Dugu Qiubai had been dead for decades, and Big Eagles didn't know how to take care of things.

Thus, the cave seemed somewhat dilapidated, overgrown with weeds, damp and dark.

He looked around and found some pots and pans, but nothing else.

After observing for a while, Li Dao walked towards the natural stone platform outside the cave.

The stone platform was more than ten meters tall and the stone wall was covered in moss. There was no place for him to borrow energy from, so he could only rely on his strong movement technique to fly up.

Luckily, Li Dao could fly when he was in the air.

On the stone platform, a pile of rubble formed the shape of a grave.

If one did not know, they would think that there was a person buried. In fact, there was a sword buried inside, personally planted by Dugu Qiubai.

Li Dao stepped forward to clear away the rubble, revealing five long stone slabs.

Five stone slabs lined up side by side. Below them were the swords Dugu Chen had used earlier.

Naturally, Li Dao wouldn't be interested in Dugu Qiubai's sword. Could the Heavy Xuan Iron Sword and the Violet Myrtle Flexible Sword be even stronger than one ten thousandth of the sword in his hands?

He was interested in the sword techniques and sword intent left behind by Dugu Qiubai.

There were carvings on the stone wall in front of the five stone slabs. He reached out to wipe the moss on the stone wall, and a line of large, sharp words entered his eyes.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at it, it read, "Across the martial arts world for over thirty years, kill all enemies, defeat all heroes, there is no one in this world who can resist, there is no choice but to live in seclusion in the deep valleys, with the eagles as friends. Wu Hu, in my life, I have always sought for an opponent that I could not win against. The signature was: Sword Demon Dugu Qiubai.

Li Dao knew all of this, but what he saw with his own eyes was a completely different feeling.

These words were filled with a lonely and desperate sword intent. A desolate and desolate sword intent lingered in his heart and would not disappear for a long time.

Similarly carved on the stone wall, Dugu Qiubai's cultivation level was much higher than Wang Zhong Yang's. The words that Wang Zhong Yang had engraved on the ancient tomb were not anything special. Other than saying that his internal energy was high and his style was high, there was nothing else.

On the other hand, the words carved by Dugu Qiubai were different. Although several decades had passed and she had experienced many trials and hardships, the sword intent carried on the words was still very clear.

Li Dao did not know if Yang Tong had experienced the sword intent of the invincible and lonely Dugu Qiubai from this line of words, but he had felt it.

When one practiced martial arts to a certain degree, what they valued was not the moves, but the mental state, which emphasized the ability to lose oneself in the process.

Just like that, Li Dao stood in front of this line of words as he experienced the sword intent of his former self. Perhaps his internal force was only second-rate in the martial arts world, but in terms of realm, no one in the martial arts world could compare with him.

When people practiced martial arts, they would focus on the moves, paying attention to the proficiency of practice. They would train with the books and secret manuals left behind by their predecessors, afraid that they would make a mistake.

The truth was that moves were inherent. Only low-level martial arts focused on the moves, and not a single mistake could be made.

High-level martial arts were not restricted to their form. Only by experiencing a concept would one be able to display the full might of a martial arts technique.

For example, the Proud Dragon Repents of the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms stressed on being aggressive. If one didn't have the courage to go forward, then cultivating it would be useless.

They were both practicing the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms, so why was Qiao Feng and Guo Jing so formidable while Spark Dragon, Song Qingshu, was as weak as a chicken?

This was because they did not have the boldness to advance forward. And then there was Yang Guo's own creation, the Dark Soul-Slapping Palm. Then why did the Hanging Palm come to rely on the heavens to laugh at the loss of his inheritance?

This was because the later generations did not have the chance to experience Yang Zhao's Soul-Slaying Palm, so they were unable to fully display the power of his Soul-Slaying Palm, which was why it was lost to him.

Putting everything aside, the language teacher had already told him about images when he was in middle school. Therefore, Li Dao had a more open mind than the current people. Li Dao did not view martial arts simply as a practice, but as a way to comprehend the concepts within.

As Li Dao's thoughts sank into his brain, the Blue Lotus Sword Qi within his body began to circulate as it was stimulated by the Dugu Sword Intent. However, he did not discover this.

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