The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 85 - 85: Employing The Ex-general

At this moment, everyone was on a high after the great victory in the battle, and that after-party celebration made everyone feel like they were living a dream.

After all, these forest barbarians had never thought that one day they would be able to live in such prosperity, and ambition of their tribe Head.

It wasn't necessarily a bad thing as the victory had brought them a lot of confidence, and strength, but they were still far from Roy's goal.

It wasn't like Roy was expecting these guys to be able to conquer a Kingdom or an Empire, but at least he wanted them to be strong enough to protect his tribe in the short future.

They had truly won the previous battle, and without any grave consequence at that, but it had happened only because the leader of the opponent army was a waste, and an idiot.

If that guy had been able to properly coordinate with the barbarian General, and his private army, then it was impossible for things to have gone this smoothly.

The worst part of this whole deal was the fact, that many of his warriors and his Harem Palace members weren't able to understand this and reflect with their feet on the ground.

The majority of them thought that they were unstoppable, and probably unkillable as long as they followed his lead.

This was great in a battle, as it meant that they would follow all his orders and instructions up to point in a battle.

But at the same time, it would create a big problem when they fought a hard battle, and there were a lot of victims in it.

It was like a lucky boxer managed to knock out a stronger opponent and then thought that he could beat whoever crossed his path, only to face a truly strong opponent that would totally crush him.

There was nothing that Roy could do about it at the moment, as he could only wait for a good time to teach them that they weren't as invincible as they thought.

Until then he could only try his best to increase his strength and his army's strength. By training them, and by adding more members to it.

He had to make sure that when their overconfidence came to bite them back, he had enough strength and power to protect what was important.

Thinking like that, the moment he got outside of his 'Royal Tent' he made his way towards a special 'tent' in the camp.

This tent was located close to the new captives cage, and also the warriors' training field, according to the new placement of the camp structures.

Roy had decided to forego the idea of a police force at the moment as he didn't have enough members or warriors for that, and also the population was extremely thin.

It didn't mean that he wasn't going to set up one in the future though, as he had already made the preparations on the expansion of the camp and its surroundings.

Based on the old Roy's knowledge the plans about the camp that he was staying at the moment were prepared in advance for a much bigger population and much wider expansion.

The tribe was already on its way towards expansion as many warriors, had created their families and were adding population to the tribe.

More than 30 ladies had been impregnated during this short time, meaning that soon there would be 30 new members in Roy's tribe.

This was a good sign of expansion, and he even had an idea of going for 'hunting' in the nearby regions.

Since Young Master Fjord had collected quite a few warriors on his way towards his camp, then it meant that many other tribes and camps were almost unprotected, free meat.

Which non-vegan person wouldn't eat meat when it was set in front of him, and Roy was no different!

In the plans of his camp expansion the area that his camp covered at the moment would only be his Harem Palace's inner courtyard.

With these thoughts in mind, he soon arrived at his destination, as two warriors were standing in front of the 'tent' with serious expressions.

The moment they saw Roy coming they immediately bowed, kneeled on one leg saying,


Roy was already used to their actions like this, as he was getting more and more of a rulers aura on him, as he replied nonchalantly,

"Relax and open the door!"

The warriors got up as soon as they heard what he said and opened the door of the wooden tent for him. He didn't need to give them a reason, the order was already more than enough.

Right as the warriors opened the door for him, and stood on the side, Eric entered the wooden tent with a calm and cool expression to have a look at the guy inside.

The barbarian general or it would be more exact to say the ex-general was lying down on the wooden tent's floor, with his hands under his head, with a composition of thinking.

Seeing Roy enter inside the room, the barbarian man stood up calmly, and a bit respectfully. Normal people didn't have that honor but after the fight, Roy totally deserved that, in his head.

Roy just looked at the guy from head to toes a few times, and only after some time did, he finally break the silence and ask,

"So, you want to fight for me!?"

"I want to kill the bastard that ran away, and if that means that I and my men will have to fight for you, then so be it!"

There was a big difference between the two scenarios, with Roy's words he became a full servant to Roy, but with his words, it was just a means towards the goal.

Not only that, but he also clearly stated that his loyalty wasn't with Roy, but with his goal, and he was going to serve him together with his soldiers, as long as their goals aligned.

Hearing that Roy didn't get angry as he could understand the guy, furthermore, it wasn't like he was desperate to have the guy on his side.

He truly needed fighters, but he wouldn't pick whoever came across his path, he needed loyal warriors that would even dare to die under his orders.

But that didn't mean that he had no intention of using this guy, as he was a perfect piece for his strategy.

With those thoughts in his mind, he didn't continue the discussion for long as he said,

"Very well, you and your men could take your weapons, and form an outer garrison for the camp. You will have full control over them.

Your garrisons duty is to spread through the area and collect the remains of the tribes from where you took warriors on your way here.

In return I can promise that when that guy returns you will have the chance to take your revenge against him, what do you think!?"

This was Roy's arrangement about them, like that he would be able to still use them and keep them out of the camp in case they wanted to try something stupid.

Furthermore, he didn't know the exact situation or the position of these tribes in the surroundings, so he didn't like sending his own men there outside.

So, these guys were the perfect solution to three problems he had at the moment, as he felt like striking three birds with one stone.

The ex-general seemed to think hard for a moment, as he then asked with a heavy and solemn tone,

"What about extra equipment!?"

He wasn't stupid he knew that a big reason why many soldiers were able to escape with their lives on the battlefield was their equipment.

As long as his small army had a few extra pieces of equipment he knew that their accumulative strength and power would increase by a level or two.

Roy knew that this guy wasn't an idiot, as he had managed to become a general of so many warriors, so he had already expected something like this.

Furthermore, it was in his best interests for these guys to last as long as they could, as he said with a serious face,

"You can have 10 full armaments in advance, for bringing 500 more people for my tribe. For any extra brought we will discuss extra business when you bring them!

If you find on the way anything else that can arouse my curiosity or interests, then we can discuss their price too.

One important reminder though, I would like the ladies to come here as untouched as possible, the better the shipment the better the price of future business, and your bonus!"

The ex-barbarian general hadn't expected such good conditions, as he was thinking that 5 armaments would already be more than enough for him and his warriors.

So, hearing Roy's terms he was a bit startled, and surprised, as Roy was being quite generous. After all, armaments of iron and steel were quite sparse in the Death Forest.

He didn't understand why Roy would pay so much for just 500 useless people, but he didn't try to haggle the price.

To barbarians and warriors like him, if the payment was already good, haggling was considered a humiliation.

So, he immediately accepted Roy's conditions,

"Very well, I promise you that I will take care of the pure women on the way by myself. I give you my word of honor!"

Roy was quite satisfied with the way this man acted, and especially with his answer, as he felt that their cooperation would be quite good in the future.

So, he said with a satisfied smile,

"Very well, eat, drink, and have some fun tonight, and tomorrow be on your way!"

With that said, he turned around and left the 'wooden tent' as he gave a few special instructions to his warriors at the door, and then made his way towards the second 'wooden tent'…

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