Several black jeeps quickly arrived at the warehouse's entrance and stopped there. A black mass of uniforms emerged from the jeep and neatly entered the warehouse.

"Am I right?"

A figure in the distance said as he gently stroked a sheathed sword.

"What did you do? That brat is yours?" The other figure asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Don't say it, don't say it!" Holding the long sword against his chest, the figure shook his head.

"Still playing Mystery with me, right? "However, this time, you are impressive."

"Just admit to it." The man with the sword shrugged his shoulders.

"What do we do now? Charge out and snatch the goods?"


"What are you waiting for? Big brother, can you please be more specific?" Throwing away the cigarette butt, the owner of the voice appeared to be in a hurry.

However, the reply he got was only an 'wait', causing him to roll his eyes. Since he said to wait, then he might as well wait.

The two people who spoke were naturally Li Dao and Long Qi. As soon as they arrived, the patrol squad arrived.

If he rushed forward to snatch it, he would inevitably offend the patrolling police. He couldn't afford to lose face up there, so he had to wait.

While they were talking, the patrolling men had brought out a batch of Dongyang tea leaves. Judging from the amount, it really wasn't a small amount.

Li Dao narrowed his eyes as he watched the patrolling officers leave. No one knew what he was thinking about.

"I say, big brother, you really let the patrolling officers take away that batch of tea leaves?" Long Qi spat out a mouthful of foul air as he asked unhappily.

Li Dao looked back at him and asked with a smile, "How much do you think that batch of tea leaves is worth?"

Long Qi rubbed his head. "I don't know, but it's definitely worth a lot of money."

"Then do you think R. himself would have allowed the constable to deduct a lot of money?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, by the way, you're not hopelessly stupid." Li Dao smiled. The clean white teeth were very conspicuous.

"Do you know, I have the urge to kill someone!" Long Qi grit his teeth.

"Alright, let's go outside and wait. It won't be long before we do that." Li Dao ignored Long Qi's anger and got up to walk forward.

Looking at Li Dao's back, Long Qi's face revealed a trace of a smile, then he followed.

In the patrol room, the newly appointed Chief Inspector Huang frowned. He felt a burst of pain as he looked at the tea leaves that he had found. This thing was a scalding hot item!

Remembering that the young man who came to report was still in prison, Inspector Huang decided to visit the young man first.

"What's your name?" Inspector Huang squatted down and asked Ma Yongzhen.

"Ma Yongzhen."

"Ma Yongzhen, that's a good name."

After thinking for a while, Chief Inspector Huang opened his mouth, "Young man, do you know that you've caused a big mess?"

"I don't understand." Ma Yongzhen raised his head and looked at Chief Inspector Huang, his eyes firm and unyielding.

"You exposed this matter to R and the gang, so they won't let you off," Chief Inspector Huang said in a low voice.

"Don't you care about the constable?"

"Who cares? No matter how strong R is, I can't afford to offend you guys." At this point, Chief Inspector Huang lost his interest and his tone became downcast.

"I don't believe that there is no difference between black and white in this world." Ma Yongzhen's voice was sonorous and forceful.

"Ai, I can understand your feelings. I was like you when I was young, but what's the use of hot blood? "It's no use at all." Chief Inspector Huang said as he uncuffed Ma Yongzhen's handcuffs.

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