After counting the rewards from this trip, Li Dao was very satisfied.

He stripped off the skin of the snake demon in the Universe Furnace and used a simple method to refine a python robe for himself.

The remaining flesh and beast cores were refined into a batch of 108 Divine Origin Pills.

Although the Divine Origin Pill was refined from the essence of two Immortal Soul Stage Demons, it was of limited use and could only be given to juniors below the Immortal Soul Stage.

There was no other way. Li Dao did not have any skill in alchemy or refining. It would be a waste for the corpses of the Devil Snake and the Scorpion Essence to fall into his hands. If he were to fall into the hands of the master apothecaries and blacksmiths, he would be able to display his true value.

Looking at the snow-white python robe on his body, Li Dao even admired it proudly.

The snake demon's skin was originally not snow-white. However, in order to look beautiful, Li Dao sacrificed his ability to avoid water and protect himself. He removed some of the items from the snake skin and refined them into this snow-white python robe.

In terms of defense, Li Dao didn't even need the python robe. If the enemy could break the defense of the lotus throne, the python robe wouldn't be of any use.

Originally, he wanted to see how long his attacks would be, but he never expected the indestructible Golden Buddha Body and Lotus Platform to make his defense much stronger than his attacks.

While admiring the snow-white python robe, Li Dao couldn't help but sigh at the trash of the scorpions. When he was alive, he was weaker than a snake demon, but when he died, he was still inferior to a snake demon. At least, the Snake Demon had contributed a piece of python robe for him.

Counting the time, it had been almost half a year since he had ascended the Gourd Mountain.

The main reason was that the Seven Star Pill had been used for over a hundred days to refine and pack up. Just when Li Dao was about to leave the mountain, he had the nagging feeling that he'd dropped something.

After thinking about it carefully, he realized that it was the calabash vine at the foot of the mountain, as well as the Mountain God Seal on the calabash mountain.

With the mountain god dead, the mountain god seal should still be hidden in a corner of the gourd mountain, waiting for the next fated person to become the mountain god.

Thinking of this, Li Dao began to rummage through the entire Gourd Mountain and finally found the Mountain God Seal in an inconspicuous corner.

The Mountain God Seal was an imprint the size of a man's fist. It was a bit dejected and had stripes that contained the laws of the world. If he didn't feel the laws of the world contained within them, Li Dao wouldn't have dared to believe that this was the Mountain God Seal.

Looking at the Mountain God Seal in his hand, Li Dao felt a little awkward. It was impossible for him to change his cultivation to the Divine Path, but it wouldn't be good if he just lost it.

In the end, Li Dao put away the mountain god seal. Although he couldn't use it for himself, it didn't seem like a bad idea to use it as a collection. As for whether or not the mountain god would have any effect on the calabash mountain, that was not Li Dao's concern.

In the shed at the foot of the mountain, although the calabash vine was still there, it had already withered. After giving birth to seven calabash children, the life of the calabash vine also came to an end.

Pulling on it with his hands, the withered calabash vine was abnormally tough and valuable. For example, it could be used to refine a whip magical equipment.

Li Dao put the gourd vine into the Cosmic Blast and refined it into a belt when he had free time.

The robe was made from the skin of a primordial spirit snake. Naturally, the belt could not be any worse. There were also shoes and a crown, Li Dao thought to himself.

If the precious gourd in Seventh Year Old's hand was still there, Li Dao was prepared to use it to store the wine. Such appearance would cause him to explode into rage in an instant.

He was wearing a snow-white robe with a calabash made from calabash vines around his waist. He hung a magical treasure, bottle gourd, to store wine, and held a longsword in his hand.

Speaking of which, his master was also a Wine Sword Immortal, and there were also Wine Sword Immortals in Immortal Swords. Since countless worlds were filled with Wine Sword Immortals, it would be better for him not to hang around like a wine gourd, making him look vulgar.

With this thought in mind, Li Dao walked down the mountain. Flying on the sword, or using one's feet to step on the lotus seat, might seem somewhat rigid, but Li Dao still liked to walk on the ground with one's legs. Only by doing this could he see an even more wonderful world.

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