"Then you already know that I'm a girl. Do you have anything you want to tell me?"

Jian Xiong was quite bold. With a blush, she walked to Li Dao's side and stared straight into Li Dao's eyes without any signs of retreat.

Li Dao put down the letter. For a moment, he was lost in thought. He thought of Little Dragon Lady, Xing'er, Shangguan Yan, and Magnificent Fragrance.

Jianxiong is a girl who dares to love and hate, he undoubtedly has a good impression of her.

So what do we do now, accept it or reject it?

It wasn't that Li Dao couldn't bear to reject Jian Xiong; it was just that he didn't reject Jian Xiong at all, and instead somewhat liked him.

Thinking of Xiao Long and Xing'er, Li Dao could not help but smile bitterly. He was indeed a trash. Previously, he had let Jian Xiong run into Yan Zhaofeng and stay far away from him.

"What are you laughing at? Are you unwilling to be together with me?" Jian Xiong's voice was a bit shaky, and his expression was very nervous.

Li Dao shook his head and kept silent.

Seeing Li Dao shake his head, the Sword Hero felt relieved.

"Are you hiding something?"

"If I say that I already have two wives, will you still be with me?" Li Dao didn't hide anything and asked after a moment of silence.

"You … You have two wives? " Jian Xiong's entire body shuddered and her little face instantly paled as if she had been struck by lightning.

Li Dao smiled bitterly and nodded. Although Little Dragon Girl was nowhere to be seen in the chaotic space and time, and Xing'er had already been buried in the sea of fire, he could not hide it from Jian Xiong, or else it would be disrespecting Little Dragon, Xing'er, and Jian Xiong.

Li Dao nodded his head. The Sword Hero's tears silently rolled down his face. His lips moved as if he wanted to interrogate Li Dao, but for a moment, he could not say anything.

He already has a wife, why is he still trying to provoke me? Why didn't she clearly explain it to me in the beginning? Jian Xiong rushed out the door. Her tears were like a steady stream of rain, dripping onto the ground and disappearing without a trace.

Looking at the back of Jian Xiong, Li Dao could only bitterly smile. He did not chase after him. In any case, it was not the first time he had hurt a woman's heart.

Whether it was a man who made a woman sad or a woman who made a man sad, it was a common occurrence and there was nothing to criticize about it. The key was to see if he would feel guilty or uneasy. Coincidentally, this was the case with Li Dao. He felt slightly guilty, but guilt was better than merciless rejection and concealment of the truth. No matter what, a person had to face their own heart. If they did not even dare to face their own heart, then they would be a weakling.

To be honest, it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Women are aware of this fact, but people are selfish, especially in love. If it is true love, who would be willing to allow their lover to not focus on himself?

Li Dao retracted his gaze and let Jian Xiong calm down. In the end, the choice was entirely up to her. This world's level was rather high, allowing one to cultivate to the Broken Emptiness Realm. Therefore, he could accept Jian Xiong. However, the question now was not whether he was willing to accept it, but what Jian Xiong thought.

He still had a long way to go, and Xiaolong was waiting for him. Xing'er had to be saved as well, so he couldn't just stand there.

Shaking his head with all his might, he pushed all these thoughts to the back of his mind. Calming his heart, Li Dao began to seriously read the historical handwritten letters of the Sword Crafting City.

Jian Xiong ran out, her head lowered as she cried, feeling wronged, sorrowful and so on. She could not stop the tears from rolling down her face.

The Sword Crafting City's people had discovered something extraordinary. Their Young Lord was actually crying like a woman. Furthermore, it seemed as if his actions were the same as well.

Ever since the Sword Emperor had appeared, their Young Lord had become very abnormal.

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