The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1123: Trevi Fountain 800 years ago

The place where the coin hoard was dug was in the northeast corner of the construction site. Before this place was reached, a forty-year-old project manager came up to talk about the discovery process.

It was necessary to dig a closed fire-fighting pool. As a result, the excavator shoveled off the loess layer that was almost three meters deep above, and found that there was a layer of dark and fine black mud similar to river silt underneath.

Such a situation is not common, but it is not uncommon. Many old rivers and lakes have leftover soil layers like this.

What is strange is that this black soil layer is not the boss, nor is it a long one. After thorough excavation, it is found that it is about 5 meters in length and width.

The commander was more careful and responsible, and talked to the project manager about the special situation here. He also checked the situation from the foundation pit to avoid problems with the foundation: the silt is too loose, and the fire pool is three meters deep and zero is enough. If Paving the bottoming concrete directly on the silt layer, fearing that the foundation strength is not enough, let the excavator bucket continue to dig, and plan to shovel away the silt and replace it with the loess excavated on the upper layer.

The excavation found that the silt layer was almost two meters deep. The situation is not particularly bad and the amount of work has not increased much. However, when the project manager came to check the strength of the silt, a lot of ancient coins were found in the black mud of a few buckets dug out on the side of the pile.

What is good at the top will be great at the bottom.

There is a big boss of the Jiang family who plays antiques. This front-line project manager is not completely culturally blind now. He found that many of the ancient coins were relatively rare gold coins, and immediately called to stop!

Except for the excavator, the two old workers and the builders, everyone else stayed away and stood aside!

Are ancient coins in the Jin Dynasty very strange?

It’s more important to Quanyou. There are not many people who have no love for gold coins, but it’s not surprising for people who do engineering, especially in the current situation: the old money in the silt has not yet been piled up in a cave. Even if you want to collect these ancient money, you don’t have to stop work. After digging it out, you can slowly search for the 50 cubic silt piles.

The reason why the project manager would rather delay the construction period and call to stop is that most of the coins found appear dazzling gold or blue on the surface. Blue is common, but about half of the coins on the golden surface seem to be hanging with a layer. Thick gold!


This is amazing!

The project manager, of course, knew the preferences of the site owner and immediately let people guard him and no one was allowed to move. After calling the company's general manager, the matter immediately reached Jiang Aihua's ears.

Report, report to the cultural management department?

If it does not exist, if it is really a lot of money, if this situation does not do a good job of confidentiality, then you, the project manager, will have done it all.

The Dading Tongbao that Zhang Nan got in his hand just now was golden on the surface, but he didn’t have much special feeling: 5 years ago, a person dug the Chunhua Yuanbao Buddha statue at the top of the tower on the top of the Wutai Mountain 5 years ago. There was almost a hundred dollars in money. Jin, not to mention the countless golds I have seen over the years, I am immune to this kind of golden coins.

Guan Xingquan and Zhang Nan had the same attitude. He hadn't felt gold anymore now, but Jiang Aihua felt strange and asked if the money was attached to gold.

The golden yellow substance is quite thick, and it even feels like a layer can be pried off with a knife.

At this time, a foreman stared at the two workers cleaning up the pile of silt that had been dug up. There was a small pile of sorted coins next to it. A middle-aged woman in the kitchen of the work shed was using a bucket for cleaning.

Zhang Nan went to look at it and washed it with clean water. It was obvious that someone had told him how to wash the silt on the curved watch, and even the brush was useless.

Randomly flipped through the small pile of coins that had been cleaned, and stood up and said to the people on the side: "This is not a hoard. It's hard to tell whether the golden things on the upper layer are gold or not. It may be ancient lacquer craftsmanship or not.

By the way, Ye Ming, how did you get the clay gold?"

If it is a coin hoard, then he is very interested to go down and take a look.

But here is a mud pit, and according to the distribution density of this coin, it is not a common hoard at all, it is more like an ancient wishing pool.

Before I came to the construction site, I deliberately changed a pair of jeans and changed my shoes to sports shoes. But this is the situation on the ground, and I have no idea of ​​doing it myself.

Such a discovery would not have that wonderful feeling at all. The ancients weren't hiding money, it was just throwing it away. If you get into the pit, you will become a mud monkey.

Today is different, lazy.

When Weng Yeming heard his brother-in-law test him, he was thankful to know this, and said: "First put the gold into pieces and put it in the crucible, heat it to more than 400 degrees Celsius, and then add mercury that is about seven times the weight of gold. The mixture is heated to dissolve into a liquid, which is lacquer, which can be hung on the surface of the utensil when it is applied."

Needless to say, this craft sounds very toxic, and the craftsmen who play this are probably short-lived-inhaling mercury vapor is obviously a chronic suicide.

When Jiang Aihua heard this, everyone shuddered!

"That's worthless."

Zhang Nan smiled and said whether it was worth the money, and said: "This batch of coins is good in itself. There are Dadingtongbao, Taihe Zhongbao, and Daguantongbao in this small this Dadingtongbao. There are still several kinds of \'Zhengzi, Shangyou, Dazi, Shangshen, Xiayou, Xiashen\'. I also saw one of the Shuntian Ingots from the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty.

Not bad, the varieties are rare, especially the Northern Song Dynasty has less money than the Jin Dynasty, and there is also a "Zhengmingxingguan" overwhelming money, and the variety is rich enough.

These money products are good like patina. Dadingtongbao has no trace of circulation yet, you can keep it if you like.

that is..."

Pointing to the big foundation pit, "You have to find someone to clean it slowly. I think the money is basically at the bottom of the silt. You can want to remove the layer of silt on the top, so that the cleaning speed will be much faster.

Don't worry about why the money is here, there is a story that suits this environment. Taking a few photos can be said to be a "pray for blessing". "

Jiang Aihua didn’t know what a “pray for blessing pit” is. As a result, Weng Yeming smiled and said to his friend: “You just said that this is the site of a Jin Dynasty temple. There should be a big pond in the temple. The nobles and believers at that time liked to go here Come to pray and throw the coins processed by the lacquer craftsmanship in the temple into this pond.


Well, if you don't understand Jiang Aihua, it's a great mallet: Seeing that the size of the muddy ground looks like this, this guess seems to be basically the same, even 800 years ago.

Here are a lot of exquisite gold coins, and there is a layer of golden "clothes", coupled with the concept of praying for good luck and happiness, in the future, the awareness of these "cellars" will naturally increase.

Once the awareness is high, the price will naturally follow it soaring. Even if you don’t care about it these years, it’s not a particularly high monetary value, it seems to be worthy of bragging and giving away, isn’t it?

Many antiques will have a story, it depends on how you make it up.

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