The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1272: Grand teacher's chair waits on

The South City of Los Angeles is a war zone, but the situation in the North City is not bad. Most of the police in Los Angeles have retreated to the North City, and this area was originally a large company with many consortia, and their office space and industry originally had armed security personnel.

There are also police cars patrolling the streets, but the situation is obviously much more tense than usual. Many large companies have also deliberately strengthened their security forces, and the number of armed guards is obviously higher than before.

"United Forces" Los Angeles branch, and even the head office in the Star Building in New York were hit yesterday. Many old customers want to temporarily increase their security forces because the "United Forces" security personnel use fully automatic weapons. Qualified.

The bosses of those big company customers are still knowledgeable. Every riot in American history caused by racial conflicts will cause huge losses. At this time, spending high prices to temporarily strengthen industrial security is actually saving money.

Don't expect Washington to respond quickly. This is like putting the U.S. embassy in the last place when you are out of a financial situation abroad.

"Joint Forces" made preparations a long time in advance. Rotations and trainers were assembled. Old customers’ requests could not be ignored. As a result, on the first day of the riots, all three airports in Los Angeles except the International Airport had "joint forces". The charter and transport aircraft of "Power" arrived.

A large number of security personnel increased their staff to Los Angeles, did not participate in suppressing the riots, nor did they have their turn to go, only protecting customers' industries.

Both the company and the contractor can make a fortune, but the commission paid by the customer based on the price of short-term theater defense operations, including the transportation fee, is spread to the customer, and the price is not low.

There are high-priced hires, as well as the "United Forces" boss who pays the money. Who wants him to do so.

There was a police car passing by the Old China City on the south side of the Dodger Stadium. The police in the car were originally worried that rioters would attack here: Chinese people have always been friendly, but you don’t want the guys in Koreatown to be aggressive, if the rioters come here to burn them. Looting must result in major events.

As a result, the patrol car took a look around here and found that the vehicles in the parking spaces in front of the shops near the intersections here have become big ones, which is a preparation for being able to intercept traffic at any time.

The Huaxia people, who have always been kind to others, have changed a little this time. These streets can see groups of Chinese adult men staying for a long time. It is obvious that they have been effectively organized.

Those people seem to be unarmed, but there are a lot of firearms in the nearby store near the door, they can be used at any time in California. If you are attacked by a mob, the owners and volunteers can kill the mob; you can own a gun, but most people can't. Carrying around in the street at will, with the exception of being attacked.

Now the atmosphere in North City is tense (there are ghosts when you are not nervous, you can see the billowing black smoke in the sky as soon as you look up to the south.), but there has been no large-scale riots, and the residents of the community are organized to carry guns on the street blindly. Dangling is not appropriate.

But it’s okay to put the gun indoors. It does not matter if you put the gun in other industries, as long as the owner agrees with you to put the gun here.

Some people slander the Huaxia people as one person, one person and one dragon outside, and the group is scattered. The key is to see if there is an effective organizer.

Why is Koreatown where the "offensive and defensive war" is breaking out?

They have a Korean-language radio station, which called on Koreans to organize to defend their homes, but that was after thousands of Korean-owned shops were burned down, and the response speed cannot be said to be super fast.

Just at the most important street entrance of the Old China City, under the archway "The world is the public", passing by the police, they can see a scene that they can envy: fully dressed, armed with mp5 submachine guns and mini m14 fully automatic rifles guarded by several security personnel. The thick body armor, the advanced Kevlar helmet, and the set of communication equipment are enough for the police to pay a month or two.

Not all standing, five security personnel set up temporary roadblocks at the entrance of the street, and then one of them was a traditional Chinese carved solid wood chair. Three of them sat there with big horses and swords, clearly telling any thugs who had attempted wrongdoing." This road is nowhere, let me get out of here!

Zhu Yuanxiao was sitting on Zhang Diaolong's chair, with a soft cushion under his buttocks, basking in the sun, and had time to talk with Jiang Hongrong, who was on guard.

"I said the cook, last time you said that the family introduced you a partner, when will you go back to get married?"

Jiang Hongrong, the cooking soldier of the No. 1 company in the world, has been in the United States for several years. He is currently in charge of the cafeteria of the Los Angeles branch of "United Forces".

Hearing the words of a good friend, he smiled and said: "It's not an introduction. I was a classmate in high school, but I didn't enter the university, and I got good grades.

Later, I broke the contact, and there was no match at the time of twenty-seven or eighty-seven, and the match was made at home..."

A picture that means "you understand".

Zhu Yuanxiao's eyes widened, "I didn't see that your kid could still play puppies in the first place, Niucha!"

In the early 1980s, when I was in high school, I dared to fall in love.


I am a sports committee I am a study committee member. Is the friendship of pure classmates good? "

"You're just talking nonsense, and you are still classmate friendship, and friendship will soon be on a bed."

"That's a revolution-fate friendship, right?"

Here Zhu Yuanxiao laughed when he heard this, and pointed to the memorial arch on the top of his head, "Return to life friendship, to reform to the United States."

"The world is for the public", hanging on top of his head.

"Don't talk, I have made a lot of money in the past few years. To be honest, you have been married and can't come back?"

"Come, why not come.

To be honest, can you still put down your gun? I don’t know what to do when I go back. The last time the company held a training meeting, Boss Guan didn’t say that we don’t want to save some money now, and we can build a house in our hometown, but we won’t have the money saved in these two years in another 20 years. What the hell. "

Zhu Yuanxiao said: "The building still needs to be bought."

"Of course, I bought a few houses at home and in Hangzhou, and also invested in the boss's stock. I can sit down and wait to make a fortune..."

The two of them tugged, and their eyes were actually staring at the situation on Sunset Boulevard outside the street. They were a deterrent, but they couldn't really take the task of taking a relaxing vacation to sunbathe.

This was happily, and there was a call from the walkie-talkie hanging on his chest.

"The memorial in the archway, there is a police car coming."

In this environment, you don’t need to plug headphones into your ears and listen to the sound of the walkie-talkie, otherwise your ears will be uncomfortable for a long time.

A mouthful of Yanxian dialect. The man calling was the observation post on the roof, but not the observation post on the top of a 16-story building on the east side, but the buddy on the top of the two-story supermarket on the left side of the street.

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