"Mr. Li, Mr. Li?"

Seeing Li Dao frozen on the spot, Ma Yongzhen shouted loudly.

Hearing Ma Yongzhen's voice, Li Dao came back to his senses. He lowered his head to look at the long sword in his hand. Li Dao knew that he wouldn't be able to stay for long.

He decided to go and get rid of this Chamber of Commerce.

"Have you found the chrysanthemum?" Li Dao asked.

"No, he was taken away by the second report." Ma Yongzhen said in disappointment.

"Don't worry, Tie Ju will be fine." Li Dao patted his shoulder, turned around and walked out.

Li Dao didn't immediately go to find Qiao Ben Hong and the others. Instead, he walked out of the door and headed straight for the hospital. Ma Yongzhen silently followed behind him.

Long Qi was lying on his sickbed, still in the process of transfusions, but he had already sobered up.

Li Dao sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Long Qi without speaking for a long time.

The fragrance was also present, and her elegant face was covered in tears.

"Are you all right?"

In fact, the reason why Long Qi had broken his arm was all because he had been careless and had underestimated his opponent.

"Hahahaha, these little injuries won't kill me." Long Qi smiled dashingly and began to cough with a smile.

Li Dao was afraid of hitting him on the back, so he gave Dragon 7 a cigarette.

"Hakamoto went to the British Embassy," Li said after half a cigarette.

"Really? That kid is really timid!" Long Qi smiled.

"If he lives, he will be a disaster. I must get rid of him. If he does not die in a day, all of you will be in danger."

"Ah, I know." Long Qi didn't care in the slightest.

"Tie Ju is also in their possession, so I decided to make a trip."

"Are you crazy?" Long Qi's eyes widened when he heard that Li Dao was going to the British Embassy to kill Ben Hongyi.

Magnificent Fragrance grabbed his hand tightly and shook her head.

"I don't know if I'll be able to come back this time. If I don't, I'll have to trouble you to take good care of Xiang Xiang for me."

With that, he stroked his fragrant hair, his eyes filled with gentleness.

"No, you can't, you absolutely can't!" Long Qi shook his head like a rattle drum.

Sheng Xiang's eyes were filled with despair as he looked at him. He tightly held onto his hand and could feel the power contained within it.

"Mr. Li, how about we think of another way?" Ma Yongzhen also began to persuade him.

"I must go, and if he does not die, we shall never have a peaceful life, and we must have an end to this."

Li Dao opened his fragrant hands, got up and walked towards the outside.

"Li Dao, come back here! Do you hear me? Come back here for your father!" Long Qi roared loudly, even causing his wounds to hurt.

Shengxiang was already in tears, but she knew she could not stop the man.

His eyes were red and swollen, and his hands were clasped together in front of his chest. "Guanyin Bodhisattva, Jade Emperor, Tathagata Buddha. All of you must protect him and bring him back alive!"

Ma Yongzhen chased after Li Dao's footsteps and ran out. In the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared from Long Qi and Sheng Xiang's sight.

Long Qi pounded the table with his remaining right hand before finally praying along with Sheng Xiang.

When they arrived at the rental area, it was already a place for the upper echelons to move about. Li Dao did not even glance at it as he walked down the street with his sword in hand.

Ma Yongzhen followed behind him without saying a word. He was going to save Tie Ju, even if it meant his death.

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