The chess saint sword ancestor held the crescent sword, the milky white sword light was extremely powerful, but the sword intent was clear and pure.

Li Dao held the longsword. The longsword was simple and unadorned, not as beautiful as the Lingshuang Sword. It seemed to be nothing more than an extremely ordinary sword.

The two of them struck out at the same time. With a swing of their swords, the world was filled with righteous energy. It tore apart the clouds and reflected the reflection of the lake's surface, bringing up monstrous waves.

Li Dao waved his arm, and a long sword appeared from the bottom. The cyan sword aura was incomparably tyrannical, and it was filled with the breath of destruction as well as the vitality of creation.

The cold bird's eyes were filled with killing intent as it flapped its wings. Ying Shuntian opened his beak and spat out a column of flame.

Yan Zhaofeng and the others swallowed their saliva, once again dragging Yin and Tian Tuo to retreat. Ren Qianxing was also retreating, but his eyes and spirit were all focused on the battlefield, his face filled with amazement. It was only today that he found out that Martial Master was simply too weak to rule the world. What men should pursue is the power to move mountains and fill the seas, to destroy the heavens and the earth. Ren Qianxing suddenly understood. So the Sword Emperor's martial arts could be called Martial Saint a long time ago. It was just that he didn't think much of him.

The water on the ground evaporated rapidly, the ground cracked, all the plants withered, and then began to burn. The water level of the lake dropped at a rate visible to the naked eye. Steam filled the air, filling the entire battlefield.

Li Dao's skin was burning hot. From this, it could be seen how terrifying the flame column that Ying Shuntian spat out was. This kind of fire did not belong to ordinary fire. If a martial artist below the grandmaster level were to get infected by this fire, they would definitely not be able to survive. Even Li Dao didn't dare to use his body to test whether or not he could withstand this terrifying fire pillar.


Everything was dark and gloomy. In the distance, Ren Qianxing, Yan Fufeng, and the others felt as if they were blind and deaf. They could see nothing and hear nothing.

He only remembered that the white sword ray and the cyan sword aura had clashed against each other, like two dragons colliding against a red pillar of fire.

When they regained their sight and hearing, they were stunned by what they saw.

There was a crater with a diameter of several hundred feet on the ground. There was no vegetation around it, and it had been beaten to dust.

Mirror Reflection Lake had shrunk by more than half and the water level had dropped by a hundred feet.

Recovering from their shock, these people quickly turned to look at the three people battling.

The chess saint sword ancestor's figure was faintly discernible, his primordial spirit unstable, on the verge of dissipation.

Ying Shuntian maintained his Bifang Bird form. One of his wings had been cut off, and he was on the verge of collapse like the sword-play master. His condition was slightly worse than the sword-play master's. However, his eyes were as fierce as ever.

Li Daoyi's white robe was torn apart, revealing his dark golden skin covered in fine, fragmented scales. At this moment, he was leaning on his sword with his back bent, panting heavily.

"How is it, did the sword elder win?"

Liu Yiyi subconsciously looked towards Yan Zhaofeng. He was the one with the highest cultivation base out of all of them.

Yan Zhaofeng shook his head and replied, "I don't know either. It seems that I have won."

"Not bad, this storm is finally over." The Sword Ancestor and the Sword Emperor have won. "

It was unknown when Tian Zi had opened his eyes. Now, he looked relaxed as he explained to Yan Zhaofeng and the others.

Ren Qianxing's blood-colored eyes flickered. It was unknown what he was thinking about, it was extremely terrifying.

Just as Heavencraft's words fell, Ying Shuntian flapped his remaining wings and flew into the air with difficulty. His beak opened wide, "I, Ying Shuntian, am undefeatable. No one can defeat me. The Yin Moon Empire will definitely return to the human world. No one can stop them! "

While Ying Shuntian was blabbering on and on, a figure flew over and caught him. It forcefully compressed him into a ball of essence and swallowed him into its stomach.

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