The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1710: Self-defeating martial arts

Joseph and Pavel were the people who "awakened" Alexander Komorowski, the former KGB agent. The Soviet Union no longer exists. In the eyes of the Red Devils, they can naturally use the KGB resources they have in their hands.

The Soviet Union is gone, and the KGB is naturally no longer a KGB. Not only has it been split up, Russia will never become the Soviet Union.

Komorowski, who is loyal to the Soviet Union, also knows this truth. It is not uncommon for spies to be forgotten by the state, especially high-level and strategic-level agents like him. If it weren't for being awakened, he would plan to be a Pole honestly in the future.

The country is gone, who can be loyal to?

Faith is gone, but life has to go on not.

From the time when the situation in Eastern Europe was unstable, Mr. Colonel had already used his power to replace his accumulation of more than 20 years with hard currencies such as gold and West German Mark. He did not wait for the currency he was in hand to turn into waste paper. Who makes him a financially savvy man?

Was re-awakened and later served privately, Komorowski, who was about to be laid off due to the reduction of power and the abolition of institutions due to the change in the nature of the Polish state, hit it off and resigned.

The relationship is still there, and even the relationship with higher levels of power is better than before. It is all because of the green U.S. dollar-now the Polish currency zloty is almost a waste of paper. After several years of hyperinflation, The zloty has depreciated ten thousand times!

Ten thousand times, how many people have gone from a wealthy class with no worries about food and clothing to paupers, especially those who lost their jobs due to changes in the system, and became almost impoverished overnight.

"Zloty" means gold in Polish. This year, two million denominations of banknotes have come out. Officially, one dollar can be exchanged for more than 30,000 zlotys, and a large amount can be added to the black market.

With the US dollar in hand, the relationship above, the old subordinates, ruthless hands, and strong support outside, the expansion of Alexander Komorowski's power in Poland is viral.

The former military commander of the intelligence agency has known the terrorist power of the "Sunshine Star" group since the end of the 1980s; as a senior KGB lurking in Poland, a not very obedient, former Warsaw Pact country, Komorowski even more Know the horror of the KGB.

Even if the Soviet Union is gone, the KGB has been split and reorganized; even if his own strength is already strong, Komorowski has not had any thoughts in his heart to go it alone and leave the parent company after the opening.

He didn't want to have it and didn't dare to have it. Komorowski also wanted to live a lifetime in comfort, be a rich man for a lifetime, and let his children and grandchildren live comfortably.

Are you too aware of the terrible and betrayal of those KGB elites with the "Sunshine Star" group?

Think too much, go to sleep.

Honestly follow the boss and the company, hug your thighs, and wait until you are old enough to retire, you can spend more than ten lifetimes.

Even now, Komorowski is not the richest man in Poland, but those high-level officials know that this former colonel is the most powerful one.

There are rich and powerful. Poland has four 9K72 Scud-B ballistic missile brigades. The deployment scale of a single model is second only to the Soviet Union and the second in the original Warsaw Pact.

Now Poland is approaching NATO with all its heart, thinking about gradually destroying all ballistic missiles, even a small number of 9K79 "dot" ballistic missiles.

The plan is to destroy all the equipment of two of the brigades at one time-it is a prodigal, a complete prodigal and shortsighted!

Someone looked at the mouse with short-sightedness, and naturally others had a long-term vision-the equipment was to be destroyed, and there was naturally room for operation here, and it was natural that Komorowski and his friends would stare at it.

This will face Joseph’s words. Komorowski temporarily put the matter of the Yamashita Glass Factory behind his head, and said to him: "It is still being discussed, but the problem is not big. At that time, some equipment will be destroyed from the other two brigades. , Behave.

My assistant has met directly with the U.S. representative from NATO in private, and they will cooperate..."

Thumbs up, "The boss is really supernatural!"

Joseph smiled, and said: "The new heart is clear. As long as the fundamental interests are not violated, few people will have trouble with money.

The equipment will be shipped to Africa. The company has long known who is coming from the United States. Friends have said hello, which makes everyone rich. "

"Sud" is not a strategic missile, nor is it particularly advanced. As long as it is not placed in Europe or North America, the United States does not care how much you secretly transport to Central and Southern Africa.

As for the Poles, the specific operators are very clear about how to choose among the multiple-choice questions about making a fortune and possibly losing their lives.

For those politicians who are eager to get closer to NATO, all they want is to abandon their martial arts, and they don't want to provoke an opponent that is not easy to provoke. It is not that difficult to open one eye and close one eye.

A happy thing for everyone.

In fact, it is very sad. For Poland-Poland today is no longer the Poland of the mid-15th and early 17th centuries~ As a small country in fact, this small country has never been able to be between the big countries. To decide one's own destiny by oneself can only swing in the will of the great powers.

This was the case when possessing ballistic missiles at the request of the Soviet Union, but now it is the same with the destruction of missiles and self-abolition of martial arts at the request of NATO.

Alexander Komorowski always thinks that he is a Soviet. He doesn't like the embarrassment of a small country and a few people, but he never shows it when he is old, even his wife and children don't know it.

Don’t know before, don’t know now, as for the future...

No one knows what the future will be, and we will talk about it then.

Why does "United Power" need so many "scuds"?

In the Gulf War, this "Scud" was beaten down by the "Patriots" a lot, the range was not particularly far, and the accuracy was also not very high.

In fact, thanks to the Gulf War, the world underestimated Soviet-style equipment, and also underestimated the "Scud"-it was not particularly effective against NATO clusters (the "Patriot" interception failure rate was 85%), but in What about Africa?


"Scud" is still strong and durable. Zhang Nan knows that these old antiques can still be used after more than 20 years, and they are convenient to store and maintain.

Poland has set up two missile brigades for the time being, and they have obtained more from the original Soviet area. Since Shaotun has moved to Botswana and Gambia, it can turn those territories into quail. In some cases, it does not require its own pilots to take risks.

The two former KGBs chased up from behind. Zhang Nan was already with his family and walked into the passage between the two rows of houses on the east side of the castle.

"It's very beautiful, Lily, sister, do you like it?"

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