The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1670: Take a breath of air-conditioning!

For the armies of Western countries, surrendering when necessary during war is also an option, and there are even special courses to teach soldiers how to surrender and how to deal with things after being captured, which is difficult to understand in Eastern armies.

Those unlucky and poor Belgian soldiers must think that they are not facing their war and will be released soon after surrendering, but they don’t know that the mad Hutu military leaders have accurately judged the Western world and the United Nations will not intervene in this "civil war". ", there is a slaughter of chickens and monkeys!

The Belgians took the opportunity to withdraw and retreat, just as the U.S. military withdrew from Somalia last year. The values ​​of Western public opinion and the media are all based on immediate interests and do not want to get into trouble.

A dozen or twenty soldiers died when they died. Last year, the soldiers of the US Special Forces were killed in battle. As for today's Belgians, they are directly tortured and killed.

At lunchtime, the embassy canteen prepared a fairly plentiful meal, standard Chinese dishes. In addition to the people working at the surveillance post in shifts, Jiang Hongrong and others also ate in the cafeteria, even with guns on their backs.

Everyone's mood is a little bit depressed, and there are occasional gunshots from outside, but overall it's okay.

Jiang Hongrong said during the meal: "If Belgium and the Americans are a bit bloody, our pressure will be much less. Whatever it is, the old and the United States don't care about it, but we volunteers are busy saving people."

At this time, the sixth son, Xu Zaihao, said: "Though those who break my strong man will be punishable by far?

I'm still ‘Thirteen Soldiers Return to Yumen’, I don’t know if I can go back all this time. "

Zheng Yunhai was sitting across from him, and he "screamed": "They don't have this historical background and awareness. They will withdraw after more than a dozen people die. If the propaganda machine is turned on at this time, the people will support them, shouting for revenge for those soldiers. This support rate is 100% overwhelming.

Unfortunately, their people just want to live their own good lives. "

"They don't need it at all."

Several contractors turned their heads and found that it was Xiao Wang of the embassy.

"What's not needed?"

This person looked at him like this, smiled awkwardly, and said: "People are kings, so there is no support rate."

Well, the feudal remnants of decay!

What Xiao Wang said is not quite right. Just two months ago, Belgium issued a new constitution, stipulating that Belgium implements a federal system of hereditary constitutional monarchy. The king is the head of state and the supreme commander of the three armies, and he exercises legislative power together with the parliament. , To exercise administrative power together with the government.

But the real power in Belgium lies with the government, the government is responsible to the parliament, and the king is a decoration.

People’s life is so good, and there is no traditional blood in the blood that "has aspirations to hungry for meat, laughs and thirsty to drink the blood of the Huns." A dozen soldiers die and die, and no one is dead. , Ordinary Belgian talents have no concept of revenge for their soldiers.

Rwanda is far from Europe and Somalia is also far from North America, but is there Shule City far from Yumen Pass? !

No, absolutely not!

The Belgian army in Kigali didn’t have the courage to rescue the ten besieged brothers before, and now it is going to evacuate like a bereavement dog. They don’t even have the courage to retrieve the corpses of the brethren. They are counting on the United Nations or the international community. The Cross can get those corpses back.

Jiang Hongrong and others lamented that the ten Belgian soldiers were really worthless!

In the same way, I feel that the American soldiers who died in Somalia last year have all fallen victim to the wrong decisions of the upper echelons and died in vain.

What about themselves?

Before, some people did it for money, and it didn't matter where some people went, but after a long time of what they saw and heard, no one felt that the boss's decision was nosy.

Everyone is a normal person, not a beast, but someone who has the ability and force to protect the bottom line of human nature!

Two-legged people are different from four-legged beasts, not to mention the Hutu militias and army with machetes and rifles out there. They are worse than beasts!

A small country near the core area of ​​central Africa without gold, oil, diamonds, etc., is no longer worth the death of European masters.

As for how many Rwandans died, what does that matter?

But Jiang Hongrong and others have different values ​​from those people. They are human!


The Swiss embassy separated by a wall on the north side of the meeting also seems to have plans to evacuate. Almost all other embassies have plans to evacuate as quickly as possible.

