The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1082: Icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow

Guan Xingquan looked at the table below. It takes less than ten minutes to drive to the airport, and he still has at least half an hour.

Besides, I have already said hello to the airport, that the An-124 giant transport plane carrying a large amount of frozen beef would not take off at all without him.

There is no large-scale slaughter and processing plant in the Tswa region, but small slaughterhouses and cold storage are still built, which is also for convenience.

Exporting the beef that the Tswa tribe has always exported in large quantities, in exchange for the extremely cheap arms in Ukraine, Zhang Nan’s company is not making money in the middle, just because the business is real for the company, and it will not lose money. Tribal herders of cattle.

Sitting down again, Guan Xingquan said: "I don't understand economic investment, but if you want to drink and chat with him and be friends, it's okay. It's just that he, a KGB who is engaged in espionage, actually manages the foreign economy of such a large municipality. It's kind of interesting!"

Leningrad, Guan Boss called it a municipality directly under the Central Government in a Chinese style of expression. Although this name is obviously inaccurate, it also carries a little meaning: it is important!

Lao Pu is a KGB. He has been in the KGB for so many years. He is a KGB in his bones and cannot be changed. Most of the time in East Germany, I still do spy work, but the current position can be compared with the "Deputy Mayor of Economic Affairs". This seems a bit...


What level of lieutenant colonel?

Deputy regiment level? That is almost the same as a deputy county level. Now people are almost equivalent to a deputy provincial level, a deputy ministerial level, or a senior deputy ministerial level in the blink of an eye. This promotion speed is faster than that of a Soyuz spacecraft. It's fast!

Hearing this, Zhang Nan smiled and said: "Brother Guan, I studied law at Leningrad University 20 years ago. When I graduated, I also got a real associate doctorate degree in economics. The bottom line is that I studied economics. "

"Associate Doctor?"

The one in question is Xiang Weirong. He is a little bit strange about the academic degree so called.

"Squad leader, this is a Russian-style academic degree, which is equivalent to our Ph.D. The highest degree of Soviets is a full doctorate, which is equivalent to our post-doctorate."

Guan Xingquan finds it interesting for Lao Pu to change his job, but he has studied Russian seriously, and his knowledge of the Soviet Union is far more than that of Xiang Weirong, who graduated from junior high school, knowing that the associate doctor is not a "deputy doctor": a PhD in economics is a counterpart in economics. !

KGB agents, spies, and even the economics are well-versed, so it's strange that he is not a talented person.

Now it is Xiang Weirong's turn to express emotion, "It's interesting to be a KGB with a doctor of economics!"

He has little schooling and can't help it, not just because he was born in a rural area. At that time, high school was recommended. The university was even a university for workers, peasants, and soldiers. No matter how good your grades are, it doesn't make any difference!

Being a soldier is the best way out.

After talking for less than half an hour, I finally decided that for the time being, the real investment manager would have to deal with Lao Pu for a while, because these people on my side would really have no time to go to Leningrad and wander around.

As for the future...

Nicole put forward a plan that everyone agrees with: "Since you are friends with him, and you are optimistic about this person, then wait and wait until the most difficult time to give him enough support!

Politically, we can’t help him, nor can we help a Russian, but it’s okay to get some investment to actually support it, even without our company’s direct action.

China’s old saying goes that icing on the cake is worse than sending carbon in the snow. Since he manages the economy, he supports his economy.

This person is the KGB, and political capital should be earned on his own. We will give him the support of economic capital that he needs most and cannot be returned by others.

Will become good friends, true good friends. "

Economic support is not to give him money, or it can be converted into political capital investment by Lao Pu himself, which will also minimize Washington's attention.

The premise is: The big hole in front of you is not dominated by Washington.

Will it be dominated by Washington?

The possibility is unlikely. Hidden enemies are most likely to engage in ghosts behind the scenes.

Guan Xingquan watched as the time was about to leave. Fortunately, he didn't need to make a piece of the same double-packaged frozen beef, otherwise it would be uncomfortable.

There are 88 seats in the upper cabin of the An-124. There are only a few people in this meeting. Two of them are contractors who are sent to help the boss get things.

This giant transport plane has a kitchen and even two rest rooms for the crew.

The crew gave up a rest room for this time to set up the wind turbines. Guan Xingquan, who was aloof and carried a very heavy and sturdy trolley case. Boss Guan was not polite. This flight lasted about nine hours, not super long-distance, those crew members. There is enough lounge.

There are 5 million US dollars in cash in the box, and it is easy to sleep in the lounge.

At dinner time, bread, grilled meat, lettuce and milk were heated on the electric stove. He ate at will. After sitting for a meeting, Guan Xingquan went to sleep in the lounge.

It's not cold, and the upper compartment is heated. As for the lower floor, although it is airtight, the heating is deliberately not turned on: the goods are more than 90 tons of frozen meat that has earned some oil money, so let them freeze.

The night flight, with a cruising altitude of tens of thousands of meters, guarantees that the frozen meat will be hard!


At two o'clock in the middle of the night in Kiev time, Guan Xingquan, who had slept for six hours, got out of bed and moved around. The plane almost landed at the Antonov Design Bureau Airport.

After getting off the plane, I got into a jeep with two lads to go to the hotel.

The employee of the company driving the car asked Guan Xingquan: "Head, take a break or notify the leader immediately?"

"I want to see him in 10 minutes."

Simple and clear, Guan Xingquan wanted to see that the legendary Red Devil was still the leader.

I didn't say how many people I saw. These ten minutes are enough for a person from the military to do a lot of things. Guan Xingquan actually meant to try the other person.

What was reserved for Mr. Guan was a very large suite. Ten minutes after the driver arrived at the hotel and called the other party to inform him, Andre appeared in the living room without advance or delay.

The first thing Guan Xingquan noticed was not the opponent's face or height, but the red devil wearing a high-necked sweater without a jacket.

This is an attitude, sweaters are not good for hiding Although Guan Xingquan believes that since the other party's reputation is so great, it is estimated that he can kill people at close range without firearms.

This person is not tall among the Russians, similar to the squad leader, at most 1.75 meters. The figure is neither fat nor thin, and his appearance is a bit similar to his brother Sasha, but only a little bit more like a squad leader. People of Western European race are also very ordinary in appearance.

This seems to be an ordinary person who may pay more attention to dietary restraint. It is really ordinary, an ordinary person who will not look at him even if he is thrown into a crowd.

"Hello, I am Guan Xingquan. I met your brother Sasha when I was in Angola. I am considered a friend. You can call me Guan Xingquan."

"Andrei Ivanovich Kryuchkov, you can call me Andrei, as my friends call me."

This is considered an acquaintance.

Russians greet their friends. If they are well-connected, they will usually have a name plus a middle name, and the official surname will be called the last name. But this kind of "friends' name" that Andre said is also common, and it's really a name between friends and family. .

Feel free, but not out of sight.

Guan Xingquan motioned to the other party to take a seat, not too polite, and directly said: "Two things. The first thing is more complicated. The mining group mentioned on the phone before rejected the olive branch we handed out, with a very bad attitude. , And also filed a compensation claim with us.

Our boss is very angry. He wants to destroy the mining group. After you and your people arrive in Botswana, you will get a list. The boss wants all of these people to die in accidents, but he wants to know if some of the people on the list are involved... …

The second one is more troublesome. The representative of Moscow Ye’s formally proposed to us the transfer and sale intention of the Sukhoi Design Bureau two days ago..."

Andre listened quietly, his expression did not change at all, even the movements of his hands did not change, Guan Xingquan could not see the slightest fluctuation in his heart.


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