what they could wish for! So, their blood started boiling, and their resolve and determination got hard as a rock.

It was time to show these damned animals the difference between brainless brawns, and brainy brawn. It didn't make much sense, but they weren't that intelligent either, so it was okay.

So once again the archers started firing volleys of arrows, while the soldiers prepared for the clash with happy faces and evil smirks.

The only people who were looking with gloomy expressions were the two daughters of the barbarian tribe head, and Peers, who had lost any bit of expectation he had for his stupid brother.

Seeing how the situation had turned Roy couldn't understand how lucky he was, the guy leading these barbarians, and that army was one of the biggest idiots he had seen.

He was making Roy's job, much easier than he thought, as he just waited for the barbarians that had attacked his outer wall to get back, and then join them into a head-on attack.

He didn't need to waste a lot of energy in the attack, everything was fine as long as he managed to protect them from the volleys of arrows.

The moment that those warriors reached the position that he was holding with their general, their general got outside, grabbed the shield and cub of one of his dead soldiers, and immediately led the way.

The warriors seemed to have already expected this decision of their general as they followed behind him fearlessly.

Roy's own warriors were close by too, which meant that it was time for him to act too. With those thoughts in mind, he immediately used Earth clump throwing attack towards the enemy archers.

The Earth clumps he threw towards them seemed like a joke, as their mixture was sloppy and composed of dried soil, while their speed was pathetic.

Most probably they wouldn't be able to injure any of the archers even if they let those clumps fall on their heads, that weak it was.

Seeing that weak attack, for the first time since this battle began Fjord forgot about all his grievances, as he said with an arrogant, and mocking voice,

"What a weak little shit, trying to show his non-existent skills in front of us! Archers, show him our strength!"

The archers were pissed off too, as they felt that Roy was trying to mock their skills, and telling them that they were going to die with just that weak attack of his, so they concentrated more than usual.

When they finally adjusted their targets they released their arrows, as they heard Peers scream from behind,

"Nooo, don't do it!"

That scream of his made Fjord really angry, as he that damned bastard brother of his was questioning his authority in the open, but the good thing was that the archers obeyed to him only.

Enraged beyond belief, he turned to his bastard brother and screamed,

"Shut the fu*ck up you fu*cking pussy!"

But just as he finished his words, the arrows clashed with the Earth clumps, as the Earth clumps immediately exploded into dust and dirty soil, as it fell towards the archer's eyes.

Even those that were able to act quickly and protect their eyes from the dust and soil, still couldn't look up, and fire their arrows as there was still residue in the air.

With just one simple and weak attack they were all rendered useless. They could only regret falling for their trick, as there was nothing they could do anymore.

The one affected the most from this trick though wasn't them, but Master Fjord. His face had turned completely beet red, as purplish-red veins had appeared on his face.

He had just screamed to Peers about this, and couldn't believe that a smart and intelligent guy like himself had fallen for such a cheap trick.

His archers were rendered useless, as those savages were running towards them covered by the dust. But now he had no other choice but to fight, so he managed to spew some orders in rage as he was,

"Soldiers prepare for fight! Give the signal towards the special unit to take the camp!"

As he gave his last order…

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