Lu Shudong has never said the domestic attitude towards Jiang Hongrong and others, and even Zhang Nan has not received a call about this matter.

This is the best way. Everyone assumes that Jiang Hongrong's group does not exist for the time being, so that all troubles will be gone.

The Prime Minister of Rwanda was killed. At noon, among the Rwandan government officials who opposed the views of the extreme Hutu people, except for a small number of officials who went into hiding or successfully ran to foreign institutions with strong relationships, all the others were killed!

After Jiang Hongrong and others quickly finished lunch, the systematic **** killings spread to Rwandan politicians, scholars, journalists, lawyers, teachers...

As long as they have expressed opinions against extreme Hutu, whether they are Hutu or Tutsi, they are on the kill list!

At the same time, a large-scale massacre of Tutsi civilians has begun in an all-round way.

In the morning, it was only a "fixed-point eradication", such as the killing of an orphanage. It was just a "shortcut" that a group of Hutu militiamen devised to exterminate the next generation of Tutsi!

It is too troublesome to find each family, and there are more than 200 in that orphanage!

This will cause more and more Hutu militiamen to appear on the streets, searching from house to house and killing Tutsi;

That **** government radio is still calling for the war against the Tutsi people to begin, clamoring that it is everyone's responsibility to participate in the war!

Thousands of Hutu people responded and walked to the street to participate in the massacre against the Tutsi.

Compared with the chaotic killing of civilians, the massacre by the Hutu army appears to be much more organized. According to the clearing list that has been prepared long ago, the government forces will be dispersed to a certain location to find the people on the list in public. Kill it, clean and tidy.

Not only in Kigali, but throughout Rwanda, with the exception of the northern Tutsi rebel control area, the killings against Tutsi are in full swing.

Now all Tutsi people feel the fear of death firsthand. They find places where they can hide. Peacekeeping troops barracks are the first choice, and there are diplomatic institutions, but those places are basically inaccessible.

what to do?


There is the place of God.

To the north of the embassy is the Swiss consulate, and outside the western wall of the Swiss is a church, because there is a short wall that is shared by the Chinese embassy and that church. On the top of the building, there will be a watchful Zhou Hang and Part of Shen Lei's attention was on the church.

It’s not surprising to see people dragging their families into that church. Most people in this country believe in religion, but there is a phenomenon that caught the attention of the two.

Zhou Hangyue felt that there was a problem more and more, and said to the intercom: "Captain Jiang, come up for a while, there is something special."

Soon, Jiang Hongrong and Counsellor Lu, who were with him just now, ascended to the top of the building.

"what's the situation?"

Jiang Hongrong, who had passed by the cat, asked.

This is Shen Lei said: "For more than half an hour, people have been taking refuge in that church. Counselor Lu, is it a pastor or a priest in that church, a European or a local?"

The neighbor next door should know.

"It's priests and nuns. There are a few Europeans and some local nuns. Well, that's probably the case."

The church is not surprising. The strange thing is that it will look in the direction indicated by the two observation posts: the church gate opens on the third avenue in the west, not on the side of the fourth avenue where the embassy is located.

There are not as many diplomatic agencies and government departments as on Fourth Avenue. It is very close to the residential area to the west, but it is also a key area of ​​the city.

From the top of the building, you can see with the spectacles, that the road in that area was checked by government guards, not militiamen.

A few minutes later, Jiang Hongrong saw the problem-whether it was walking or driving ~ ~ whether it was dragging the house or being alone, all the people who finally entered the church passed the previous checkpoint unharmed. !

The problem is big!

Immediately contact the headquarters. The terrain on their side is high and they can see a wider range.

Not long afterwards, a little analysis of the news that came back made people shudder!

Seeing Jiang Hongrong's face very stern, Lu Shudong asked unconsciously, "Captain Jiang, is there a problem?"

"It has nothing to do with you, and you don't want to know. In a few days, when the situation is about the same, withdraw as soon as possible. The Hutu government here is a real scum and devil!"

Lu Shudong asked, but Jiang Hongrong was finally annoyed and told him: "We can only see one church here, and there are three larger ones in the hotel.

As long as it is people who seek refuge in churches, all those government military barriers will be released. What do you say they want to do! "

For an instant, Lu Shudong gasped!

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