The Qi Lian mountain range was as long as ever, carrying a desolate aura.

Li Dao had come to the Qilian Mountains last time to search for the remains of the Evil Buddha Sect. Although the world was different, the general topography of Mount Qilian was still the same.

He didn't know if there was a connection between the world and itself, just like how Lord Tathagata the Buddha and the Jade Emperor existed in many other worlds, but in different worlds, were they the same person?

These things were a bit profound, and Li Dao had yet to reach that level. The only thing he could do now was climb up bit by bit, all the way until he reached the peak of the Myriad Heavens.

According to Meng Baichuan and Shangguan Yun, the Mu Clan lived in the depths of the Qi Lian mountain range. The Mu Clan had guarded the dragon and the pearl in the Dragon Roar Cave for generations, and the blood of the Mu Clan members could even defile the divine power of the dragon.

Li Dao and Jian Xiong began to search for the Scouts in the vast Qilian Mountains. During this time, Li Dao had even found Coiled Snake Cliff. However, there were no ruins of the Evil Buddha Sect in this world.

Searching for a primitive tribe in a continuous mountain range, even a supreme grandmaster like Li Dao couldn't do it overnight.

Time passed day by day. Li Dao and Jian Xiong searched along the desolate mountain range. After five days, they finally found the Mu Clan that was isolated from the outside world.

These Wood Investigating clansmen were still wearing beast skin skirts and stone weapons. Black dragon tattoos were drawn on their bodies.

They were very hostile towards Li Dao and Jian Xiong's arrival, and their eyes were full of vigilance.

Since he could not speak any words, Li Dao did not have the thought of going forward to communicate with him. Being able to find the Wood Race was all thanks to the cliff in the distance. There was a tyrannical aura emanating from it, and it was even stronger than the fire phoenix.

Fortunately, although the Qi was quite tyrannical, it did not surpass that of a grandmaster.

Li Dao and Jian Xiong withdrew from the Mu Clan's territory. They planned to first investigate the God Dragon's true strength. If the divine dragon was too powerful, Li Dao wouldn't mind trying to use the blood of the Wood Race to defile the divine dragon's power.

This tribe wasn't big, only around a hundred people. Among them, there were more than ten old people, thirty able-bodied men, and the rest were mostly women and young children.

Having been isolated from the outside world for a long time, not only did these people not warmly welcome Li Dao and Jian Xiong, they even planned to expel them.

This man of the Mu Clan was mostly at the early Xiantian realm. The leader of this group was the same as Jian Xiong, at the peak of the Xiantian realm.

The dozen old men were obviously not mediocre people. All of them were at the peak Xiantian realm, and their status was the highest among them. The man who was similar to the Supreme Elder was actually a grandmaster.

Therefore, even though there were not many Wood Race members, they could turn the sky and the earth upside down in the martial arts world.

Li Dao had found out that no matter what world it was, there would always be some hidden family clan. The power of one family could be compared to half of the martial arts world on the surface.

As the sky gradually darkened, Li Dao brought Jian Xiong to a river. This river was dozens of meters wide and the river was clear. One could clearly see the stones under the water.

Opposite the swift river was a cliff. In the middle of the cliff grew two silver pine trees, concealing a cave entrance.

A snore like thunder came from the back of the cave. Accompanied by an intense pressure, Jian Xiong, who hadn't even broken through to the Grandmaster Realm, trembled in fear when faced with this pressure. It wasn't because of fear, but because of the suppression from higher lifeforms towards lower lifeforms.

Dragons were noble creatures in the first place, but this dragon did not seem to have very high intelligence. It should be an animal of the lower realms with low intelligence. It had been releasing its might the entire time, and it didn't cower in the slightest.

Li Dao suspected that the nine dragon stone was made from the blood and flesh of its ancestors. Five hundred years after the nine dragon stone was formed, one would be refined from the divine dragon's flesh and blood.

In this sort of world, it was impossible for creatures like dragons to appear at the same time. In that case, it was very likely that the Nine Dragons Stone was refined from the flesh and blood of this divine dragon mother.

In other words, the divine dragon behind the cave entrance was only 500 years old. Of course, there might be a slight discrepancy, but it was obviously not too far off.

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