"I came today for an important matter." Long Qi didn't leave after discussing the issue of the fight. Instead, he seriously spoke of something else.

"What can you do?" Li Dao looked curiously at Long Qi.

"Yes." Long Qi nodded affirmatively.

"Then tell me what it is about." Seeing that Long Qi didn't seem like he was joking, Li Dao became a bit more serious as well.

"I'm going to attack Old Devil Chen. Do you want to come with me?" Long Qi exhaled a puff of smoke, his expression tranquil.

"Are you sure?" Li Dao did not immediately agree. Instead, he began to seriously consider the offer.

"What? Did you really become Old Devil Chen's son?" What's there to think about? Just fight. " Long Qi teased.

Li Dao shook his head and said, "I didn't have any good intentions when sending you off. I simply wanted to stop you on his behalf. I don't mind if you hit him. It's just that I've been operating in Shanghai for decades. I don't believe he doesn't have any hidden cards. "Besides, will the rest of you allow us to hit me?"

"What are you afraid of? It's actually because you're worried about this. Don't worry, I can fight. "First, let's not talk about whether or not those people will interfere. If they dare to interfere, I will beat them up too." Long Qi smiled and didn't mind Li Dao's worry.

"You are very good at fighting, but how many can you fight by yourself?"

"Fifty." Long Qi extended a hand to compare them.

"Since you can fight so well, why did you drag me along?" Li Dao laughed involuntarily. This Long Qi was still as arrogant as before.

"If you are brothers, then we will get rich together. We will beat up Old Devil Chen together, and when the time comes, I will give you half of his wealth."

Li Dao couldn't deny it. He no longer had the same eagerness towards property and territory, but since Long Qi wanted to fight, he'd fight along with him.

As his fame grew, the longsword absorbed more of his karmic luck.

"What are your plans?" Li Dao looked towards Long Qi. He wanted to see if Long Qi's plan was feasible. But who knew that Long Qi would be at a loss, as if he didn't understand what he was saying?

"What plan? Isn't it just a fight? Wouldn't it be fine if I just brought my people and rushed over to beat him to death? " Long Qi sat with his saber horizontally as smoke once again rose into the air.

Li Dao touched his forehead as he felt pain in his balls. Long Qi didn't look like a brainless person.

Just as he was about to curse Long Qi, Li Dao noticed the fragrant smell of smoke and immediately understood Long Qi's actions.

"Fragrant Fragrance, go to the restaurant and buy some food. Bring two bottles of red wine with you." "Remember to ask a few people to go with you." Li Dao turned his head and said to Sheng Xiang. Although he believed in savory incense, he at least had to show respect to Long Qi.

Magnificent Fragrance wasn't an idiot, so she naturally understood what Li Dao meant when she heard his words. Nodding his head, Zhang Xuan silently walked out and helped the two of them to close the door.

Watching Sheng Xiang walk away, Li Dao opened his mouth and said, "Speak, what plans do you have?"

"A few years ago, Old Man Chen was beaten up by the three of them together for three years. More than a hundred of them died, and even more did. However, these are not the main point. The main point is that Old Devil Chen is very stingy, and many of his subordinates are already dissatisfied with him. " Long Qi stopped here. He believed that Li Dao would understand what he meant.

Li Dao nodded, "If what you say is true, then we can indeed take action."

"Relax, when have I, Long Qi, ever lost?" Long Qi's face was filled with a complacent smile.

"When do we make our move?" Li Dao touched his sword and asked seriously.

"Tomorrow." Long Qi also became a bit more serious as he slowly spat out two words.

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