It was bustling and bustling. On the crowded streets, a young couple held hands, looking extremely blissful.

The man was tall and straight, like a scholar with a three-year-old boy on his shoulder.

Time passed. Another five years had passed.

Li Dao's and Jian Xiong's appearances did not change much. Time did not leave any scars on their faces.

After the male swordsman became pregnant, Li Dao decided to wait for her to give birth before leaving. After the child was born, he became more attached to her, and Li Dao decided to wait until she grew up before leaving, but she dragged it all the way until now. It took five years.

"Dad, I want to eat pig's feet, I want to eat pig's feet, hurry, I'll buy it." The boy sat on Li Dao's neck, shaking Li Dao's head with all his might as he pointed at the hawker selling stewed pig's feet.

"Han-Er, you won't be able to find a wife if you eat pig's feet," Li Dao said to his son with a half smile.

The surrounding people all laughed, but they were all kind people.

Li Dao named his son Li Han. He had just turned three years old.

In this backward era of technology, an ordinary family's three-year-old child was still drinking milk, while Li Han was yelling about wanting to eat his pig's feet. No matter how you looked at it, there was a sense of joy, especially from Li Han's chubby body.

The teeth of a three-year-old boy had not yet grown, and he could not chew the hoof. However, Li Han was an exception. His teeth were very sharp and he could even bite a rock, much less a pig's paw.

It was worth mentioning that it took a year and eight months for the Sword Hero to give birth to Li Han.

As a Immortal Soul stage expert, coupled with the Golden Dragon Indestructible Body, Li Dao had long since escaped the human realm.

It was not surprising that Li Han, who had inherited Li Dao's bloodline, had stayed in Jian Xiong's stomach for one year and eight months. Luckily, he wasn't born three years ago like Nezha.

Li Han and Nezha's surnames were also Li. However, compared to Nezha, he was still lacking slightly.

Other than having a stronger physique, Li Han was no different from any other child. He was just a little bit more intelligent, and in an ordinary family, he could be considered a godly child.

That's true, since Nezha turned around like a spirit pearl, Li Han would definitely not be able to compare to him.

Jian Xiong walked forward and bought a large hoof, passing it into Li Han's hands. Li Han took it and began chewing it, making 'chi chi chi' sounds, causing the surrounding people to be stunned.

"Han-Er, you don't need to thank me?"

Li Daoyi's face hardened as he asked Li Han.

Jian Xiong pinched the muscles on Li Dao's waist as she said unhappily, "Who has a son that says thank you to his mother? Don't be too strict with him."

"Women are shortsighted. Do you know that a loving mother has many failed children? "I, Li Dao's son, will teach you however you wish."

"Son, sit tight." Li Dao said before he ran forward, and Jian Xiong chased after him like a shrew.

The night was full of stars as the male swordsman sat by the bonfire. His sword had a fat pig's leg stuck in it, and it looked golden. It was still dripping with oil.

Li Dao was teaching Li Han how to practice his swordsmanship while Li Han was holding a one-foot long cold iron short sword in his hand.

Although the short sword in Li Han's hand wasn't even a foot, it weighed over thirty Jin. Even an adult male would find it difficult to dance with it.

"The pig leg is done roasting. Don't practice the sword today, come over for dinner." Jian Xiong's eyes shone with a unique maternal lustre as she shouted towards Li Dao and Li Han.

"Okay okay, we finally don't need to practice the sword anymore." Li Han threw his short sword to the side and ran towards Jian Xiong.

Li Dao could not help but laugh as he shook his head before following her.

Li Han hugged the golden leg of the pig and gnawed on it with all his might, causing his mouth to be covered in oil. Li Dao and Jian Xiong, on the other hand, were discussing something heavy.

"I'm not far from the Sword Crafting City. After I return to the Sword Crafting City, it's time for me to leave," Li Dao said with a evasive look in his eyes. This was a topic he was unwilling to bring up.

After a moment of silence, Jian Xiong said, "Yeah, you should have left a long time ago."

The atmosphere immediately changed, becoming heavy.

The child was very sensitive to the change in atmosphere. He put down his favorite pig's leg and asked in a weak voice, "Father, where are you going?"

Li Dao choked and forced a smile as he replied, "Let's go to a place far away."

"How far is it? When are you coming back?"

Faced with his son's innocent and immature face, Li Dao didn't know how to answer him.

"Kid, why are you asking so many questions? Hurry up and eat your pig's leg!" Jian Xiong coldly berated, causing Li Han to shrink back his neck.

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