The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 95 - 95: An Unexpected Jackpot

That was because he found quite a few surprising things about this cave. Like for example the fact that while his ladies were changing their clothes, there were a few guards coming towards them.

Or it would be more exact to say that a few soldiers were coming their way, and it wasn't from outside but from inside.

Which meant that this cave was bigger and deeper than it looked on the outside, but not only that. Looking by the number of the guards they weren't just doing a rip-off job of guarding.

There were 10 soldiers coming towards the entrance of the cave behind the waterfall, as each and every one of them was fully armed.

In fact, this place seemed a bit inconspicuous, and the cave was extremely small and dark for Roy and his ladies to notice the situation there.

Perhaps, if it weren't for Roy already activating his area sense, and the loud noises of these guards while they were on duty, Roy might have never been able to discover it.

It was quite a surprise, but since there was such a security in this small cave this meant that it wasn't a normal cave. There must be something inside.

How could Roy let something like this escape his hands, and as if that wasn't enough there was no way he was going to let it fall in the hands of his enemies.

With those thoughts in his mind, he quickly made a sign towards the ladies to not make any noise, or movement, as he himself went to wait for the guards behind the small corner.

According to his sense area, this small cave had a half-circular shape inside, and at the deeper part of the inside, there was a small corner and a path.

It looked like some kind of optical illusion at first, as no one would notice it, but Roy was extremely lucky to have been shown the way.

Due to the position, and the way it was built the path made it impossible for those inside to look at those outside, and especially at the small cave.

Furthermore, these guys seemed to not place guards in there, either to not attract much attention or because it had been found in a short time.

Either way, Roy had no intention of giving up on this place, especially after he became a Rank 2 Warrior, and with foxy a Rank 3 beast, he was even more confident in his abilities.

It wasn't that he felt like he could conquer the whole Navita like he was, as that was nothing more than a fool's wish, but Coyote wasn't the whole Navita.

Even if they were a medium tribe, the best they had was a late Rank 3 Warrior or some early Rank 4 Warrior. Anything beyond that would be a great luxury for them.

Certainly, he wasn't sure of a win even against a Rank 3 warrior, but he had foxy, and his Rank 1 Mage status of diverse elements, as long as he played a few tricks it would turn the situation on his side.

Thinking like that, he approached the corner path with a knife in his hands, as he also prepared magic at the same time.

Since the water elements were abundant in this place, it would be extremely easy for him to cast water magic, furthermore, he didn't need to kill them with that magic.

Just as he felt that the guards were about to turn the corner, he immediately released his magic towards them, Massive Water Ball.

Massive Water Ball was just a version of Water Ball Magic, its specialty was that the Water Mage focused on the size and volume of the water rather than its striking force attack, and damage.

The reason why Roy picked precisely this magic was simple, firstly its sound would be covered by the waterfall, secondly, it would be a great surprise effect that would attack all, and it would also stun and confuse them.

Once they fell in a state of confusion, and stun Roy jumped with the knife in his hands as he started cutting their throats left and right.

He didn't allow even one of them to make a sound even if they managed to stand up and try to fight back.

With the current situation at hand, one sound from these guys would put him and his ladies in grave danger.

He couldn't allow that to happen no matter what. In less than 1 minute all 10 guards were lying on the ground with their throats dripping blood.

Now that these guys were dead, their weapons and their clothing were useless to them, as Roy and his ladies quickly helped their selves to that.

After noiselessly throwing these bodies into the river in the middle of the night, Roy secretly put the extra weapons, and materials in his space ring and then entered the path with foxy.

The ladies were left at the corner entrance, to keep an eye on the inside, but also check the outside if there were any reinforcements.

It wasn't that Roy didn't want to take them inside, but he felt that they might drag him down, and at the same time he needed someone to guard the place, should anyone inside try to escape.

The surprising part about the path he was taking was that it seemed to have been created naturally, but the ground was just too smooth.

The upper part of the path looked natural, but the lower part was clearly human-made. Which made him even more curious about what awaited him at the end.

Certainly every 10 steps he took he would activate his sense area for a short moment in order to check ahead.

He didn't want to end up in the hands of his enemy like a sheep walking personally to the wolf's den, he had to be careful.

Furthermore, his sense area covered a distance of at least 20 meters ahead, so it would be a shame to not use it in this situation.

When he had finally entered about 100 meters inside the cave, he felt a bit of movement ahead, so he stopped in order to try and have an ear at them.

"Damn that bastard! That shameless guy, he even sold his own sister to curry favor with the captain. Now he can stay there and have his fun, while we have to suffer here!"

Someone seemed to be extremely angry and enraged with a comrade. And at the same time, he couldn't hide even his jealousy.

"Come on Drajfus, don't worry, as long as we show great achievements in the upcoming battle, I am sure the commander will give us a chance to that place to cultivate.

In fact, he might even allow us to have a taste of those ladies inside, and even that crazy hot barbarian woman!"

The second guy seemed to be consoling his friend while sharing his jealousy at the same time.

"I know that too! It's just that I can't stand that motherfu*cker. Now we are the ones who have to guard the entrance of this 'Milky Cave'."

Hearing those words Roy couldn't help but gasp in excitement, as he couldn't even keep his voice down as he said,

"Is this truly a Milky Cave!? Like those ones in legends which have 1000 years old 'magic origin milk'?"

As Roy asked that, that first guy seemed to be just carrying with the conversation, as he continued,


What 1000 years, this cave clearly has 10.000 years old magic origin milk, and if it weren't for that motherfu*cker Sandor giving his sister to the captain, this daddy would be having a share too!"


Heavens truly love me!


It was only when he finished speaking that he finally understood that there was something wrong with the situation he was currently in.

After all the outer guards weren't allowed to enter this deep. Not to mention that he hadn't even felt this guy's presence before he had blurted his question.

Immediately his instincts started ringing like some sort of alarm clock, as he was about to pull his sword and attack the unknown guest before asking questions.

Roy's happy voice just made him even more certain of his choice, as he was about to sweep with his sword in front of him, but before he could do that a hand covered his mouth, and a knife pierced his heart.

He started trembling once he found out that he was about to die, as he heard Roy's voice from behind,

"You are out of luck the moment you encountered me, perhaps if you had screamed your end might have been just slightly different!"

By the time that Roy's words had finished that guy stopped struggling into Roy's arms and fell down on the ground like some sack of potatoes.

Roy didn't lose time as he quickly stripped the two dead guys naked, and robed everything they had on their bodies, before making his way towards the main area of the cave.

He was still unable to control the big smile on his face, as he thought about the treasure that he had just found out.

It was out of his mind, that he would have been able to find such a precious thing in this cave, 10.000 years old magic-origin milk.

It was the same as hitting a true jackpot after buying a cheap ticket, he still couldn't believe his luck, but still, he made sure to check the surroundings as he proceeded ahead.

In no time, the darkness of the cave seemed to start dissipating as a fluorescent light started to lighten the path in front of him…

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