The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 74 - 74: Harassing Young Master Fjord (Wind Element)

And if that wasn't enough, Roy could even control his beasts however he wished, as he was the one who had grown them.

As Young Master Fjord was stimulating his horse to run fast, Roy left the battlefield in the chaos that was ensued, as he mounted a Rank 2 titanic cat, and run after him.

Even though a horse was quite fast, especially this one that was brought up with utmost care by the retainers of Young Master Fjord, the titanic cat that Roy was riding was a Rank 2 beast.

If it couldn't catch up to a simple horse then it would be a truly shameful moment about the titanic cat, so in less than 20 seconds Young Master Fjord and his horse were in Roy's clear sight.

Without waiting for the titanic cat to approach closer to the horse and his target, Roy immediately used his magic power to convocated a Rank 1 Magic Spell, fireball, and hurl it towards him.

More than an attack that could spell danger, it looked more like an attempt to harass Young Master Fjord as he was trying to escape and run away.

Sensing danger from behind him, made the poor Young Master Fjord explode in a cold sweat, as he didn't think that those savages would follow him, and try to kill him.

Especially after he had used that Rank 2 magic spell of his, they shouldn't have been able to follow behind him.

If that fire-ball attack achieved its goal and disturbed his horse, then those guys would most certainly catch up and kill him easily.

He couldn't allow something like that to happen, so he had to act quickly, and put a Wind Wall behind his back to stop that fireball.

Wind Wall was a Rank 1 magic spell, that created a small wind region disrupting the attack's direction, strength, and accuracy.

More than full protection it was disruption of attacks, but since it worked like defensive magic, it had been named as Wind Wall.

The fireball that Roy had hurled towards him, was thwarted off direction at an angle and it went to hit a tree, Young Master Fjord had managed to block the first harassment try.

But that didn't mean that Roy would suddenly stop from harassing him, as in fact, after seeing that Wind Wall magic spell, and sensing the wind element magic power, Roy was even more excited.

This was a perfect opportunity for him, not only to continue with his plan but also to learn more about wind element magic.

Most probably he was the only one who could think like that at such a moment, but to him, this was a godsend opportunity.

So, he immediately instructed the titanic cat that he was riding to follow the horse closer from behind, but never actually catch up to it.

With that thought in his mind, he hurled another fireball towards Young Master Fjord and his horse, with the same intention as earlier, harass him.

Once again Young Master Fjord was forced to create a wind wall and escape that simple fireball attack, with an angry and enraged countenance.

It wasn't that he didn't want to turn around and try to kill his opponent, as he knew that Roy was all alone, but he didn't dare to do something like that.

Forgetting about the fact that Roy was a double Mage of earth and fire element, and a Rank 2 Warrior, there was another factor that cut his wings, he was riding a damned Rank 2 titanic cat.

Even if he ate the guts of a Rank 3 flash-leopard he still wouldn't dare to turn around and face these two damned opponents.

What enraged him, even more, was the fact that despite riding a Rank 2 beast, Roy wasn't catching up with him, meaning that he was willingly staying behind him, and harassing him.

This was something that he couldn't stand even more. Since when it was the other's time and moment to harass him and play with him like that?

It was him who would do something like that to others all the time. Not the other way around. It should be him! Yet he didn't dare to turn around, and could only bear with clenching teeth, and fists.

On the other hand, Roy didn't give a damn about Young Master Fjord's thoughts, and feelings as he was more concentrated on using those fireballs to feel the wind element.

It was a shame that he was able to only hurl 3 Rank 1 magic spells due to his limited magic power at the moment but he couldn't do much about it.

He could only work harder in the future and do everything he could in order to grow stronger, and increase his magic power capacity.

At the moment after hurling the third fireball towards Young Master Fjord, he just fully concentrated on the wind wall used by the opponent to sense the wind element magic power in the environment.

On the other hand, Young Master Fjord thought of this as an opportunity, as he stimulated his horse to run faster, and used his Rank 2 magic spell Wind Tornado once again.

What he didn't expect though, was that the moment his magic spell was activated and blocking Roy's path, the guy didn't stop or make a round way about it, but jumped directly inside.

Normally only some idiot with a death wish would do something like that, as that it was a Rank 2 magic spell, wide-area critical magic spells.

While Rank 1 magic spells were not simple, and would certainly cause a deep injury on the target, they were deadly only if the target didn't take any defensive action.

Otherwise, they could only cause a lot of injuries, and damage but not life-threatening. Well, that was the case when the Mage was Rank 1 or Rank 2 at most.

Because if a Rank 3 or higher Mage used a simple spell like fireball or something the like, the strength of the attack was more than enough to burn his target to cinders.

But Young Master Fjord and Roy had yet to reach that height, as at the moment they were only Rank 1 and Rank 2.

The fact stood though that a Rank 2 magic spell activated by a Rank 2 Mage, it surpassed the heavy injury strength gap, and it even became deadly.

Certainly, that depended on the estimated range of the spell and the concentration of magic power.

For example, the previous Wind Tornado that Young Master Fjord had used, wasn't deadly to the people inside because the range affected was wider, making the concentration of magic weaker.

So more than a deadly spell, it was just a pushing and impeding one, but this one that he used against Roy alone was a powerful concentrated magic spell.

Normal people would be cut to shreds by the concentrated winds in there, making it look like some kind of butchering shop.

And yet, Roy and his mount had jumped directly into the magic spell, like they didn't care in the least about it, making Young Master Fjord feel really scared, and panicky.

If Roy and his beast managed to pass through this hurdle then he was finished, his magic power was close to depletion, and his horse was getting tired.

With that fear poisoning him from inside, he had no other choice, but to use the last dregs of magic power left in his body, and activate another Wind Tornado magic spell to block Roy, as he escaped.

This was the end, he could do nothing more. He either won the battle with Roy and escaped, or Roy came out to kill him.

He didn't dare to stay there and watch if Roy would pass through though, as he stimulated his horse to keep running towards the direction he was going.

On the other hand, Roy was inside the first Wind Tornado, trying to feel the wind element magic in there.

Just like he did with the fire element magic against Gisella the fiery beauty, he was doing the same with the wind element magic.

This Rank 2 magic spell was frightening, and deadly for normal warriors, and perhaps even Rank 1 Warrior, but for someone like him a Rank 2 Warrior, it was nothing much.

He felt just like some kind of heavy rock inside a wind tornado, incapable of lifting him up and damaging him.

That was according to his standards, because even a normal Rank 2 Warrior wasn't capable of staying that calm, and that unaffected inside that wind tornado.

And if that wasn't enough, the next moment he felt that the wind tornado around him became even stronger, and faster.

He could feel that if he didn't use his full strength as a Rank 2 Warrior this wind tornado would lift him up, and then start hurling him around like a pebble around and then to the ground.

Even though his body was exceptionally strong, and he had a wish to test his limits, he didn't want to experience that.

It was a good thing that his Earth element magic power was getting restored as his feet were touching the ground, so he used Earth Lock to keep himself locked to the ground.

Just like the name suggests, Earth Lock was a Rank 1 magic spell, that could bind someone to the ground.

To be more exact, the target would sink to the ground depending on the magic power used, and the soil around would become extremely sturdy to lock him there.

At that moment, Roy locked himself to the ground, as he let the Tornado Wind attack his body, and comprehend the wind element magic power around him…

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