The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 78 - 78: New Rules Of War Dance

That voice and those words were enough to attract the attention of everyone else in the surroundings, as it was a great slap to the face of Roy.

These women weren't brought there by their wish and had participated in the War Dance by default, and the moment that Roy made his choice, they were obliged to accept it.

In fact, it was seen as their honor! It was a bit nonsensical at first view, but thinking about it deeper, their selection during the War Dance gave them a form of legality, and acceptance in the tribe.

Furthermore, the one they would be serving from that moment on would be the tribe's Head and not just any warrior or man, with a third leg between his thighs.

Begin selected was considered to be a great favor to them, and yet one of them stood up and refused her good luck, and favor.

It took huge courage to state something like that at the moment, as her life depended on Roy's whims at that moment.

But she didn't look scared, in fact, she looked a bit disgusted, even despising Roy and everyone else around her.

Even during the dance, she had had the same attitude and composure, and it was precisely due to that that Roy had selected her.

He needed to set up an example, for the others, and clean up the women entering his Harem Palace.

From the moment that this War Dance had started Roy had already decided almost everything and planned everything to detail.

The number of ladies, and their purpose were already decided as well. Roy didn't want to look like a lustful demon, but at the same time didn't want to show weakness.

So, he thought that 13 out of 43 participants was a perfect number, and out of the 13, he had selected 4 girls between the age of 10 and 16.

That wasn't only just to fill in the numbers though, as he had seen great potential and maturity from these girls, and he felt that they were a good seed for the future.

While the ladies of the Harem Palace at the moment were capable of dealing with the Harem issues, and his tribe matters, in the future they would start showing their shortcomings.

With his plans, ambition, and greed on consideration, Roy knew that he would slowly climb the stairs one by one, and the stage in front of him would become wider and wider.

So, there would definitely be a time when the current ladies of his Harem Palace would be unable to adapt to that stage and lose their importance.

Once that happened, and he didn't have enough replacements for them, then not only would his building shake, but it might even hurt his foundations.

The present was important, but the future was even more. Roy couldn't allow himself to be tied down by the people around him, as they were all just his servants and his helpers.

With these thoughts for the future, he had decided to take in those 4 girls this time and start training and educating them from that age.

In fact, after seeing them, and thinking a bit more he even decided to implement a training session for all the girls of age 10-16 that weren't part of his Harem Palace.

It would be some kind of Junior Harem Palace. As long as they showed enough results they would graduate from the Junior Harem Palace, and enter the true Harem Palace.

He even had already decided on who to direct this Junior Harem Palace, and the instructors in there, it would be Valerie and her two mothers.

As he was thinking like this about the situation, he had a lost face on the outside, so the warriors and other tribesmen thought that he was just shocked by the audacity of that bi*tch.

Still, no one dared to act without Roy saying anything. If there was one thing that they had learned during this time that Roy had trained them, was order, rule.

Roy was the highest link of the chain, so there was no one who was able to move or act without his permission or order.

Even Gisella and Gidella that were by his side could do nothing but look at that dirty bi*tch with angry looks, and visible killing intent.

It was precise their killing intent that awoke Roy from his stupor, as he coughed to attract the attention of everyone in there, and asked in a cool and calm voice,

"Ahem~! Are you sure!?"

He didn't seem angry in the least, as a matter of fact, he seemed like he had expected something like that, and treated it as just water under the bridge.

Even his opponent, that lady that was looking at him with disgust, and despise couldn't help but get startled for a moment looking at his composure and his tone, but she still said with a high and mighty tone,

"Hmph~! Of course, I am! Did you think it would be that easy for a toad to eat some swan's meat? You must be dreaming with open eyes!"

Seeing that Roy hadn't gone in a rage, and was even talking to her with that calm and cool voice, she thought that he knew the difference between them, and was afraid of her standing and position.

With those thoughts in her mind, she gained even more courage, and strength as she became even more audacious with her words.

No matter what, this stupid Head of this weak tribe should know that he would suffer many times more should anything happen to her.

After all, she was her father's best, and favorite daughter. For that reason, she was given as a wife to Young Master Fjord.

Even though Roy already expected something like that from her, he still couldn't help but reveal an unpleasant expression when he heard her say those words, and talk audaciously.

Still, he managed to control himself to not explode, and then looking at the other ladies he had selected, he said with the same cool, and calm voice,

"Is there anyone else who thinks the same!?"

"I do!" x2

Immediately after his words sounded, 2 other women walked forward standing in the same position as that first one.

By the information that Roy had, the first one to take the lead was the given wife to that Young Master Fjord he had followed the kill, and the two ladies behind her were her accompaniers.

In medium barbarian tribes, the ladies of the family would have more value than those in the small tribes, so they had to be in better care, protection, and control from the tribe.

For that reason, for each one of them there were appointed two accompaniers that taught them how to please men, and also protect and control them from the side.

What surprised Roy though was the fact, that among his selected ladies, there was this bi*tch's sister, but she didn't refuse or join her.

He decided to have a better look at her later, as right now he had to take care of the situation at hand.

Thinking like that, he didn't show any emotion on his face, as he said with the same voice of earlier,

"Very well, then you are exempted from the selection, 3 other ladies will take your place, I just hope you don't regret this decision of yours!"

Hearing his words, the three ladies just coldly harrumphed at him, as they walked out of the selected group, while looking with a weird, and complicated look towards three ladies in the selected group.

That was the little sister and her accompaniers. Even though her accompaniers seemed to be wishing to get up and refuse following the example of the big sister, and accompaniers, they didn't.

Their lady had ordered them to not do anything stupid and accept their fate, just like she was about to do.

The two of them didn't understand why their lady would do something like that, but they still followed her orders and stood there beside her.

With those three out, Roy quickly selected three other ladies that would take their place, and when everything seemed to be over he said in a deep and heavy voice,

"This is the first War Dance after our first victory so I decided to be lavicious and accept so many women by my side.

These ladies can be considered my lucky charm! After this, after every War Dance, I will select only 10 new women for my Harem Palace.

But, at the same time, despite the War Dance after every victory against our enemies, there will be a War Dance every half full moon.

Also, I abolish the rule that a participant can't partake more than once in a War Dance, and every female woman is eligible to participate as long as it's above 10 full moons of age!"

The moment his words sounded through the surroundings, the whole tribe was in a stupor, as they didn't understand how to react for a moment.

And even more so the ladies that had just participated in this War Dance and hadn't been selected, they couldn't help but feel extremely happy, that their chance hadn't gone away.

They seemed forgotten about their sadness, and grief at that moment, and couldn't help but explode with a strong intent for the next.

Next time for sure they would be selected, as long as they worked harder, and polished themselves they would surely be selected next time to be part of Roy's Harem Palace.

It was only after a few moments, that finally the tribe's warriors and people around Roy had recovered their selves, as they kneeled down, and said,

"Understood tribe Head!"

This meant that as long as they raised a good daughter in their family, they would have a connection to their tribe Head Roy.

But certainly, there were three ladies who didn't seem to care much about this, as in fact they looked down on Roy, like the one in lead even said,

"A toad at the bottom of the well!"

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